That’s wrong, miasma has the highest. N2o has literally 0 fusion power. What you may be seeing is n2o decaying into oxygen, which reacts with co2 into pluoxium that has high fusion power. Same oxygen will also burn up with present plasma and become more co2. It will also make your tritium burn into water vapor, again high instability source.
What instability does according to code, is it actually makes the fusion reaction more endothermic, so it will actually be worse at higher instability. You want to do the opposite, have as little instability as you can for minimum endothermality.
I did test out cooling and your method is definitely the best. Using a heat exchange (old school or heat pump) wasn’t as efficient as the trit was getting larger heat ticks than inline cooling.
As an added bonus, fusion used to produce various gasses like nitryl and that one stimulum gas, but this was removed a long time ago, so now, all it’s used for is heat
You are absolutely right
Fusion has been in SS13 for so many years and has seen so many iteration when people tried to improve the process but for some reason no one gave it any real purpose
Ability to create high temperatures doesn’t add anything new or useful to the game.
For most cases you can control temps just with easily available freezers/coolers and gas reactions that require anything above it are usually achievable with almost any plasma fire. That heat and pressure isn’t required for power production either since power management (nor gas management ever since we got gas miners) isn’t really a thing and you can produce enough to cover any needs with just solars, not to mention SM
Things I mentioned can’t be easily fixed, it would require redoing from scratch core elements of the game and its balance but maybe we could find some use for particles coming out of fusion
Some time ago I had 2 potential uses for them
First got inspired by real life neutron doping in nuclear reactors, materials are bombarded with neutrons to change their properties.
We could make it so material sheets either laying around or placed into some target device would change into different material when exposed to certain amount of particles at certain power levels. Then those materials could be used in construction, for example for building a mech you could use regular materials let’s say plasteel or instead, at same stage use its doped version to get mech with slightly different parameters (different resistance to certain damage, speed etc) or maybe it could be just added afterwards like goliath plates. Some late technology items could be locked behind requirement of doped materials as well since almost everything gets researched during every single longer round, this would differentiate them a bit and require cooperation between departments
Second, smaller and easier to implement would be getting rid of particle accelerator and making Tesla/Singularity trigger by particles from fusion. That would limit ability to destroy station by griefers (just a reminder, we didn’t manage to stop that griefer from few weeks back, they just got bored and gave up on their own). It would also make them a bigger feat and by that bigger achievement, especially if one could control particle energy at certain levels not to make singulo/tesla too powerful, and let’s be honest, engineers and atmosians are all about doing things just for virtual respect
Those are just a two very vague ideas, others probably can bring something better to the table but I guess we need to start conversation somewhere and most importantly we need to make it known to maintainers and every person around who can code that purpose for fusion is needed and wanted
Since someone necro-bumped it, have there been any changes in these months that have swapped the way of doing this fusion? For example using the new radiation absorbing windows(if they got fixed) or… isn’t plasma glass a more secure way to containt it too?
I’ve also been doing fusion recently and I don’t think much has changed, using the radiation-proof windows is also not viable most the time since there’s rarely enough uranium
1 can of plasma/c02 mix per 2 tiles of fusion. So 3 tiles? You need 2 cans.
Once Fusion starts, you don’t need to add any more plasma/co2. Just a constant input of trit is enough to keep it going and to reach temperatures in ex15+ range. Pumping in more co2/plasma all round will eventually reach a rad cascade, slowing irradiating the station.
If you take up the floors in the turbine, you can move trit to the front chamber and setup fusion in the back. It takes slightly less time to setup than the method above but is a lot safer. Also easier to add uranium around the outside of the turbine.
Fusion Can: Old skool fusion. you want a 50/50 mix of co2/plasma at 2500kpa. Pump in as much trit as you can, then heat with a Heat can (50/50 plasma/o2 heated to over 500k then unwrenched and left to burn, reaching around 80,000k temp). Make sure to around the fusion can with walls/lockers before unwrenching from the heat, or it will shoot rad balls everywhere and cause some annoyance.
If you’re using radproof glass, you need a full-tile window not a single pane currently.
Not sure why thats broken but if anyone figures it out let me know and I’ll fix it.
i hate numbers so my method of fusion is a very brute force and easy method which is pumping all of atmos’s oxy and plasma into a trit burn chamber and then pumping that trit into a co2/plasma/o2 (to get it hotter) burn chamber
Also it’s already easy enough to weaponize fusion, as faulty radiation containment will easily irradiate half the station, if not the entire thing given enough time.
Well there’s the recently added depleted uranium windows that offer 100% radiation protection.
And it would be nice of OP could update his post to reflect that but looks like they haven’t been here in well over a year.