Well, this whole for category is full of suggestions, including few massive threads that get new ideas every few days. I honestly don’t know how this thread is any different.
If you actually think it’s too much hustle to get through all those ideas maybe that’s the issue and potentially first thing to solve-make some kind of better system of suggesting ideas-where you could name, describe, link to longer post on forum and tag your ideas. That way anyone interested in fixing some issue or adding new content could check tag related to it and see what people have suggested.
Having all suggestions in one place, in unified simple to read form, properly tagged, possibly even up/down voted by others is a great way to point where the community feels things could be improved, what is a problem, in what direction they want things to be taken
Off the top of my head:
Bring back miasma (even in simplified, less resource eating form), make it not sellable so we wouldn’t get lag generating farms every round but let us have it. General idea behind it is fun and may affect crew. We actually should have more gases that are not used to straight up murdering crew by burning them, shenanigans with atmos, even contaminating distro shouldn’t always equal murderboning
Doping materials with fusion particles. Idea inspired by real life phenomena, would allow us to produce new materials, would come with building new type of devices unique to Bee servers (fusion chamber setup in a way to expose target material to particles in most efficient way) and would encourage cooperation between departments since engineering would be now able to produce material used by for example robotics. I described the idea here. And here’s photo of real life doping setup
Actually get rid of gas miners. If we are to keep atmos technicians as separate job (which I always supported) they should have actually something to do, not only in emergencies. Managing gas supply should be their number one task. Running almost a closed loop system is a challenge, before miners were added people had to deal with things like temperature or even improvise to refill gas tanks (by collecting SM waste or decomposing N2O in high heat to get oxygen). Nowadays nobody cares, you can often see turbine being ran all shift without any need for it and if waste is getting hot it is just being dropped to space, since it’s impractical to even try to be bothered with it.
Rework Abductors, they are currently too annoying and most people straight up hates them. I can’t recall a single time I enjoyed them, being abducted usually puts a round to waste. I get that abductors are able to 1 hit knock-out but if being abducted is so unavoidable then traumas shouldn’t be that severe. It’s really impossible to do anything when you are constantly twitching and vomiting flammable gas. On top of that you are dealing with unfunny and confusing objectives, like what are you even suppose to do with ‘ignore everything in a set of 8’. Also as every too powerful and over the top antag they need to be used sparely. Wizard is fun when you see them once for every dozen of rounds but not 3 rounds in a row, ever since rounds become longer abductors have too high chance of spawning.
Expand on exploration. As I mentioned on multiple occasions, for example here, we should have more content related to exploration. Bigger variety of bioms, stations, derelict shuttles. We have implemented interception so why are we not using it? Have shuttles with ghosts spawned crew that will try to attack exploration crew or that explo crew will try to follow and board, let’s even have escort missions where you have to protect a friendly shuttle on their travel while someone else is trying to attack it. We can come up with so many stuff like grabbing a hitchhiker only to deliver them to some places which would encourage going further away and not simply following certain type of mission.
Rework technology tree. Even with discovery points introduced I feel like there’s no weight to choosing what is being researched, it seems like we are getting almost every technology unlocked each round. Lock some technologies behind things that can be delivered by departments (and maybe artifacts from exploration, after they get researched by scientists back on station) and make branches longer with a lot of things mixed on each branch so there is no one objectively best to always research.
Have a separate silo for each department (or some console that allows for assigning resources to use by each department) as a compromise between current situation and what it used to be before silo was introduced, so there is some competition about resources and trying to stay on the good side of cargo while at the same time they can’t be all simply used up or even taken out by one person (except for whoever is assigning them, most likely QM)
Years ago I wished for ability to monitor gas inside chambers. Introduction of long range analyzer solved the issue in most cases but I still would like to have ability to build a sensor inside chamber and then download app on tablet to watch pressure, temperature and gas composition on tile sensor is placed on. As I proposed this thing could be easily thrown together just by tweaking existing code of SM monitoring software. Would go nicely with things I proposed earlier-having some use for fusion and managing gas resources
Random quirks. We have option to have random name and looks then why not have an option to receive random quirks each round for the few that enjoys the challenge of adapting and playing along the abilities and disabilities they wouldn’t choose by themselves
Continue the removal of sleepers. We were in a process of doing that at some point and then in a middle of slowly getting people used to that idea and introducing stasis beds we suddenly halted. Doctos are currently well used to all sort of wound treating surgeries, I don’t think there’s any benefit from having sleepers around. We can still remain the ability to build them later in the round. Also when pools were introduced I came up with idea of having small pools that could be used as chambers with specific chems, that would at least require some maintenance from doctors-monitoring chem levels, putting internals on people so they wouldn’t drown, taking them out in time, yet would allow some elasticity-preparing specific chem combos, adapting them to the situation, and since temperature in pools is controllable we could add more chems over time that work in certain temperatures.
Remove blood brothers radio implant. BB mode is the ultimate guerilla warfare in setting of space station, it was especially exciting back in the day when you had to figure out safe way to communicate, keep your pda clean, maybe break into tcomms to clear logs, if you dare try to talk in public channels in a way your brother still understands but appears unassuming to anyone else. For me and few others that was the charm and challenge and it was sadly lost, now BB are just a poormans incursion that encourages cooperation with more than your brother
Improve processing and sentencing of criminals. I made a suggestion here 1.5 year ago and I still stand by it.
- Continue porting of the circuits. Also for more simple electronics (signallers etc) it would be great if more machines (and lights! Let us control lights) would have wire panel with wires that could be pulsed to at least turn them off and optimally to do something more, and vice versa, that would be pulsing (potentially triggering attatched signaller) at certain state
And for more vague ideas and issues that were mentioned here or often on the forum:
More apid related content. That’s our heritage, we need to honor it. There’s a whole big thread with suggestions for that
Encourage cooperation between departments
Balance money
Balance electric power, currently it is all sorts of broken, you can generate crazy amount of energy while often times breaking every single law of thermodynamics. God damn, you can power the station without any engine only by charging cells for APCs with chargers located in same room you are about to charge. Don’t even get me started on TEG powered by freezers and heaters. I know it will never be fixed but I still feel obligated to put it out there, especially since I feel like we won’t be able to fix how money is broken with infinite power out of barely anything which on other hands allows us to generate infinite resources, for example chem reagents
So this is my 5 cents, never to be read by anyone
Implement good things, reduce bad things duh