Write down your opinion on the “Racial and homophobic slurs are not permitted”
Mine is this
I’m okay with the ban
Now don’t get me wrong if i can i would have not done it but i am not in charge of it and I never had used those words untell i hear about the ban.
My opinion on why the ban is here
Now again let me state that i would not do it if i was the one who made it but i can see one reason WHY they do it.
We can have kids here (that is why we can not ERP and i don’t think they (the host/admin or whoever decided to do it) did not want to have little Timmy learning racial slurs and whatnot.
(If i try i bet i cam see other reasons why but i don’t really care that much about all of this.)
My opinion on the people who support the ban
Noise how i tell you why i am fine with the ban and not insult, straw man, or bring politics into it.
Well, form what i see and read this is not what most do.
They act like this is for the betterment of all and you should be ashamed for getting mad over it you bigots.
I’m not saying this is all bad but what i am saying is this is not how you deal in the situation (and yes i know how i sound but I’ll get back to that in a bit)
Maybe if you don’t act like some ass hole maybe people will agree with you and not yell at you or just don’t think you are rude at lest.
And stop saying my free speech and what not just so you can act like this involved with politics (you would think the other side will bring the politics into this but the most i see is with race stuff)
My opinion on people who don’t support it
I say if i had to pick a side i will pick them. (So likey bias with be here but it’s my opinion so what did you think?)
I can see why they are upset about it.
Freedom of saying what you want is a good thing and if this is real life i would be full free the nig-%
But this is just a game so… I don’t really care it’s not a website it’s a server where you can have fun and that is why k think people are so mad about this they may find it find calling people n-word (i don’t see why but i find self-harm funny so what do i know) and rioting and naming my self n-word was fun.
But that is when the fun ends is when i start to not like it.
Wanting to leave the server is kind of an over-exaggeration don’t you think?
Like really? Them just not allowing some kinds of words is all it takes to let you leave?
I’m sure there is something other than that to keeps you playing.
And saying it’s died just cus of that is silly.
Now can you STOP saying “YoR 0nLy saying tHaT cUs YoUr wHiTe” stuff like that is no different than them just saying “the only reason why you want to say the n-word is cus your white”
It’s stupid, it’s nothing either way.
My opinion on the admins and hosts
They are (from what i see) all right they are not really mad and they seem mostly good.
My opinion on the whole thing
I find it fun at first but now i just want it to stop.
It WAS fun rioting and calling people knew ways of saying the n-word.
It’s not seeing people argue and being rude to one another.
They say (the admins, host, whatever) that it was to make the community more friendly but it seems like it only made thing worse, yeah you can be mad and dislike it but that does not mean you need to be rude to the other play just cus he disagrees with you.
I love bee station by how weird, friendly and dick it can be.
The close thing i can say that represent bee station is like 4chan, you don’t really know who will you meet and that is what makes it fun.
But seeing this… Just make me sad or even mad.
We can disagree with things but remember.
We are all oppressed for we are all gamers.
We did not come to SS13 to get mad we came here to have fun and yeah the ban may ruin the fun a bit but that is not why (at least for me) i come here.
I want to have fun and tell stories not argue and debate about it.
And if fun is selling slaves again like the good old day JOKE then so be it.
If its fun to be stranded on a Syndicate mining base with two other people cuz the Clown push us in the Gateway then so be it.
And if it fun, trying to summon a devil with the chap even tho the admin is not having any of it then so be it.
I think this all happens today so maybe this will rest tomorrow and i hope so.
That all have a lovely day and goodbye - Lemon Hot aka the boy who say the n-word.