While I disagree with how the naming guideline enforces species name to be ultra specific (although it got better, remember when moths coule only have shitty latin names no one could recognize?)
I do not agree at all with the fact this thread was made in regards to the name “Fitz “Dave” Sholl II” for a human, which is just plain bad…
ah, good then. imo human naming guidelines should be kept the same, species guideline made less strict, and allowing original things that would make sense with background info
(ie “lizard raised as a moth following moth naling guideline”)
Well, with game designers their game really relies on testers to test if the game is working/fun.
As a community we are those game testers and by making this post we’re telling the designers that something isn’t working and it’s in the their favor to listen and change those issues. Sure they can not listen, but then they’re making a game for themselves and not anyone else. (look at any AAA game that comes out an unfun broken mess on release)
That’s how game design works.
This works for all decisions/PR/whatever by the way.
I only made one a while back. The rest were made due to ban appeals going off-topic.
I would agrue that 65 and 57 votes in both polls with majority saying that they think the guildeline should be reduced says enough. So it’s more than just a couple of us talking heads saying the same thing over and over.