I just want to see some ideas of what area of stuff people want, just interested.
More just general ideas / a 1 word header rather than full design doc.
I say this a lot: But those monkey helmets you can order from TG cargo that make monkeys sentient when you put it on them. I just think it would be funny to have a monkey army
Departmental co-dependence
Every department should provide something to the station that is unique to that department alone and cannot be easily replaced when destroyed, sabotaged, or withheld by the department because they don’t wish to cooperate. There can (and probably should) be alternatives to some of these, but they should be slow or inefficient enough that people wish to seek out the intended source.
apid customization
Job that encourage or even force player interactions. I think we have too many jobs that are essentially “solo”.
more funny forum moments
I think Bee is in need of more roleplaying features in general.
I personally want to see:
Flavor text
People would be more incline to roleplay if they are given the chance to develop their character more than just their appearance in-game. I’m not necessarily saying we should make players have to make flavor text to play or allow people to write overly detailed ones either, just a brief sentence of what they look like is enough encourage those wishing to interact more.
We are not a roleplaying server
and to add something to the topic i’d love bay revs ported over to bee (cause its an actual roleplaying gamemode and not a team deatchmatch)
I’d love to see this implemented.
Medical history too!
i’ll resume working on them once i’m done with my current exam session.
sorry, i thlught it would have been simpler.
Medical and secuirty records would be nice features to add. It would give roles like the psychologist and detective more reason to check records.
Porting bloodsuckers from fulp would be cool. I have no reason for requesting this other than they look cool.
Removing the netspeak filter post roundend would be funny.
fairly sure crossed has gone on several rants on why bee will never get flavour text so i doubt that’ll ever happen. Sorry lad
I wouldn’t mind but I’ve seen lrp servers with flavor text now…whatever excuse crossed has for not wanting flavor text seems out of touch to what people want
“We are not a role-playing server”
“Port bay-revs because it’s a roleplaying gamemode”
Is there something you can’t quite understand?
mfw we have people being short as a feature but not flavour text
Remote-controlled robotic plushies. A fine recon tool to use aux base drone building code for a higher purpose!
What ya gonna do when rounie plush is walkin’ around with four-directional sprites?
Pick it up and stomp on it.