This won’t happen either. On Bee you are being conducted by the standards that the staff thinks makes for a good roleplaying server and for whatever reason giving players the abity to devlop their characters isn’t on the table. I’m not even sure if heads of staff approve of players making character sheets or having “statics” for the matter. I would imainge they would perfer us to all play on random and just make characters every round somehow. Devlopment be damned.
I don’t like the narrtive being set with the idea that Naming guidelines are more important that they actually are. The idea that if they were gone (apart from clear meme references) the server would be a mess magically nor do I think it should be up to the staff to decide that one player “isn’t being orignal enough” when making their character’s name but I digress.
Thanks, I have seen many of these sheets…
Ah, those are hyperlinks…
Thanks a bunch. I guess i was blind for quite some time now.
Guide to races isn’t really easy to find in the first place. As it is not found under guides.
And there is no mention on that there is lore behind those hyperlinks either.
Ozzelings don’t have a hyperlink and simply a mention among all the different slime people.
Hiya, welcome to bee @Cherax!
Yes the name guidelines are silly.
No, the rules surrounding them will not be fixed.
The powers that Bee (Beestation staff) are VERY aggressive with naming guidelines because the trust isn’t there that if the players are permitted to come up with off-guideline names there won’t be a ton of people called dumb stuff like “Kent Semenoff” or something silly like that.
It is what it is. Part of the culture, not going to change. Be thankful that’s the oddest thing that the staff exercise power regarding. It could be a LOT worse.
Here’s a greatest hits montage of this exact thread that’s been made a bunch of times before:
Thanks for a collection of all these previous discussions @ColonelOrion
I see that this is a was a well discussed topic beforehand.
From people that a much better at constructing arguments than i can.
For my last contribution.
Today i have seen a player breaking the convention for tajaran on my regular server.
I talked to them about it.
They simply answered, that haven’t seen anyone else play tajaran.
And in fact, neither did I see anyone play tajaran in weeks.
No one is there to play an example.
Maybe no one wants to play the example.
(They did have a really nice name for cat like species, funny enough, that name would have been legal for felinids.)
The last thing i wanted to do is berate the only person playing that species in weeks and be the buzzkill for them.
Anyways, I will stop investing myself in this topic any further.
As i am currently wondering if I should invest myself playing on Beestation any further.
I hope we see eachother in one of those rounds and have a great lot of fun together.
Even those that disagree with me.
i don’t mind the naming guidelines as much as other people, but also i’m still relatively new so i guess i missed… previous tribulations regarding the topic that may have soured many.
anyway, my hot take is that every species (except humans and felinids since they can already do pretty much whatever) should have at least two different naming convention options like lizards and moths do.
imo the “Does-The-Action” and the ashwalker-esque names can both be quickly read as lizard while still giving people a little more freedom. plasmamen and everybody else who gets kinda screwed in the name game should have something like that, too. again, imo.
This thread really reveals some dark truths about our players and the topic was about naming guidelines, of all things. Jeez…
Anyway, there’s a very good reason this rule isn’t removed yet, but I think it won’t be here forever, going purely based on logic.
I do wish that punishment for bad names just gave you a day’s ban and didn’t scale with repeat offense though. Anything more for such a minor offense is ridiculous.
I also wish that people didn’t report each other for this unless they actually did LRP things. How petty can you get?
Yeah people who ahelp names are lame, I’ve only done It when its something like one guy whose last name was prepucio which is foreskin in spanish OR if they are a clearly a new player who is going to get bwoinked anyways because they don’t know the rules and I trust admins will be kind to them like they were to me when I was new
But yeah if I see a name thats a reference or kinda bending the rules I’m not snitching
I’m more likely to LOOC the person letting them know to be careful on this server since they tend to go after people with names that aren’t the norm.
I will fully admit I do not report name guildelines breaking because it’s
Something that I’m against being a rule as it serves no purpose other than limit players creativity.
Literally wastes admins time that could be focus on something else.
Why should I put time and effort because someone named their Moth character two words instead of one when there’s probably something way more apparent happening on the server at that time?
That’s the real problem that I think guildelines suffer from, it wastes everyone’s time and causes unnecessary drama.
Removing offensive names should be all the guildelines who do anything more are perferences set by the server and aren’t necessary for Beestation to thrive.
Honestly I thought the problem with naming guidelines was the lack of communication. Pretty sure Truthbringer had their name for awhile and all of a sudden kerblammed.
Getting called out for a unacceptable name immediately should be fine. Getting called out after having the name for months after it seemed fine is a bit… Yeah. Never really had a problem with names even with several characters.
My take away from this is that more admins means the naming guidelines gets more relaxed. (So apply!!!)
I feel like this is more that the admins are pretty oblivious regarding pop culture.
I remember there was a guy called Hank Hill who walked around for like a month before I drew attention to it, after I tried to explain who Hank Hill was to the admin they acted like it was some really obscure character that no one has heard of.
Then there are other characters I see pretty regularly who clearly characters from well known video games and shows, yet they have managed to stay around for quite some time. It’s almost like the admemes don’t want to do it themselves and just plead ignorance instead.