Lore or player based name corroboration instead of naming 'rules'

Hello everyone, I am new to Beestation having previously played on other stations.
Mostly on Paradise station.
Secondly, as a warning in advance, my first language isn’t english.

I got quite surprised when my character suddenly was renamed by an admin for not following the guidlines.

The name of the character was Flummery Bubbleberry, and she was an oozling. (A considerably conventional name for a slimeperson on paradise station)

I thought, alright! Coming from Paradise station, i am used to see and use some quite abstract names. Especially for the aliens. I think i can tone down and give the character a more normal name.

So i looked them up to find a rather simplistic listing of rules under the heading of ‘Guidelines’. With the ‘not so fineprint’ that these, in fact, are enforced.

Now these rules go from lax to strict depending on your horizon.
With human names probably being the most lax (living next to a person with a name similar to ‘Robert Cheesebread’), you can name your character after certain things, objects, professions, concepts…, or additionaly use a foreign language. You can even name them things that would thematically fit someone of another species better than, what that species can call themselves.

But the rules of other species look more like an afterthought to manage mischievous players that get too corny with their memes.

Seeing names that break conventions on other servers isn’t rare either. But people can usually see that the names of most players follow ‘a certain pattern’.
Or at least, so did I. I wondered why that is and found those flavorful pages for each alien species. Which inspired me to also name my characters likewise.

No one ever told me how i can or cannot name my characters before. Apparently I either was always close enough to norm or the rules were lax. When my names broke too many conventions then other players simply inquired where i got it from. (the question alone by another player is uncomfortably enough to look such things up for myself) Being spaceborne or having foster parents was my usual explanation until i found a better name.
Other times you see a whole rule being ditched by the majority of the player base (Notably Argonian- esque names for lizards)

In the end, who are those rules for?
For the Author? So their idea of who is to be called what comes to realization?
For Admins so they look like jerks for enforcing generated names onto people?
What is the benefit for players if others are enforced to adhere to such strict naming rules?

If all Apid players would ditch the first name that starts with B after a given time, would that be bad for the game?


These threads tend to uhh… get kinda heated / closed pretty quick, not that I don’t agree with you on some aspects, we just gotta follow the Naming Guidelines - BeeStation Wiki thingy here for names, i’ve had my name changed as it was hyphenated, then people have hyphenated names and it’s okay now, but it wasn’t at a time, it’s hard to explain really


It’s 4PM-

Not the first, wont be the last. to condence the outcome of the others…

First: “Guidelines”, Admins are going to point to rule 1.7 like a gotcha, tells you to follow the guideline, so it is a solid rule.

Second: No, they do not care what other servers do and will be more likely to have that idea shut down.

Third: You CAN change the guideline but even that is an uphill battle… trust me on that…

On bee? Some people have their names shut down instantly, others take weeks or months before being banned, alot of notable cases around that… could have just been luck.

Pretty much… yeah…


This complaint isnt about whats in the guidelines. Its that the guidelines exist, and I think thats a bad complaint to make. I don’t care what other servers do either, but surely they don’t just let anyone have literally whatever name they want. You just don’t realize they have rules (like most servers have rules) because you don’t bother reading them, as admitted by

You don’t even know if the other servers have those rules, because you haven’t even looked! You didn’t think you should check out the rules before joining maybe?

Because you still have not read them.

It’s always the same always ashamed storytelling discussion with the same arguments.

The reason naming guidelines are enforced is because people abuse them.

While you have original names that don’t fit the guidelines, you will have on the other hand 10 different people calling their non-human a human name “because I was raised by humans”, calling their moths “moffy”, a pun or their human name or a meme reference barely hidden.

Just go on fulp for three seconds to see what I mean. We’re trying to be a RP server, even if you have the best lore explanation and a really good name that doesn’t fit the guideline, it’s still going to open the door to people going “but what about me ???”


Short and long of it is that everyone has main character syndrome, and the naming guidelines try to keep that in check by enforcing some minimum level of “averageness”.

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As others have rightfully warned the relationship between the community and the staff on name guidelines isn’t friendly to put it lightly. inb4 this thread gets closed when staff start picking fights for the millionth time

I should say that whatever views you have on the guildelines aren’t going to be heard by the staff.

This is the offical statement on changing the name guidelines (from the head admin). It will not happen. No fourm posts or polls proving that people aren’t happy with them is gonna change that.


Oh boy, another naming guidelines discussion…

Most things that need to be said have been said, i don’t think there’s anything wrong with having strict guidelines, makes people at least have sensible names.
My only gripe with them is some races like Plasmamen have been done dirty with uncreative naming guidelines, like say a plasmaman you remember without having to look up how their name is spelt or their number.
Also I’m kinda tired that so many of the names have to be latin, everyone sound the same after a while…



In the Halls of Beestation

In the halls of Beestation, where code and chaos blend, A tale of names unfolds—a saga without end. For every player, every bot, every AI sprite, A name awaits, a beacon in the digital night.

Guidelines, oh Guidelines! they chant in the chat, “Choose wisely, dear traveler, for your name is where it’s at.” No more “Player123” or “XxShadowSlayerxX,” No, here we seek uniqueness, like stars in the vortex.

The Captain strides forth, with a moniker so grand, “Captain Nebula,” they declare, as they take command. Their crew salutes, their hearts aflutter, For a well-chosen name makes stops a journey stutter.

The clown dons their shoes, a rainbow-hued delight, “Jester Jamboree,” they cry, twirling through the night. Their pranks are legendary, their laughter infectious, All thanks to a name that’s simply delectable and precious.

The AI hums softly, circuits glowing bright, “Binary Muse,” they whisper, weaving logic into light. Their laws are elegant, their directives clear, For a name like theirs transcends mere silicon veneer.

And the janitor sweeps, broom in hand, eyes keen, “Trashmaster Terry,” they announce, their overalls pristine. They scrub away spills, mop up spilled drinks, Their name a testament to cleanliness, or so one thinks.

So heed the naming guidelines, dear traveler, my friend, For a name is more than letters—it’s a story to transcend. Be unique, be creative, let your imagination soar, And in the halls of Beestation, your legend shall endure.


This message immediately contradicts itself in one single part

‘but just to encourage an RP setting’

I agree that the guidelines have good reasons to be there but I also disagree with the majority of their existence (or rather, the strict enforcement of them). The strict enforcement is the reason why I think that statement is contradictory, as it can ruin a players creativity with a name they enjoyed.

The only thing I think is important about names is whether or not you can tell just from reading the name that it is a person of that race, for the sake of not having to examine them closer or just being able to tell immediately; for instance the menu that lets you TP to players as a ghost, or the menu that lets you, as an AI, track people on cameras.

The only reason the guidelines should ever be enforced is if it just doesn’t fit the character. A oozeling named Flummery Bubbleberry is a perfect example of something that breaks guidelines but sounds like an oozeling. A more well-known example would be Cordswitch Bos; which breaks guidelines but absolutely sounds like a moth.

All in all, If Beestation wants to encourage an RP setting in a more enjoyable way for the community then giving people the ability to add backstories to their characters, like with medical records, security records, personnel records, etc, would help this. You can easily filter out people trying to call themselves ‘John Smith’ as a lizard who just resort to the classic ‘uuh im an orphan lol’ and players who wish to get to think more about their characters


Yeah, I think I can relate. It’s disconcerting how some of these posts brush aside how other stations may treat their naming policy. I understand how new players from other servers or who just downloaded Byond may negatively feel about blundering their first name and having that be their first impression for seemingly a tedious reason.

So, although I’m sure you now understand why these guidelines are in place. I assure you your feelings are justified and think Taste_of_a_liar makes a good point on it. Despite the memes that now riddle this thread, I wish you the best of luck with your suggestion.


I think it is important to consider that while the naming guidelines may not be perfect or whatever one may think, no rule will ever be perfect, neither players nor admins as well. Interactions regarding these kind of rules usually leave everyone involved frustrated and salty. In the end, though, it is a tiny detail, and we should stop expecting every rule or situation to be in the exact way WE want it to be. It is the nature of multiplayer games; and thus we should remember to stop hyper focusing on these smaller things, and make compromises for the benefit of everyone. In this case, the compromise is just having a different name then one may prefer.

I would love for it to be “if it sounds right” but its been made clear that creativity outside of universe cannon (what little is there) is off limits

Humans can do whatever really as long as it isnt stupid… take from a whole variety of cultures… however most other species are kinda one note imo… “they only ever name themself like this, little to no exceptions”

Things are slowly being given actual reasons for why you cant break guidelines even IC…
Oozlings for example were given lore and guidelines (that I dont really agree with) that every one of them grown were named in an identical way due to being a lab made slave species… it makes sense but thats all there is now… if you wanted to play slime in a different way then you need to go elsewhere.

Fair reasoning… but the rest are extremely inconsistant, Moth names were only changed because I pointed out that there was no lore or reason that they were restricted and it was hard to argue that moths would only use latin names (when they speak in basically scandanavian) and/or cant be airheads…

Ethereals are a weird example looking more into it… current page talks about etheral culture being slowly overwritten by galactic norm and humanity… if any species were to have a human sounding name it would probably be them…
Otherwise, name of celestial bodies is… fine?

Plasmamen were really done dirty tho… Chemical sounding name with roman numerals but chemical compounds arent allowed, whole lotta shrug on their page and is a problem I see alot: “Arbitrary”

TLDR: Things are inconsistant at best… but conform to the world (thats there) or leave…
I suggest for everyone to seriously consider if bee is right for you if you dont agree with what is being set up or want more creative freedom… because its not going to be changed.


You guys just don’t get it. The naming guidelines are the thing keeping us from going down a slippery slope.

First, we’d get people with names like “stinky Elroy” or “John Ass”. Then, the roleplaying guidelines would go kaput. This leads to a state of anarchy, where captains named “Captain Crunch’s Asseater” order the nuclear codes ten minutes into the round because “Glizzy the Gay Clown” slipped him. And then once that has passed, beestation will reach its final, horrible form. Cat girl ERP. Do you want this? Do you want two felinds, both of them with broken Japanese names making love in the showers while you helplessly watch? Wondering where the good old days went? Where a man could walk down the hallways without being roped into a moth felind lizard orgy? You’ll wish for the day when you could go about your job without hearing the intercoms blare “Humans are stupid. Catgirls are good. Give up.” every second of every minute of every shift! And when it comes to killing you, the felinds like to do it slow! They stab you, but don’t crit you! They tie you up and nya at you! And they keep a doctor just so they can revive you and nya at you more! Nya. Nya. Nya. Until you die! This is what happens when the god imposed guidelines are destroyed by feline communists! The downfall of spaceman civilization! If you care for this station, you WILL name your moth something like “Chair” or “Velcro”. Do this to keep the godless felind communists away! To protect the god loving people of the station!


I was coming to Beestation actually looking for a more roleplay heavy experience.

So i was simply going into it with people expecting me to behave more in-character, aka, instead of grabbing a plaster and slapping it on a patient, I have to talk to them first and ask them how they are…

I was dipping my toes into Beestation to find out whether or not more roleplay would actually suit me.

So far i have actually played a moth character form my first few rounds, coincidentally, said moth character does have a latin name. (which if translated are probably one of the most bland out there, but for some reason my creativity alone compelled me to give it to them in latin)

So far i have also liked the fact that people behave more IC quite a lot, and i also like to play my character out more.

I have not noticed another oozling character before. I simply changed to them. Bringing with me an old name.

I wasn’t expecting that my character’s name had to be forged into the lore from the get go. I probably would have gotten the ‘hint’ at some point during my time at beestation by other players.

I am not even against canonical-correct names. I am quite fond of them. You can easily spot a veteran player by those. And seeing other with such names can be quite inspiring too.

Since i was still venting in my first post and forgot to point out my actual suggestion.

I suggest that you should remove the RULES for how a species should be named.
But still leave them to be SUGGESTED by the lore.

That way you have the best of both worlds.

People that have invested themselves in beestation will dig them up eventually.
If suggested canon is inspiring, then players will most likely adopt them. Even if just to be pricks about it. Creating a certain group identity.

Admins won’t bwoink new players away, looking like jerks for enforcing overtuned naming rules. (And, yes. before anyone thinks that i am against the rules entirely. In my oppinion regenerating the name of someone called **** Mc****face is valid. We also don’t live in the Ssethtide anymore.)

Of course, IF the lore is rather inspiration killing, then people might not adopt it. The lore will go down as ‘this is how things used to look like’. People might create a different group identity that says that, “Lizards from there and there do not use actions in their names but instead just clash two hyphenated concepts together”

As a last addition, I am still actively trying to find the lore for these things.
The site is very upfront with how you are expected to behave in every profession.
But i have yet to find anything lore wise to each species. (The history catergory on the wiki home site only shows the history of SS13, not lore of Beestation and their aliens.)


Click each “race” (see species) for their own pages.

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