So, you want to be the OG greentext deniers, the bane of all assistants and the doom of all mimes and clowns?
Well, the Supreme Shitsec is right here to teach you. I am here to reveal to you the secrets of how to be maximum shitsec and get away with it.
I see a lot of unrobust sec around, either poor procedure, lacking knowledge or just general unrobustness. This guide’s purpose is to be a repository of sorts for my knowledge of the role and to provide information to anybody willing to gain more insight into what being sec means, ways of being more robust and other knowledge related to security in general.
1) What does shitsec even mean?
This is the first thing I wish to clarify as everybody and their mother will call out shitsec the moment they’re being cuffed, regardless if it’s for them being set to wanted or random check or them breaking into chemistry and then running around in space, cutting AI wires to everything and acting in any way not-suspicious like that.
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It means unjust use of force and abuse of power, that’s it.
Note: An officer might be doing something because they have more information than you do, them arresting you and not writing a wall of text detailing the reason behind it is not shitsec.
Examples of shitsec:
Harmbatoning with no justification. The batons power is in the stam damage, not in the brute damage it does. Everybody will reee if you actually harmbaton people, trust me you don’t want that bother.
Lack of knowledge, accusing that assistant with a foam armblade of being a ling and then making their life hard is bad. Improper procedure is also bad. Stripping the guy you want to check in the hallways where their stuff gets stolen is proper shitsec.
Abusing your power, don’t go around stunning and flashing random people. The admins might bwoink you for it but don’t wait for their bwoink, just don’t do this. If you’re doing a random search, follow proper procedure.
Curb stomping the clown to give them superpowers
Amputating the mimes arms because “hehe, he can’t talk, now he can’t write”
Not shitsec:
Random checks on blue alert or higher, sec is permitted to check anybody they feel like, and the searches can be increasingly more intrusive depending on the level of suspicion you have raised.
Arresting you for minor infractions, breaking in is a crime, this is not the greytide olympics, you break windows and walls to greytide, security is empowered to arrest, brig you and take all the items you got from wherever you broke into.
Doing their job and following orders of their superios, self explanatory.
2) General tips and suggestions:
If you’re just looking for little things that you could improve on, this section will contain most of those tips.
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- Speed is your best friend, you need to be fast in processing and decision making, every second you spend standing still is a second a person is either getting their gun out or a second they’re getting closer to uncuffing themselves.
Have your mood always full! It helps you move faster. - Be decisive, arrest first, take to brig, brig procedure, talk after.
- Is somebody marked for arrest? Disable them, cuff them, take them to a sec outpost or to the brig, and follow the brig procedure and talk while in the secure place. DO NOT TALK WITH THEM OUT IN THE OPEN, DO NOT LOITER AROUND WITH THE CUFFED GUY IN TOW, YOU WILL GET DISABLED, SHOT, MOBBED OR ELSE!
- Look at your surroundings. Are a lot of people closing in on you and you don’t know their intent? Throw a flash bang, drag the guy you’re arresting if you’re arresting anybody at that point to a secure place, if necessary abandon the idea of fighting them and run! Paranoia is your best friend.
If anybody is approaching you and you can’t determine their intent, assume they want to get the upper hand on you. - Use your eyes!! Is some guy pretending to be an engineer but has a medical backpack? Check that fool. Verify all discrepancies, if anybody has gear or equipment they normally should not have, there’s a big chance there’s something fucky going on there.
- Somebody wearing sec gear and ID but no mindshield? Arrest first, ask questions after.
- Somebody wearing face covering and no ID? Or somebody wearing an ID that does not match their clothes or a hardsuit and does not talk? Probably has something to hide. Arrest and check.
- Do not walk around with your gun or equipment out! You might get slipped, shoved or any number of things that could lead to you dying.
- Stay away from glass tables, tables in general and walls, this is doubly so if you have any equipment in your hands.
- Have your equipment recharged and ready, if you get to the brig, you make sure you recharge everything, baton, disabler, pepper spray. Get a new flash or cuffs if you need to.
- You have 1 slot for a small item in your jackboots and 2 slots in your armor vest, USE THEM!
- Disabler is powerful and underrated, use it!
- Flash can be activated in hand and will flash surrounding people that have no eye protection and confuse them and blind them, use it as such for easy arrests.
- If a security is getting cloned or getting medical attention or is otherwise disabled, protect them and their equipment.
- If you’re in a dangerous situation, back away and request help from the rest of security or deal with the people involved separately.
- Be wary of people giving out false information. I had shifts where a traitor purposefully brings in a traitor item to “get in the good graces of security” and to be considered as “trusted”. However sec trusts nobody, sometimes not even themselves, thus when on further analysis and critical thinking it seemed fishy, the guy was arrested, and guess what? Traitor. Also be wary of people trying to get sec to do their objective for them. I have had traitors call out AI as malf and using some bullshit excuse such as “rogue borg!!”, while it’s a valid tactic for them, you need to be careful to not do the dirty work of antags. USE CRITICAL THINKING!!
- Do not accept job changes to sec, if you need more officers, tell HoP or Cap to open more slots and to have a higher priority on them. To properly accept somebody as sec you need to: Check for contraband, take away their PDA, pen and headset, perform a ling check, give holy water and then implant. Conscripts are fine if the situation is of such a nature as to allow randoms to be trustworthy, such as conversion antags getting deconverted.
- Drink holy water to become immune to cult spells, coffee to help with being cryostung
- Do not go alone in maints if a threat such as ling or cult is confirmed, unless you’re very confident in your robustness
- Equip bulletproof armor for nukies and gangs, riot armor for revolutions, shields are good always, but especially against bullets.
- I highly suggest gibbing traitors and basically every antagonist that can be cloned or otherwise revived. Also destroy their traitor objectives to make sure even if by divine intervention they do come back, they can’t get that greentext. I once had a shift where a non-antag broke into reeducation, broke into a locked locker in there, took the corpse of a traitor and then cloned them, for absolutely 0 reason.
- Be creative, implant your own security team with tracking implants, that way you will be able to teleport to them if they go missing or need help. Make use of non-conventional tools. There are MANY, MANY ways to become more robust, knowledge from every department, every workplace can help.
3) General preparation:
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This is the preparation that ALL sec should do:
- Have a full belt of security tools, sechud, bowman. (Some people have different
- Medkit, basic is good but you should have a way to deal with all types of damage. You can make a mixed medkit. (Medkit should contain: Brute heal, Burn heal, Toxin heal, Oxy heal(epi works fine, just use it as soon as you see yourself taking oxy damage) and the analyzer).
- Coffee (for lings or for cult but this will be explained later, or maybe just for a warm beverage)
Optional but recommended:
- Full tool belt and insulated
- Crew monitor and pinpointer (You can put these in your armor vest)
More things can be added based on the threat to the station, but that will be discussed in the antag section.
4) Brig procedure:
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Note: If you need to do something else than process the arrested, strip them fully in the locker, close and lock it, buckle them to bed, and get back as soon as possible.
So you arrested some guy and got him to the brig, these are the things you need to do:
- Get to a brig cell, or if they’re all full to the holding cell
- Open locker, position person over the locker
- Strip everything besides the jumpsuit (the only thing jumpsuit can be is chameleon, and if they have that, they have something else too)
- Buckle the person to the bed and start looking through their stuff.
- Check bag for any traitor equipment or contraband, check any boxes within the bag, if there is anything that could be chameleon there, pick it up to verify, check all beakers, chems(Detective can check the contents of beakers), be aware of what their job can have and can’t. Don’t arrest roboticists for having flashes.
- Open everything that can hold items, outer clothing, jackboots, cape if they have one,
- Pick up all their stuff to verify for chameleon.
- If they’re a traitor, call the warden or hos for “reeducation”.
- If they’re not and they have stuff not belonging to their job, that stuff is now theirs. Assistant has tool belt and insulated? You now have tools and insulated. (Note: Do not actually take peoples stuff out in the halls just because they have them, you need justification first.)
- Set timer, different people have different preferences, but I like giving long timers as punishment for everything because you have to educate the shitters somehow.
Note: There are additional steps such as implant checking or ling check but this depends on the confirmed threat to the station and they usually require warden or hos input before doing.
5) The Sec Gang:
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Head of Security
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Delegate, delegate, delegate!!
You are the most important part of security and your gun does not give you invulnerability, you’re not a one man army, DO NOT DIE.
HoS is a very flexible role, however your role is not to be the ultimate validhunter to go out with your gun after every single person with a warrant on their head. It’s to enable your officers to the best of your ability, to provide guidance for them and to provide them with equipment to do whatever they need to do. Basically you need to be on top of every situation.
Security budget card is the most important on the station as it should be used almost constantly for equipment, be it medical supplies, weapons and armor or just entertainment.
Your job:
- Equip your team
- Coordinate your team
- Deal with command issues
- Fill in whatever duties there are, in order of severity
- Demote shitsec (Hurr durr demote yourself btw)
- Everything from extorting protection money from the crew and harmbatoning the clown, to imprisoning the captain and declaring the station to be a fascists state.
List of things you need to do:
Secure the contents of your locker. Take all the money from the sec budget and put it on your ID. Take with you your seclite, secbelt and hos gun. The items which I put in the safe are the sec huds, the spare headsets, pinpointer, budget card and lathe board. You may distribute the headsets to your squad if you feel like.(Use the safe and put a code on it, it stores all mentioned items.)
Buy stuff for your squad, you’re the guy with the money, ask them what they want and anticipate future needs, I usually buy security webbings for whoever uses them, ask with your loud mode and if anybody wants, they’ll tell you. I also go to medbay and buy everything important from their vendors, all the advanced medikits and sprays but that should be done by brig phys, but I’ll get there.
Delegate tasks for everybody under your command, tell the brig physician to go get more medical supplies and to do that geneva convetion breaking surgery on the prisoners, tell the officers to bring you the clown for nuggeting, tell the warden to cut all AI connections and cameras, it’s all in your power to do!
Ensure your department obeys you, that one officer is a retard? Stun his ass and then demote. The brig physician not lobotomizing the clown? Demote. Also, punish any shitsec behaviour and the lack of robustness.
Keep your squad alive. Officers having trouble? Rough situation? Another person would be nice for a gang beatdown? Move your ass. Also, important, note if people go SSD or missing, ask the HoP or Cap to open new slots and set priority on whatever sec personnel you want.
Keep your squad entertained. Have the warden build an electric chair or guillotine for the entertainment of your sec gang, nothing like taking turns with the remote controller zapping a traitor. Organize a nugget race once in a while, arrest the mime and the clown and have them fight to death for securities entertainment. Build a deep fryer in the brig and fry every single bit of a traitor, starting with the brain, to fill your belly.
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Warden is an odd role because you have a lot of power, arguably you’re more dangerous and better armed than the HoS himself. But it’s often under used by the wet noodles players that just go up and down the brig doing nothing or go SSD at their desk while waiting for the next guy to be brought in.
You have an equal responsibility to the HoS I’d argue, the difference being that while the HoS is responsible for the entire station, while the warden is responsible only for the brig.
It’s your choice if you want to be a based warden that has a chad brig that has never been penetrated by anybody or a virgin warden that lets crowds of people loiter in the brig. I can tell you that any HoS will appreciate a robust warden.
Playing warden is racing against time, you will never have enough time to do everything you want, reinforcing the brig will take the most of your time, but don’t abandon your other duties, processing arrested and keeping the brig clean of tards is your first priority. It’s not a bad idea to have an officer help you with the reinforcing. Also law 2 any engiborg you see to help you, give them a specific task or else they might wander of.
Your job:
- Reinforce the brig
- Process arrested people
- Handle the distribution of sec gear to the rest of security
- Use the damn crew monitor and use the cameras!!
List of things you need to do:
Equip the gear from your locker, usually shotgun and laser on you, put the krav gloves on and you’re good to go.
From the moment the round starts, you’re on the clock, you need to make the brig as impenetrable as possible for anybody, traitor or greytider, trying to get in.
In my opinion this is the order you should be doing this is this: Barrier grenade the weak parts right away > Cut the AI connection to air alarms and apcs > Open the cover of doors, cut the ai wire, then reinforce with metal (plasteel is highly preferred but I do recommend going the extra mile to plasteel the high risk doors but is hard to come by so metal will do) to protect against people breaking in.
Some maps have more exposed layouts, learn the weakness of every station’s brig, example is pubby: Equipment room can be broken into in like 20-30 seconds, high risk, move all the equipment lockers, vendors and EVA suits out of there and into the meeting room. Deconstruct the random tables there. -
Sporadically check in on comms with your officers, check the crew monitor and you can look on the cameras, especially check what the borgs are doing since you can look in their cameras.
If a new person has been arrested by an officer, you can do the processing yourself if the officer requests it.
Keep the brig clean!! Blood? Clean it. Objects on the floor? If they’re contraband or they’re supposed to go into evidence, take them there, else throw in the trash. Random people in the brig? Leg sweep, stun and throw out, the lawyers have an office, tell them to loiter there. HoP wants to get into armory with their illegal AA? Leg sweep, neck chop, curb stomp and throw out.
The brig is a reflection of yourself, it’s your temple more so than your body is. -
PROTECT THE BRIG!! Anybody tries to get in forcefully? You’re justified to pull out the lethals. AI might not like it but that’s why we cut all the AI wires earlier. No but really, detain them non-lethally if you can, else don’t hesitate to fill them with holes.
Help with entertainment, if you have time build that guillotine, that electric chair or other fun ways to dispatch of the traitors.
Note: Do not leave the brig a lot, only if truly necessary, such as the only other sec is dying or it’s an emergency, ask officers or HoS or anybody else from sec to bring you stuff, however do keep in mind that you should retain your flexibility and you’re not actually glued to the brig.
Brig Physician
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Pretty straightforward.
Your job:
- Have enough medical supplies in the brig. Ask HoS for money to order from cargo if you need medkits, buy stuff from the vendors in medbay, whatever is necessary, have medical supplies in the brig.
- Tend to ALL the medical necessities of security personnel, no sec should go to medbay to get treated if there is a brig physician on station.
- Perform any surgeries requested by HoS or Warden, implant checks, ling checks, pacifications, etc.
- Makeshift Unit 731 if the HoS gives the go for it.
- Be a security officer if there aren’t enough.
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Anything weird going on in the station? Facts not lining up? AI possible malf? Lings infiltrated command? The clown is eating crayons? You’re the man to find it all out and reveal all the details to light.
Your job:
- Coordinate with the rest of security to find objects to scan, places to check, evidence to gather, clues to piece and people to interview.
- Be a sec officer if need be.
Security Officer
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Finally here, you are the meat and potatoes of security, the white bread, you make it all come together.
Fundamentally it’s a simple job. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. You’re the most flexible role of the brig. You can be out on patrols, you can be a courier, an engineer, a medic, and so on.
Your job:
Coordinate with your superiors to figure out what needs to be done and how you can help. The brig works best when everybody cooperates.
Patrol, patrol, patrol! Don’t idle around in the brig. Breaks are fine, but not if there’s a situation that needs dealing with right away. But patrol everywhere, halls, your assigned department, MAINTS ESPECIALLY, and find contraband, antagonists and maybe a corpse or two, don’t spend all your time in the main halls.
Arrest all the people that are set to arrest. Arrest all suspicious people.
Perform random bag checks on anybody you feel like except your superiors and coworkers (unless you have a good reason, such as suspected ling takeover).
6) Other relevant crew:
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I will talk about them from the perspective of security, what they can do to help security and how they can hinder it, I will exclude from this the cases in which these are antagonists.
Note: Not the malf kind
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It’s merely a machine, obviously there are AI’s that are thirsty and look specifically at the brig all the time to spot the first harm baton to give them a reason to say “the popo is not trustworthy to not cause crew harm”, but that’s why you cut all the AI connections in the brig right away and this is why you have insuls and a tool belt. However to take note of what AI is on the station and figure out of they’re a thirsty mofo or they just leave you to do your own thing.
The biggest part here is honestly the captain, which comes right after.
Can help sec with:
- Tracking down the exact location of criminals.
- Can spot crime being committed a lot more easily.
- Can assist in arrests by locking down areas where a criminal is in.
- Is the most powerful being on the station for the most part, and if the laws are just right, it can cuck almost all antags in one way or another.
Can hinder sec with:
- Locking down the brig or purposefully stopping all sec activity because “muh crewharmers”
The Captain
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This one is a mixed bag, a great and robust captain can lead through the worst of times and help immensely. A bad captain can just be dicking around in their room, kidnap Ian from the HoP, die, lose AA to the whatever threat there is and others.
Can help sec with:
- Changing AI laws to empower sec and to enable the AI to deal with the valids themselves, this is the biggest one to be honest.
- Lead from the front as a shining beacon of resolution and determination, opening the guts of traitors and letting them die slowly like the dogs they are for trying to ruin his beautiful station.
- Coordinating with security personnel to provide them what they need and can’t get.
- Being a second HoS.
Can hinder sec with:
- Dying
- Cuddling Ian all shift and then dying
- Giving AA to anybody outside of sec
- Dying
Head of Personnel
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Oh boi. Do you like random greytiders being made into sec officers? Did I mention that 99% of people wanting a job change to sec are antags in one way or another? Be very suspect of any HoP, as they hold a disproportionate amount of power for how little responsibility they have outside of just not dying.
Remember that no matter what, HoP is not within the chain of command of sec at all, he can be safely ignored or arrested if he’s trying anything. He cannot order or demote any security.
Can help sec with:
- Providing additional access to sec personnel
- Providing information to sec about who is asking for what kind of access, paperwork
Can hinder sec with:
- Giving AA
- Dying
- Giving AA
- Dying
Heads of Whatever
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I won’t say much about the heads generally, they are goods and service providers. Be wary of them as they are prime syndicate beef a lot of the time. Be wary of the strength of each department:
Science can make bad borgs, mechs and subvert the AI.
Medical can drug you to never wake up again, then they can debrain you and you’re a goner.
Engineering can plasmaflood or die to their own incompetence which resulted in the delamming of the SM.
Cargo is cargo.