CKEY: VictorPride
Your Discord: VictorPride
Offender’s CKEY: TheMaggotGuy
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: I forget
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 04-01-2019
Round Number: 14080 I believe, possibly 14082
Rules Broken: 2, 10, 12
Incident Description:
Be me, security officer. No HOS or warden so I ask captain to promote me to HOS, which he does. After a while another HOS comes on the shuttle. I give him most of the HOS items including gun, shield and budget card since he’s also in my job position and it’s not always nice knowing the job you wanted is already filled.
He then demands that I also give him my ID so he can demote me, to which I refuse, after all he’s the same rank as me. I tell him to take it up with the captain if he truly has a problem with that. Most similar situation is when there’s a paperwork error and there’s multiple people in the same position, and they’d just share the role.
Not this guy though. A bit over a week ago he reported me about a situation where he again falsely assumed he was higher in the chain of command and tried to forcibly arrest me because of it. Because he’s been grudging me all over the forums since then now he decides to do it some more in-game.
I get stunned and cuffed, my items stolen and ID access revoked. I find this ridiculous because he’s the same rank as me so he has no right to do that and he hasn’t even tried to speak to the captain. Once I get uncuffed I then stun and cuff him so I can do the same to him, to see how his perspective changes when we’re in the opposite position. At this point a third HOS comes in (??) who then stuns and cuffs me. From then on they both share the HOS position, which suddenly Maggot is okay with doing.
I got detained for a bit over 10 minutes before being released after other officers chimed in saying it was dumb. I made an arrest of someone with a baseball bat because it’s a weapon, then Maggot steps into the cell and says he’s free to go because a baseball bat isn’t a weapon now. I hit him with it once and said something like “it’s clearly a weapon” since it knocked him down as well, at which point he calls on security to arrest me then brigs me once again and lets out the person to leave with their bat.
Azlanon also said to me that he was speaking to Maggot and telling him that he should work with his fellow HOS’ but nothing came of that from my end.
Additional Information:
Following these events, he stalks both my player feedback page and security guide to shit on it some more because he just can’t get over his metagrudge.
At this point just ban him from security roles as well, he doesn’t understand chain of command and is using his position as security to grudge me.
You can’t demand they ban someone from a job because you feel he is in the wrong
Unless you was saying you don’t want him server banned just job banned
Take a minute think, are you both just upset? Does this need to evolve to a meta grudge?
It’s not feel he is in the wrong. It’s a blatant violation of the chain of command, and if he is repeating that mistake to this degree just over a week later then he still hasn’t learnt his lesson and needs a break from the role.
We players don’t decide what’s wrong, we just have opinions
My opinion is you should be Hos lite, he signed up for the job so he is defacto HOS
But same time you took the job, so deserve some HOS benefits, the mistake lies with captain for not turning the job off on the HoP console
While yes it would of been nice if you could of come to a agreement
Fact you remember him and he remembers you a meta grudge will form weather you mean to or not
Might of been best to defer to a admin
I’ve seen (I don’t remember details) but I’ve seen your not the best sec player, you get a lot of complaints
So maybe you wasn’t as calm as you remember
But Just my opinion
Nether/both was in wrong
I don’t remember him. He’s a random namer, I’m a static.
Sec players always get complaints if they’re robust and main it for a while e.g. Phyllis Pretzel, Nancy Druid, Alfred Collins. It’s just the way it goes.
this is blatantly false, you had on full HOS clothes and armor, as well as the HOS headset.
this is true, and the pinpointer as he had the nuke disk. But that’s it.
because you were the acting HOS, you said as much yourself
IIRC you just ignored it and did nothing
simple misunderstanding on my part, which I admitted multiple times. Why are you bringing up a solved case? Perhaps because you yourself have a metagrudge?
after multiple warnings and a fairly substantial amount of time
aka I took all the gear that said HOS on it and put it in my locker so the officers wouldn’t get confused
because you were the acting HOS in place of me.
ah yes revenge. He later lies about this to the other officers, and says I attacked him first.
I didn’t expect him to be so salty about it but I did remark about this match on his player feedback page, and saved the log of this time, to possibly include as proof, but chose not to include it because it would clutter up the page and seems a bit salty. Since I’m being reported, this is the perfect place to include it.
Unknown has electrocuted you with the stun baton!
You’re too exhausted to keep going…
Unknown has electrocuted you with the stun baton!
Unknown is trying to put handcuffs on you!
[Security] David Chipley says, “Bakcup.”
David Chipley says, “Bakcup.”
Unknown grabs you passively!
[Security] David Chipley says, “Help.”
David Chipley says, “Help.”
Unknown handcuffs you.
[Security] David Chipley says, “Zane blake is rogue.”
David Chipley says, “Zane blake is rogue.”
Unknown tries to remove your security HUDSunglasses.
Unknown tries to remove your the head of security’s bowman headset.
Unknown is going into overdrive!
[Security] E.V.A states, “Someone to lockers.”
[Security] David Chipley says, “Help.”
David Chipley says, “Help.”
David Chipley says, “Arest him.”
Unknown grabs Roger Curry passively!
Zane Blake (as Unknown) says, “What the fuck.”
Roger Curry asks, “What?”
David Chipley says, “He attacked me with his batton.”
Unknown puts the stun baton into the security belt.
David Chipley says, “And cuffed me.”
Unknown shoves Roger Curry, knocking them down!
Roger Curry asks, “Arrest who?”
David Chipley attempts to remove the handcuffs!
You attempt to remove the handcuffs… (This will take around 1 minute and you need to stand still.)
Unknown grabs you passively!
You fail to remove the handcuffs!
David Chipley says, “Zane.”
You’re restrained! You can’t move!
David Chipley says, “Hwlp.”
Roger Curry fires the energy gun!
Unknown is hit by a disabler beam in the chest!
Roger Curry fires the energy gun!
Unknown is hit by a disabler beam in the chest!
Zane Blake (as Unknown) says, “Fucking.”
Roger Curry fires the energy gun!
Unknown is hit by a disabler beam in the chest!
Roger Curry fires the energy gun!
Your armor softens the blow!
You’re hit by a disabler beam in the head!
Roger Curry fires the energy gun!
Unknown is hit by a disabler beam in the chest!
Roger Curry fires the energy gun!
Elsa ‘la Epee’ Spin is hit by a disabler beam in the right arm!
Roger Curry fires the energy gun!
The suit storage unit is hit by a disabler beam!
Roger Curry fires the energy gun!
Unknown is hit by a disabler beam in the right arm!
Zane Blake (as Unknown) says, “Idiot.”
Roger Curry fires the energy gun!
Unknown is hit by a disabler beam in the chest!
Unknown screams!
Roger Curry has electrocuted Unknown with the stun baton!
David Chipley attempts to remove the handcuffs!
You attempt to remove the handcuffs… (This will take around 1 minute and you need to stand still.)
Roger Curry has electrocuted Unknown with the stun baton!
Roger Curry grabs Unknown passively!
OOC: Jera8deshields: lag
Unknown screams!
Unknown screams!
Unknown screams!
Roger Curry has electrocuted Unknown with the stun baton!
Elsa ‘la Epee’ Spin is trying to put handcuffs on Unknown!
Zane Blake (as Unknown) says, “I was the first HOS.”
Roger Curry is trying to put zipties on Unknown!
Elsa ‘la Epee’ Spin handcuffs Unknown.
David Chipley says, “Acting hos.”
Roger Curry handcuffs Unknown.
David Chipley says, “Now I’m here.”
At this time, I had left him without the HOS gear but with everything else and was busy trying to figure out why the sec vendors were out of power so I could redress him, and I had pulled a sec locker out to where he was so he could gear up a bit. (then I realized no pockets etc without the jumpsuit so I went to the vending machines, etc) But I was trying to make sure he was still able to do his job of Sec Officer.
Roger Curry was the 3rd HOS.
So, funny story
I forgot that the character you’ve selected resets every single round/time you reconnect, so I spawned in as “Taurus ‘Orion’ Kuiper” my less cool, less robust (due to duffel bag) ethereal character. Now I’ve been wanting to play a human, David Chipley, so the Admins booted me back, had me join as assistant, gave me all HOS gear, and I think accidentally opened another HOS slot. The fact that I was technically an assistant meant that I accidentally had some ick problems, but they sorted themselves out, mostly. In fact, right before the logs was me saying “centcomm problem” to the AI as to why I was listed as assistant with full HoS gear. (also why I didn’t copy it down, because explaining that was unrelated to the problem of Zane Blake that round).
because he was a legitimate HOS, joined in as HOS, and therefore, with the responsibility to be HOS. I could care less about your hours or previous actions or whatever, but people with enough hours to be HOS typically are more suited to being HOS, and you were a Sec Officer. Also, what happened to you “not caring who was HOS” like when I player reported you earlier? Seriously, that was like a full 20% of your argument, that I was petty for caring who was HOS and who wasn’t.
This is because this was all explanations, searching, etc while you resisted arrest for the aforementioned stuncuff after you got demoted. Even though you never really served a time alone per se, the total time elapsed was in fact longer than the time I thought fit your crime, as (I think it was the warden, I don’t remember, but his name was Imhotep Rich Blood) another guy pointed out, so I let you go. Again, instead of stripping you of all your sec gear and fully demoting you to assistant, I let you go back to patrolling.
MUCH MUCH LATER, we’re talking at least 30 minutes or more, AT THE LEAST. The Demoting was at the start of when I joined, the Bat thing was near the end of the entire round.
I didn’t say that, and in fact remember you saying you were deaf. I let the guy go because his literal only crime was having a baseball bat, at the end, with literally nothing bad on him or previous crimes. for very minor shit like that I’ll usually let them off with a warning. The guy hadn’t even used it that I could tell. You don’t go crazy on arresting people for minor charges, otherwise everyone will rebel against the overactive shitsec. You get people like that on the second offense so that people don’t get resentful of you and end up actually committing a crime with actual impact.
responding to something I don’t remember saying
I don’t recall this, but ok
for assault of an officer
because his only crime was physically having a bat. That’s it from what I could tell.
So the admons still counted him as HoS, which I admit, I did not recognize. But Neither did I go out of my way to go after him. I did not stalk him analyzing everything he did, I treated him like I would any other sec officer.
In fact, during the arest for the bat, he said something to the effect of,
“Treat him like you would another HoS”,
to which I replied,
“Of course. No man is above the law.”
Apparently I can’t give him any player feedback now?
yeah, I pointed out his bad behavior in a jokey way. that may have not been the place for that, but it was not a malicious attack and was not simply “zane blake shitsec ban he” like other comments were here.
By letting you keep your job, instead of killing you or at the least perma-brigging or demoting you after you attacked me several times like anyone with less patience would have?
Now should I have let him stay as HoS? Should I have been less critical of his other actions after, such as with the hit from the bat? I think someone who actually disliked the guy would be much harsher and crude to him than I was.
It’s so incredibly ironic how similar this situation is to my player report of him, the difference being that in this case I was the HoS and not the warden. It’s actually a bit funny if you think about it.
Both had:
Late HOS arrival
Refusal to give up all the gear
Refusal to step down from HoS
Hostility towards me both in caharcter, and now, out of character
(that is it I suppose, but the setup is damn near identical).
I think my actions during that round were entirely justified. What makes this round any different from the other round where you were acting HoS? Why are your actions different now?
As I’m not 100% certain what constitutes metagrudge and what doesn’t I try to be as fair as possible to literally everyone. I have never done anything negative to any player or character due to their actions in a previous round; moreso it is a sense of wariness for various player and a knowledge of how they tend to act (e.g. some are more fair headed, some are more over the top, a couple are more wont towards shittery), but I judge all equally. The only times I have used previous round actions as a way to act according to another player was when I was the pAI for someone who went to charlie station, took some unique part out of their autolathe for himself, and stranded the person there to die among the hivebots, all for himself, all as non antag as the person cried, “I need that to fix up the station”. I lost all respect for that person that round, and as a result denied them EVA access when I was HoP and they asked for it due to how shitty they acted towards another player. Even then, I don’t recall going around to all the heads and saying “THIS GUY SHITTER AREST HE” (or similar), and it’s not like he couldn’t ask the AI to open EVA for him. (He ended up doing so IIRC, or maybe that was a different round, I don’t remember). But for Zane Blake, as it was such a high profile case, and such a high tension report, I try to make sure to be as fair as possible with him, hence the keeping him as sec instead of force-full-perma demoting him.
he literally tried to strangle me in the cells at one point
Actually that was my 2nd game as David Chipley HOS recently, but yeah, no way Zane knew that name.
literally only heard complaints about phyllis and then it’s mostly that when (he?)'s head people joke the AI always gets subverted those rounds
this is why you need to be mentor or something
admin oof when I accidentlaly joined as the wrong character, too long to rewrite here, check my response to Zane as to why there 3 HoSses
Christ the wall of text. Fact is, just a little more than a week ago you made the same ■■■■■■ed breach of chain of command to attack me and you’re grudging me again. Like, never in all my hours have I come across someone like this.
this is blatantly false, you had on full HOS clothes and armor, as well as the HOS headset.
I was referring to giving most of the unique HOS items. Why would I remove the HOS clothes and headset? I’m the HOS. Besides that, even if you had falsely assumed I was actually not the HOS then wanting the clothing and headset when you’ve already got duplicates is beyond petty, and even to forcibly arrest for that.
because you were the acting HOS, you said as much yourself
Bruh it’s like you don’t know how to use examine. My rank clearly stated “Head of Security”. And I repeatedly ad nauseam told you that I’m the real HOS.
simple misunderstanding on my part, which I admitted multiple times. Why are you bringing up a solved case? Perhaps because you yourself have a metagrudge?
Lol what? How would I be the one metagrudging if you’re the random namer who attacked me? I only found out it was actually you after you started spamming my other threads.
It’s relevant because you’re making the exact same mistake and again falsely assuming you’re higher on the chain of command. There’s rules on MRP for competence in your role, and you’ve shown repeatedly you either just don’t get it or that you have something against me.
because he was a legitimate HOS, joined in as HOS, and therefore, with the responsibility to be HOS. I could care less about your hours or previous actions or whatever, but people with enough hours to be HOS typically are more suited to being HOS, and you were a Sec Officer
What. You do realise that people can be promoted right? And kek talking about my hours.
what happened to you “not caring who was HOS” like when I player reported you earlier? Seriously, that was like a full 20% of your argument, that I was petty for caring who was HOS and who wasn’t.
I clearly don’t care. I was happy to throw you most of the HOS unique items and carry on doing sec work, like what would happen with any other normal person if there was a paperwork mistake and there’s two people in the same role. But not you. You instead had to stun and cuff me, remove all clothing and access. Beyond petty even if you actually thought I wasn’t the legitimate HOS.
Again, instead of stripping you of all your sec gear and fully demoting you to assistant, I let you go back to patrolling.
“Demoted”, like a HOS would even have the rank to be able to do that to another HOS. Not once did you even consult the cap.
I let the guy go because his literal only crime was having a baseball bat, at the end, with literally nothing bad on him or previous crimes. for very minor shit like that I’ll usually let them off with a warning.
Having a weapon is a medium crime, not a minor crime. Same level as assaults or breaking open windows to space, it’s definitely brig worthy. Baseball bats are especially dangerous since it’s easy to even stunlock beat officers to death with them. It’s comparable to the level of a restricted weapon even since it can stunlock, similar to flashes or batons, which is a major crime.
You want to prevent officers arresting people who commit that level of crime? You realise this was on the MRP server, not LRP right. Someone stalking the hallways with a baseball bat for no justifiable reason. At that point if you’re not gonna even enforce space law why did you even join up as a HOS? You’re either incompetent at it or this whole bit was just another way to get in my way some more by even undermining my ability to do my job.
So the admons still counted him as HoS, which I admit, I did not recognize
You can literally just shift-click and examine me with secHUDs and see my rank. It clearly stated “Head of Security” for myself, and you were in fact “Assistant” due to whatever admin happenings.
What makes this round any different from the other round where you were acting HoS? Why are your actions different now?
I was the legitimate HOS, promoted by the captain and my rank clearly showed the same. If you don’t know how to even check rank and keep spouting this “acting HOS” line like it was my actual rank then you shouldn’t be playing HOS regardless. So that’s the issue with my legitimacy squared away.
But the rest of the situation I agree it is the same, you again ignored or were too incompetent to understand the chain of command and again I’m on the receiving end of your ignorant incompetence. How many times is enough?
Which is why I’m getting reported lol[quote=“VictorPride, post:1, topic:3412”]
I give him most of the HOS items
Words have meaning dude. The way you put it sounds like you actually did give me most of the hos items when you were, in fact, fully decked out in HoS gear. Plus all the gear you had on (except for the sec belt and probably the boots iirc) was, in fact, unique to the HOS.
In the round I reported you for, even though your nametag said “acting HoS”, the other sec officers actually assumed you were the legitimate HoS, going so far as to attack me and arrest me to “protect you”. So yeah, as I said before,
literally what is the difference between being promoted to HoS in lieu of a real HoS, aka being the acting HoS, when one time your name tag has the word “acting” in it, and one time it doesn’t? How is this literally any different? You were HoS when there was none both times, why is it now you didn’t want to step down? When you were ACTING as the HoS while the real HoS was gone, why does the word on the nametag make any sort of difference?
Because you’re bringing up something that was already solved, already done, something one of us doesn’t care about any more? That’s the definition of a grudge. Rereading your post, it looks like you were using it to try and say I ignore chain of command, but it shows you still have feelings about it, which means you haven’t truly let it go.
Not once did I attack you. Stop lying. On the other hand, while you were serving time for
aka, revenge, as I was (either taking your tools like standard brig procedure or talking to one of the guards or you about what you did and why you were being arrested, I don’t remember which I was doing at the time) you uncuff yourself, start attacking me, and straight attempt to strangle me to death instead of, since you thought you were in the right, being the bigger man and serving your time to keep tensions low.
Not once did I attack you, whereas you literally tried to strangle me in your cell. Stop lying.
The real HoS can totally ask the acting HoS to stand down. Why wouldn’t he be able to?
You can’t have it both ways my dude
If I removed all your access how did you get into the brig and
Yet again another blatant lie to make me look bad.
So you’re saying that taking HoS gear and HoS access from someone I don’t think is the HoS is petty? Especially when I personally tried to make sure you actually had clothes to wear so you could do your job as sec afterwards?
From my point of view, you were a sec officer who had been given temporary power and responsibility due to lack of the guy who was supposed to fill that role, and as you were a simple Security Officer and I was your Head of Staff, I saw it as an entirely Sec problem, not a command problem, and therefore not one I needed to ask the Captain about. As I’ve said before, “The real HoS can totally ask the acting HoS to stand down.”
Besides, if you thought the cap had authority over this, why didn’t YOU seek him out, instead of trying to kill me several times?
An important part of security’s job in these situations is to arrest and punish for the crimes that actually have a real impact on the game. The clown grafitiing the walls is a crime, but it has literally no impact on anything and thus desrves a warning. Some guy with a baseball bat at the end of the round is completely inconsequential compared to stopping the antags, or me focusing on stopping shitsec from arresting people without cause. It holds up one of the cells. makes the guy angry and resentful, and wastes the time of everyone involved. If he actually does something with the bat, then yes, put him in jail. But warning people for inconsequential crimes serves a very important important function:
It tells people they can’t be doing what they’re doing,
It doesn’t take people out of the round,
It fulfills the roleplay function of sec (aka taking actions in character)
and it frees up all sec involved to focus on more important things, should something of import occur.
In practice I should have most likely just confiscated the bat, and I will admit I was frustrated with your previous actions that round (you literally tried to kill me for demoting you to sec officer), but doing a full arrest for something insignificant like that is still too over the top.
What does this have to do with anything? I was the actual HoS. It (should’ve) had literally no bearing on your IC actions that round. Why are you bringing it up?
1 comment on your player feedback and 1 comment on a sec guide you made is spam? gotcha
Proof that Zane Blake clearly does not care about who was HoS that round, or any round:
Oh wait, that’s him bringing up his HoS rank, as if it mattered to him.
Here’s the proof that he clearly doesn’t care:
Case closed, lock the thread.
(Don’t actually lock the thread, I’m just trying to point out that it’s a bit ridiculous, if not a little bit funny the sheer amount of times he brings up his rank as an argument against me for someone who “Clearly doesn’t care”. Add a little bit of jest to lighten up a high-tensions thread.)
Pulled the logs, looked over the conversations between you both, couple of points on this exact issue:
@VictorPride you did say Acting, both to the rest of security before HoS joined and to his face when he joined. This strongly implies a willingness to step down, and I’m inclined to agree that you should once the real HoS shows up. It’s unclear from the logs whether you were promoted with intention of being the acting or the actual HoS. editted Removed this part as it doesn’t make sense in light of more information.
@ThemaggotGuy has already been dealt with appropriately and privately in the round. That’s why they cooperated with the third (???) HoS.