Ruko removes kick-stuns and makes disarming harder

Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. ;3

Because those aren’t flaws, those are the PR working as intended. I’ll say it again:

If your complaint is the first category, seethe more

If your complaint is the latter - make a balance PR. Those weapons were already OP and what you are asserting is they were only counterbalanced by a separate OP mechanic.

If your complaint is neither of these… well I haven’t heard it yet.

No, this is still very much my stance.

I’ve seen nothing but affirmation that people with weapons are actually scary now as intended.

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Making combat worse improves RP because


this thread is a shitshow


if you like shitshows, go on the tg forums thread for when they banned the n word, THAT’s a real shitshow

You can do the exact same on this forum for when we did the exact same thing.


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true, but tg’s more recent and i can’t be arsed to find the threads on bee

Just to name a few.

Oh cool it’s the drama thread. Would have liked to have talk about the mechanics, but oh well.

to be clear because someone claimed i advocated for the n word or thought it was fine - i’m happy both bee and tg banned the words, i just found the shitstorms funny.

Also, dangerousvicious, there is not much more to discuss about the mechanics that hasn’t already been said in the previous 180 posts. It’d be a rehash to say anything more, all that’s left is to see if a revert PR gets merged or not

Idk man combat seems pretty okay so far. Hasnt substantially gotten better or worse so far. Maybe you guys are just reactionary

I have been summoned. also why does it still fucking email me when ppl respond to shit ive tried to remove it but idk how

Your stuck here forever

Dunno man, havent played in months but it seems like the opinions on this change are either “Literally havent noticed shit” or “I fucking hate this and you suck and i shit myself and fuck you”. Don’t seem like a good change.


Ruko do you actually want feedback or is this a “You can’t change my mind, go kick rocks” situation since it seems like the latter.


I think Ruko just sees the feedback he’s been given as invalid, or already answered.
He might want feedback, but only like, well thought out feedback.
To everyone else, I notice coders have a tendency to answer “You can’t change my mind, go kick rocks” to any feedback they find invalid.
Also, just uh.

God if it were just a case of “code it lmao” i’d have finished a xenobio rework for the sole sake of personal satisfaction.


To repeat myself from just a few posts up:

If the complaint falls into the first category, yes, I am telling you to kick rocks and that I don’t care about your feedback with regards to this complaint This PR was 100% intended to make unarmed combat weaker, and after my own testing, experiences and seeing it in action, I don’t believe my mind can be changed on this.

The PR does not affect antags worse than it does crew.
The PR does not affect crew worse than it does antags.
The PR does affect players who had mastered utilizing wallshoves without being wallshoved themselves. These players feel like they lost a powerful ability with very little gain because they did. Cope. You can’t robust someone on player skill alone anymore.

If the complaint falls into the second category, no I am not telling you to kick rocks or that I don’t care. I am saying that the issue presented is not related to this PR. If equipment was so busted that not having easy disarms makes it op, the gear was already OP and needs its own separate balance PR. I am not immediately inclined to make such a balance PR myself, because I don’t think the dust has settled enough yet. I also don’t think the people complaining here have even actually tried adapting yet because other people who have tried it or played before shoves were a thing are still doing fine. Muscle memory takes time to re-write and adapting to a new meta takes more than just a few days.

Literally this. 90% of feedback is people complaining they can’t win fights with shoves anymore. I don’t care about complaints that shoves can’t win fights anymore.

If there are any complaints which are about neither of the two outlined above, I haven’t heard them yet or they’ve been lost in the flood of salt.

Damn, pr 6969 for a controversial topic: Nice.

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revert, but wallstuns are 2 seconds instead of 4 seconds.

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