Zane Blake player feedback

What does the quote say?

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Don’t bother arguing with the admins here, they all lick Victor Pride’s asshole every chance they get.

Oh no, I dislike this person and yet they’re still not banned, must be buttbuddies with admemes!! <- You right now :flushed:

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sucks, if you make a player feedback on yourself you instantly suck, your e-cock is small you suck.

just going to note; sec is not allowed to valid hunt, they are allowed to arrest criminals. minor difference but hey.

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refused to step down as acting hos when I, the actual HoS arrived, attacked (stuncuffed) me after I demoted him, strangled me in the cell when I arrested him for stunciffing me, later when he arrested someone for just having a bat (and that’s it, with no prior convictions so I was going to let the guy go) hit me with the bat “because (I) said it wasn’t a weapon” which was untrue. Lied constantly when getting arrested.

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Ahelped me and alfred when we killed him after he, as a changeling, headslugged because we ruined his antag round :100:

Also shitty sleeping carp PR

My rank was HOS, not acting HOS you imbecile. Every other time there’s a paperwork messup and there’s two people in the same command role they’d end up sharing that role. Not you, because you metagrudge me you decided to stun cuff me, steal my belongings and revoke my access even though you’re the same rank. What an absolute tool.

Lmao you going on about a round from like 8 months ago? When one of you was self-antagging partnering up with a changeling? Big kek

Self antag implies acting like an antag while not an antag. Killing an antag by using antag information is not. Ban got overturned because of its obvious stupidity. I believe the banning admin was also dovah with his underage erp discord antics.

Imagine crying and ahelping because your ling round got ruined while you’re a headslug getting beaten to death in maintenance. Says enough about a player who likes to point fingers elsewise.


I did not steal anything. I took away your HOS gear and put it in the HOS locker.
You yourself said Acting HOS. So I went with it.
Every single time you committed a crime or attacked me or whatever, and I put you in jail for the requisite time, because nobody is above the law, I told you that afterwards you could go back to patrolling. If I actually had a grudge, meta or not, I would’ve straight up fired you for attacking me and lying about it and several other things.

Zane is based, I’ve had may rounds with him in sec and not only, he gives very good tips while playing in dep with him, he just knows shit and answers many questions as mentor. While his playstyle in sec might be considered overaggressive, this is needed for security officer as people you face are able to take you down faster than two stun baton hits.

Edit: No, it’s not RP to die to antag because you wanted to listen to his story, as security officer you know exactly what antags can do and you should react properly.

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Flirts with felinids and gives them piggyback rides


A Heretic.
Associates with the ab-humans.

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also very unrobust HoS dies to an assitant on meth in maint while armed with a shotgun and his personal weapon… gets chocked and spaced while asking if its BB after all his stuff is stolen by the rev gang who come over to see whats up.

what even 20 character

Imagine not motivating your felinid team members with headpats.

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I can’t even defend you after that screenshot, that’s just a bruh moment.


For the record I was already in red health because the HOP subverted the AI for some reason on a revs round no less and I got shot by upload turrets. I was already lagging hard at this point then I stumbled into maint and saw the two of you, still not one of my better moments though.