The main problem with bee RP

You know what really is the problem with this servers RP? If everyone followed the rules as stated in the wiki, we would have a solid RP experience in most rounds. But so few people do, it’s actually pretty tragic. I can see why people metagang when there’s a high chance any player you don’t recognize is most likely a consistent rulebreaker.
And you know why people never follow the rules? Easy. It’s because admins seem to be almost never online. And because of that you cant ahelp. Sure, they tell you to ahelp anyways and then someone would read it in the future. But that is not the same. It’s not the instant and immediate punishment that LRPers and murderboners need. People speak netspeak or make romerol viruses because they know they can get away with it for the shift, maybe even entirely.

For example, there is a guy named “Justice Goodman” who has been playing beestation since last week almost every day, but every single time I saw him I couldnt ahelp because admins were never freaking on. Even on highpop. Sure, I could make a report, but those can take weeks to resolve, even for the most clear cut matters.
It’s not the griefers that ruin the immersion of the rounds. It’s the little things. The geneticist injecting himself with all mutators possible. The captain earlylaunching for no reason. The virologist who releases a virus with spike armor without asking CMO. The officer who lethals you for trespassing on green alert. All those things are a cancer to this server.
Whenever things like removing viro gets proposed, “playerbase issue” is a common counterargument. But if it is, then why not do something about it?

Admins really need to take the extra step and approach the core problem. Maybe recruit more agressively? I could imagine something like “WE ARE LOOKING FOR MODERATORS” plastered on the lobby screen. It’s your choice on how to approach this. But something needs to be done. Seriously. I’m tired of finding bwoinkable things every single round and not having the energy to write player reports each time.

TLDR we need to triple the paycheck of our mods :trole:


I’d recommend moving this to the suggestions section.

Thats not the main part of my post. I really just want people to realize how many of our problems could be solved if there were simply more admins online on rounds. Ideally we’d have at least one mod on on every round that isn’t lowpop.

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Yo if BB code works on titles think you could make it " The main problem with “Bee RP” " ?

No because I am not a pessimist and I, believe or not, find beestation in its current state redeemable. Many issues are not as fundamental as people think.

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I mean I personally don’t have all that many issues with the current state of RP, but yeah it could be get improvements, hopefully the changes to Med and Mining and the like come through and the attatude of the comunity as a whole gets better.

Yeah I suppose applying the term does demean what we do have, I’ve encountered alot of good interactions but most of them are with established players so I agree with your point.
I guess the joke runs with me alone.

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We’ve been doing this for a long time already. It’s a volunteer position and the burnout rate is really high sadly.

“Be the change you want to see.” Is all I can say really :person_shrugging:


You heard the headmin @LodedDiper, post hours, prepare answers and get frosty.
you could be going to the mod zone.

Yeah I dont know man, I came here to play ss13, not to moderate it. A lot of other high hour players are probably sharing the same mindset, which might explain the lack of admemes now.


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I mean i used to be an Admin here in 2019 and have a lot of experience moderating online communities, but I heavily doubt that I would be accepted nowadays with my astronomical note and ban count. (And I’m still permanently muted from beecord)

But yes, I’ve been pointing out for quite some time that Bee’s crippling lack of staff is one of the fundamental issues, and this also extends to the development sector.

My guy. Stealthmins exist. The fact we get discord messages exists.

If you see rule-breaking, adminhelp. It doesn’t matter if admins are “online” or not. They might be stealthed.


One example that annoys me is knowing all the antags.

Instead of saying “CULT!!” Why not “I saw someone cutting their arms and drawing weird shapes with their blood, what a loser”

Instead of “Blob!” “Hey, there are a bunch of weird fibres growing in YYY”

Just think it’s makes it more interesting.

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Not even Paradise has meta knowledge protection for antagonists because by their own words it would be hard to enforce and would also be extremely annoying after a while. You can RP it yourself and hope others join in, but it shouldn’t be mandatory.

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Crew do not know all antags. It’s that simple. We have metagaming rules in place, if people break them, press that sweet F1 button on your keyboard and type something along the lines of “hey i think XYZ is metagaming or LRP by just yelling cult all caps”

This is pretty much exactly what I said in discord just a few days ago when someone was complaining about one of @TheMaggotGuy’s reports. All those little complaints aren’t petty. When everyone is doing minor breaks constantly, those little things add up to a pretty horrible experience overall for the people who want the server to be what’s on the tin.

I’m glad there’s really starting to be a community shift on this issue and the voices of people acting like it’s not a big deal are dying out and moving on.


Also, I know that some servers like Goon pick moderators by approaching good community members themelves instead of applications.

Same goes for Github tbh, if we had a mantainer/coding contribution team like /TG/ we would be on a different point, but it is what it is

Just tried to report this very thing and it was labeled as an IC issue

Make an admin report.