Your Personal Favourite Stories

Introduced this game to a friend today, I want to share some good stories with 'em! Been scrolling through the screenshot thread but suspect not everything is posted there or I might’ve passed it! Please do share some. :smiley:

one i hold fondly comes from teaching a new cargo tech the ropes. Was playing QM as i had for many, many rounds at this point when the tech comes up to me to tell me he’s a newbie which is always a treat because i get to vicariously relive my early days through them. Show them some of the ropes until the HoS barges in yapping about mindshields and cults so i teach him the usual cult show and dance. A batch of mindshield crates arrive and get opened when the cults bash through the windows and set up shop in cargo. I get converted but the newbie runs onto the cargo shuttle. I walk in and tell him that he should come willingly since we both know I could kick his ass and he tells me he can’t submit since the cargo has to be delivered. Bastard slips past me and runs off with the mindshields. Never felt prouder to be bested. Real Cargonian spirit in the boy


and the boy? Taylor Fisher


Oh well, lemme give you the first time i rolled traitor.
I was a barman and only had around 20h of playtime and here it happens !

I’m a traitor !

But unfortunately my first task wasn’t the easiest, i needed to murder the captain of the station, and this was on prehistoric LRP bee, so captain always wore his power armor and had multiple guns on him. I also had to murder the priest.

So i got myself a 32 caliber revolver and went to church (this sounds bad), there was the priest, i talked a bit pretending to be interested in religion, we talked about god and the humanity in the greater cosmos (we were both human), satisfied with our conversation i discharged my revolver into his skull and proceeded to burn the body.

But i was seen !

So i quickly fled then changed my face with muligan toxin. Having people with missmatched ID’s and names was common back then so nobody bat an eye. But my greatest obstacle was still here. I had to kill the captain of the station.
I see the captain in his cataphrac armor and an idea stuck me.

Captain ! Want a drink ?

The man couldn’t resist a glass, he asked for a black russian, i obliged and we made small talk while i was preparing his drink.
Once i was finished i place the drink down on the table, he then removes his bullet proof helmet to drink and this is when i strike !
His now unprotected, sof skull was a very squishy target. Two bullets and the man was down, one last to finish him and i drag his body to the bar’s backroom, i’m trembling and sweating. Removing the brain of a man with a bread knife was harder than i expected. And then while i was in the middle of butchering him.

Someone opened the door.

And this someone was not anyone, it was the head of security. I begin typping to try and buy time to find a way to escape, but before i’m able to utter a single word i become swiss cheese due to several discharges of a shotgun.

I died and get my body cremated, the captain was revived.

I haven’t played antags in years but the few times i did were fairly fun although stressful.


classic bee being classic bee

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self inserting
two EPS threads

and a bonus (kudos to @joelogbybolb for bluespace launchpad)


Gonna put the same story as my first bwoink in ss13.
I was HoS in a low pop lrp server and someone had stolen the secway so I chased them until I cornered them on cargo with a fuel tank.
I couldn’t get them since they were between two objects but neither could I move or else he would run away. So I put 1+1 together and used the welding tool on it.
This wasn’t bee btw. It was Toolbox Station.

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Man I have countless, but I’ll just give a couple old but short ones.

Me and our very own @taylor one time both wound up as lawyers while I was still playing as Matthew. One thing lead to another and we ended up in court trying to sue eachother. But the twist was we had asked genetics to get us mutators for each other’s likeness. So at some point we just started switching around our faces and arguing as the other person BUT to try to support our cause. Pretty sure at some point death penalties were requested but the captain (Aden Finlay btw) stopped taking us seriously a while back.
But in the end it was just too much fun to leave any bad blood between us!

During my brief stint as Fornax the ethereal we had a low pop Acacia round where we started playing blackjack. And we might’ve gotten a bit too carried away… I was the HoS playing as the house with NT’s money, lost like 2400 credits to 2 of my fellow security officers but then managed to reocupe it from the geneticist that gambled away the entire medical budget.
(The engineer on the photo was blind so I had to keep reading out their and everyone else’s cards).

But let’s be real, the real stories are the friends we made along the way :).


I mean. I don’t think there is much to discuss in that situation.

Comms agent “accidentally” leaks radio chatter with a fake nuclear operative name, making the station believe they are under assault by stealth ops. The station is skeptical until the local clown declares “I SAW SOMEONE IN A RED HARDSUIT IN SPACE! OPEN THE ARMORY!”. Naturally the paranoid station believes the clown and the station is skipped straight to red alert and everyone prepares for battle.

Ten minutes pass with no battle

Some crew don space suits in an effort to find the operatives’ ship. Naturally they don’t find it because no such ship exists. Clown is asked if they were just playing a prank, and the clown denies ever claiming there was anyone in a red hardsuit in the first place.

A few more minutes pass and as the station command concludes they have been japed by the clown:
“Hahaha Nanotrasen is full of fuckwits, I can’t believe you fell for that!”
“There is no strike team on its way to your station, you’re not even worth the cost!”

Naturally, taunting a crew armed to the teeth in preparation for combat with the syndicate isn’t an especially good idea. The captain gives the order to search for and eradicate the source of the radio signal. At this point myself and a couple of other ghosts take up the remainder of the lavaland spawns to reinforce the lone comms agent and actually have something of a fighting chance.

Comms agent fills us in on what has happened while we were sleeping and informs us that the base is under threat of attack by Nanotrasen. I head to the lab and start mixing dark matter (pulls everything toward it) to make a handful of vacuum grenades, Comms agent continues to heckle the station, researcher #2 rummages through storage to see what additional supplies we might have to fend off the attackers and the last one… starts mixing drinks in the bar complaining about how we’re all going to die anyway.

The first crew member to spot the base has their leg shot off by Researcher #2 while they were on watch for Nanotrasen’s approach, but they hobble their way around a rock before the next shot can be fired. Researcher #2 comes inside as an ash storm starts and lets us know about the survivor that has no doubt relayed the location of our facility. We all share a drink as the ash storm dies down and prepare for battle.

As the captain and several other crew members approach and begin building a bridge across the lava, I throw the first of the dark matter grenades in their direction. The lava causes a premature detonation, causing it to pull several crew members including the captain deep into the lava before they can react to the presence of the grenade. We all open fire with our rifles and repel the initial attack with relative ease through overwhelming firepower, but 15 high caliber bullets can only get us so far and enough crew survive the fusillade to recover the fallen.

Some time passes and surviving crew makes for a second approach, completing a bridge to our front door this time. I throw another dark matter into the lava near the assailants and… it detonates almost immediately, sucking myself, researcher #2 and all of the assaulting crew into the lava. The drunkard and comms agent survive the ordeal and Nanotrasen calls off the attack, not knowing that we had expended everything we had in defense already.

This round happened a long time ago, and I have slightly dramatized it to make a better story of it. I think the crew caught in the second dark matter grenade were recovered, but I don’t actually remember. Everyone had a great time and laughs in deadchat though.


That does sound fun! I wish we have more interactions with lavaland ghost roles such as free golems and the syndicate.

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