CKEY: waifuthread
Admin’s CKEY: bloons9
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: both/ LRP (Job)
Which server did the ban happen on? lrp
Ban Type: server ban/job ban (A.I)
Ban Length: 3 days (Server), 1 Week (job)
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 06/21/2020
Round ID: 17524
Ban Reason: “LRP. On a gangs round, decided to call out the captain’s position (JackTheLing) and open armory for gangs. After watching a gang member attack the captain, kept calling out their location afterward. Metagruding another player as AI and disregarding laws”
Appeal Reason: This ban is just retarded. first of all, how was i, in the roumd, supposed to know that the people i let into armoury were gang, there were no law changes saying gangs weren’t human either, and they didnt attack anyone yet so it wasn’t human harm.
How was i supposed to know that Kate Bishop was gang when they had never been called out? they hadn’t done any harm, they were in armoury the entire time, they said law 2 open armoury in PDA, so i followed the HUMAN ORDERS i was given, they said they weren’t gonna harm cap, and i had no clue they were gang, so why ban me for it? also, i saw cap get shot, i BOLTED HIM IN THE EVA FOYER SO HE WOULDN’T GET SHOT AGAIN, why ban me for something i couldnt intervene with in the first place?
jacktheling aka rebel troubel was already doing a shitty job as captian and was not suited to be captian, you are allowed to help crew detain someone who is unfit to be captain afaik, and besides, nobody likes the guy as captian anyways, it was hardly metagrudging, the guy never fucking does his job, he just does what is basically advanced tiding and gets defended by sec for it
Additional Information: this is a ban for an IC issue as far as i see, it’s just a ban because a crybaby captian couldnt handle his crew realising they were unfit to hold the captian job so he ahelped and got the a.i banned