Coding bickering thread

imagine asking.

bottom behaviour.


“Most people are actually pretty positive towards Ruko’s changes,”

Even if this is the case, it doesn’t matter. He still has the attitude that he can code whatever he wants in regardless of player feedback. That’s not a healthy mindset to have. Devs that do this sort of thing for other games get criticised heavily for it. Why should it be any different here?

Also, this “coders do it for free” argument doesn’t really help. While I can appreciate the work they do, I can also criticise it. Doing things for free does not grant freedom for criticism and suggestions.



To a new thread we go.


Community opinions, ideas and suggestions do matter. This entire thread’s The thread this was yoinked from’s purpose is to gather those. It wouldn’t exist if @WilsonPH had no care for them at all before aiming to make a change. If you’re interpreting what I’m saying in the way you’re claiming, you’re being defensive and closed off. I’ll try to dial the hostility back again myself and try to make my point again with the help of someone much greater than me at explaining these things.

You, and everyone else have ideas and opinions that matter. They’re great to have, great to share and improve upon. Discussions about ideas and changes can only improve them as more minds get together and approach the problems people see from different angles. Sometimes those angles clash, and sometimes there was never even a problem to solve.

You as a person with an idea are asking coders for a favor when you are asking them to implement your ideas. “When you code it” isn’t a dismissal of an idea (depending on the exact circumstances it is used, at least). It’s an invitation to bring your idea into the game yourself, and a statement that “I am not interested in spending my free time on your idea”.

Additionally, you as a person with an idea, telling coders what to do… well it’s like telling someone to do something for you instead of asking for the favor politely. It’s going to be perceived as and responded to with hostility most of the time.

No I don’t at all. I wouldn’t be wasting my time on this conversation if I didn’t care either.

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This is what originally spawned this discussion in this thread for anyone looking at this later.

Can you post the SDQL to make everyone nya in OOC or dm or whatever I got admin and need to make people nya really badly

CALL ooc("Nya~") on * in global.clients

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The funny part is I haven’t actually made any suggestions thus far. I have just criticised that coders do not have any more of a valuable opinion than your average player.

And yet it has turned into me “TELLING coders what to do.” Not once have I said coders ‘need’ to listen to players suggestions. Just that they should factor in player’s opinions regardless of their own personal biases. If I came off any other way, I apologise. It was not the point I was trying to get across.

““When you code it” isn’t a dismissal of an idea (depending on the exact circumstances it is used, at least)”"

In the exact circumstances it was used, it was a dismissal. As a refresher:
McMashugana replied:
“Maybe code something that is new and not change what makes the thing unique?”
WilsonPH replied:
“Why don’t you try?”

This is the very definition of a dismissal. They replied to a suggestion with a deflection for said commenter to do it themselves. They dismissed their comment.

Life saver.

A suggestion that pretty much boiled down to “Code it better”, which isn’t really helpful.

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I mean, technically you’re not wrong. It was dismissive in this case, but what was being dismissed was not anyone’s idea.

I’ve already addressed that post as being an intentionally inflammatory and bad faith comment. Anyone and everyone should dismiss it as unhelpful to the conversation, not just coders.

If you want to genuinely claim that this

Is an idea presented in good faith and worth considering in the full context of the previous thread, I think I’m gonna stop wasting my time now

Maybe if we had a proper guide to byond coding that isn’t 20+ years old and the language itself wasn’t a massive headache to learn and make sense of we would have more people trying to code. I say this as someone who has tried and very much failed, despite spending dozens of hours trying to learn.

Created by Beestation’s current headcoder @PowerfulBacon



Thank you

Pinned in discord, I believe the coding channel. VScode was a game changer for me that’s for damn sure.

Feel free to ask for help anytime in that channel too

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That is exactly why I made that poll, to see what the community thought would be the best way to nerf the emag.
However, posts like ‘dood all the coders do is remove fun stuff from the game and never improve’ is in no way, shape or form a valuable form of feedback and thus was dismissed.

“Maybe code something that is new and not change what makes the thing unique?”

This doesn’t just boil down to “coder bad removing fun.” It is an actual suggestion, and this is something you straight up replied to and dismissed. “Focus on new things and stop prioritising nerfs” essentially replied to with “do it yourself.”

PS you made the post to see what the community thought, but then got upset when they had something different in mind compared to what you had in mind.

I’m sorry but giving out such vague suggestions as ‘just think of something new, duh’ is barely feedback. Ya want things to change? Give ideas that are more defined than that. And it’s especially infuriating when it comes from someone who only ever gave out vague advice. :slight_smile:
And I mean this with all sincerity, try thinking up a new item that would make the emag less popular without it being stupid OP, see how it goes.

This is called “managers” mentality and a sign of unreasoneable person. It is also a sign that the person lacks any insight to the future for his decisions.

From below it is another issue unrelated to SS13 but it has similar issues to SS13

I have similar issue in my workplace which my boss (I am HR Specialist btw) Who will instantly deduct from any employee the time he was late to work and follow the company policy to the tooth without being rasonable. And I had to go talk to him that policy and laws are put to bind us not dictate us. These employees came early every single day and only in 2 days came late due to issues. Are we going to instantly send them warnings without even thinking why and how they got late? He told me “I DO WHAT IS RIGHT” And I had to tell him there is the right of a manager and a right of the leader. Is he a leader or a manager? If some soldier tommorow falls in battle is he going to kick his head or pull him up and help him out? He just went silent for few seconds and agreed on how to look at this issue and pulled out his decision. Warnings do not improve the employees self management. Warnings will make them work less efficient and even let them leave for issues like coming late or being absent despite informing their Supervisors. We had 7 employees leaving December 2022 only because for working over 20 years they got late 10 minutes and got a shitty warning letter and were like (I have been working here for over 20 years and all of this time I got absent this once I will be warned have deduction? Well good things I am out of this shithole) And great way boss now we have employee whose efficiency and productivity helped the company leave for your own good.

Bee coders and even the current coders of SS13 has the same mentality. If things are either too powerful or too good they do not want to look and figure out why and how it is like this. They just straight up will nerf it without looking at the long term consequecnes of their action. Or even think on how to deal with it ingame.