Just to settle some curiosity about the player base, here’s a poll for what you’d like to see done about the naming guidelines. This is due to yet another discussion on the Discord server about it.
The first poll for the severity of the guidelines:
I’d like the Naming Guidelines to be reduced to only no meme names and references
I’d like the Naming Guidelines to be reduced in strictness somewhat
I’d like the Naming Guidelines to stay the same
I’d like the Naming Guidelines to restrict naming conventions further
The second poll for the options of the guidelines:
I’d like the Naming Guidelines to provide more choices for species naming conventions
I’d like the Naming Guidelines to have the same amount of choices for species naming conventions
I’d like the Naming Guidelines to have less choices for species naming conventions
Hello! i would appreciate if you wrote a revised version of the guidelines, and posted it here. I believe it could really help the staff make a new version.
By Race
Human: Normal human names, the kind that won’t raise an eyebrow if you chose to name your child. This applies to all other races that reference human names.
Apid: Human First name that starts with B, Flower last name. Names that resemble clever bee-puns or names involving buzzing.
Ethereal: First name is any celestial body or name that sounds like one (look into Greek/Roman mythology for inspiration if nothing else), Last name is two capital letters.
Felinid: Normal human names, though typically with Asian origins.
IPC: Robotic Acronyms or Model identification numbers consisting of 4-10 Numbers, letters and hyphens. Human names are not appropriate for IPCs.
Lizard: Hyphenated names describing some action, or two part hyphenated names following Ashwalker naming conventions.
Oozeling: First name is almost any color, last name is any human surname ending in “son”.
Moth: Latin (or psuedo-latin) species name OR a Single word object, concept or event of some special significance to the character. Names containing “Moth” or “Lamp” are not permitted.
Plasmaman: First name is or sounds like a periodic table element, last name is Roman Numerals
Other information
All races: Are forbidden from having titles, nicknames and honorifics in their character name. This means “Dr” is not your first name and quoted nicknames don’t go in the middle of official IDs
Clowns, Mimes and Wizards: May completely ignore the guidelines outlined above, but are still up to admin discretion on whether a name is inappropriate in general.
As far as I’ve seen most names for humans, plasmamen, moths and oozelings are decent for the most part.
On the other hand, felinids and lizards i think suffer the most between for what would actually being an appropriate name for an employee vs does-the-thing
Whether this is solved by opening up OR restriciting name usage further, i am unsure.
We do know the current guidelines aren’t exactly popular, a proposal would help with resolving the issue. It doesn’t have to be perfect, even just a starting point would work really well!
I see. Alright, i was just afraid of splitting the discussion in too many threads.
(but yeah we need a better thread than this: Namepolcy salting thread for serious discussion)
All names guildelines for speices are optional to the player however any name relating to IRL references or memes are not acceptable.
Non-Human Species Guildelines
Apid: MAY have a flower related name first or last name. Names that resemble clever bee-puns or names involving buzzing.
Ethereal: First name is any celestial body or name that sounds like one (look into Greek/Roman mythology for inspiration if nothing else), Last name MAY two capital letters or more.
Felinid: follows Normal human names.
IPC: Robotic Acronyms or Model identification numbers consisting of 4-10 Numbers, letters and hyphens. Human names are not appropriate for IPCs. (this can be kept the same)
Lizard: Hyphenated names describing some action, or names following Ashwalker naming conventions.
Oozeling: First name or surname may have a color based name, having a surname with “son” is optional
Moth: Latin (or psuedo-latin) species name, a word object, concept or event of some special significance to the character.
Plasmaman: First name is or sounds like a periodic table element
This is only rough change, I’m sure if I decided to take the time to fine out the rough edges I would improve it further.
The main point I want to make is that the guildelines should more optional suggestions than strict guildelines that players must follow.
so, your suggestion is that:
if the name isn’t a meme (or too LRP) and has a reason behind it, it should be kept (even if it doesn’t adhere to the guidelines)?
Instead guidelines should be seen as the most common names for a certain species in-universe?
tbh other servers get by just fine with minimal name restrictions iirc, plus it could pave the way for many interesting character concepts. (Raised-By-Lizards the felinid anyone?)
Obviously there has to be a few limits, you can’t go naming yourself “Holocaust” the moth or “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” the oozeling, or “Adolf Hitler” the felinid. (As hysterical as a nya-ing Adolf Hitler would be)
I’d like the guidelines to just be “as long as your name is not outright offensive and is at least vaguely name like, it’s acceptable.”
I remain salty that “Nyan R Lathotep” isn’t an acceptable Felinid name.
I wouldn’t personally have a problem with someone being called “Austin G Gold” since it’s common enough for people to shorten their name in legal documents like that if they have a long name.
I haven’t really decided how “normal” names for humans should go down since I feel mixed about allowing them to have certain restrictions or not.
That’s always been my view of this. Yes you’ll end up with the occasional lizard named John but most people will likely stick to valid names anyway and those that want a bit more freedom with their characters can get that.
I would highly encourage making the guidelines more visible in that case, even on the character creator, to give people some background info on the naming of races without explicitly forbidding them from using their own.
EDIT: As for the legal name argument, You could just as well handwave it away and say NT doesn’t really care what name you use on your work ID as long as it’s consistent. There’s no real rule that says it has to match whatever your character’s legal name is.