Uwuspeak and cat phrases being prohibited by admins

Why is a character having a lisp bad. Make this a trait or something, like stuttering.


oh dear i mentioned velvet and summond the unspeakable one.


As someone who had two speech quirk characters, Ivan Ivonovitch (Julian Russian Reskin) and the B.L.O.C.K Advertisement Unit (literally just spamton speech put on a different degree), I can definitely say that speech gimmicks are fun to have every now and then, but I don’t do it religiously. Maybe experiment with certain speech patterns or without them at all and see where that gets you. Or just try french pAI that hates clowns idfk.

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I opened these and slightly regretted my earlier stance.

Dear god.


oh the misery

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Let me give my two cents here.

Is it a gimmick that can be annoying? Yes.

Is it a gimmick that is truly hurtful? Not quite.

Sure, everything can be overdone. And it is clear that this player, something_iswrong, is amongst other felinids a user that clearly indulges in uwuspeak.

Maybe even overindulges in it, at least for my and many others taste.

But this uwuspeak doesn’t truly make her writing unreadable, it’s just like reading someone who misstype quite a lot. And our eyes and brains read whole words, not letter by letter. So even if someone will have trouble understanding this type of speak, this difficulty will soon vanish in the space of few shifts.

What I wouls focus on, instead, is if she and the others who likes to write like this are here to add their treasure of wholesomeness and kidness to the experience of others.

See, what I think is truly distinctive to our little gem of a game, our ss13, is not the grief. Itself being a supposed autism simulator. Or even the adage of “never trust anyone”.

It’s rule 7.

Be excellent to each other.

There isn’t, in all the world, any other game to my knowledge that has this wonderful piece of advice as a rule, baked deep inside the community core.

And this, for me, means not just try to be simply kind or gentle, but trying my best to understand other’s needs. And if uwuspeak is so integral, so needed to express oneself for some felinid players… if that’s how they find an avenue to enjoy themselves, while respecting server’s rules and the others, enriching our game by their mere presence like everyone one of us does, then it’s a no brainer for me.

I think it should be allowed.

I might not like it. It might not encounter my tastes. And yes, seiing it spammed in my face all the times might not exactly be the best thing to see in each shift. But if these players are good hos, botanists, crewmembers and whatsnot and makes them happy, then no true harm is being done.

I’m certain we can all find in our hearts the small space needed to allow others enjoy their peaceful and harmless gimmicks.

They are just using an unoffensive(even if somewhat annoying) way of speaking, after all!


This has always been bannable due to it literally being netspeak. If you do it you are doing LRP at best.


Bring golden back and put the felinids in there. Boom uwuspeak problem solved.

I am betting my chances of holding off an admin app until october that this is going into crapola

it’s that time of year again

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Me not being very tech-savy neither well connected with the times and actual fads, I must admit this information caught me off by suprise.

I have encountered this kind of speak just by felinid players, back on golden.

Even if back then there was far more just a continous stream of “Nyaa!” and far less uwu.

Told so, is it truly netspeak?

I mean, in the end only felinid players have ever used this kind of talking, at least to my knowledge.

Not frequenting much of reddit, social medias and other big brand sites, I don’t know if that’s truly the case though.

But if it is and only felinid players actually uses it, I would consider it as the lizard speech, as Ruko pointed out.

Still, I get why people can get annoyed by an excess of it. And considering felinid players actually substitute the entirety of their speaking with uwuspeaking, for sure if we’ll allow it we’ll see a lot of it, coming from them.

But hey, that’s where my point comes in!

If you need to do something, if you long so strongly for it to actually misstype any single word to fulfill this expression of yourself… if it makes you so happy doing it, good lord, can I truly feel justified to ban you from adopting a harmless speaking gimmick?

I don’t think so.

At least I absolutely wouldn’t feel good in doing it and that’s why I would never apply for admminning! It would tear my heart to enforce this kind of rulings, while I myself interpret it as just letting others be happy feeling safe to express themselves.

And that’s why I respect admins a lot for what they do, still enforcing the rules and doing their volunteer work impartially, just to let us enjoy a better atmosphere and gaming experience.

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even older threads about this:

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This was a very eloquent and kind dissection of the subject! A very nice read!


I will bully you in-game and… probably best not doing so as a Head of Staff. If it isn’t automatically done then it isn’t a race trait. If it isn’t a race trait then whoever back at Cent Comm who appointed you Head of Security or whatever should be fired. lol

You are a cool player! I like Luna.

Pubby Pod incident?

No…you don’t want to know… don’t go that rabbit hole of lore…

But yeah i personally don’t care as long as it’s not spammed on every sentence if they say bouwnties once, whatever they’re a cat person. But if they spam the radio(specially command loud mode or station announcements for random messages) then that’s… too much, too on the face and it kinda breaks my immersion.

In the end i could say it depends on the player, on the frequency, on their general history and what motivates them: are they doing it as a part of a character gimmick(i.e their uwuspeak comes out when they get nervous or super happy, etc) or just to get a reaction of the opposite part.




My final post on Bee

Get fucked felinid, take the L


We have witnessed the supposed final post of Xeapor, the Honkmaster. :saluting_face:


The best irony would be if the fuck felinids man pulls a winter move, imitating the ur-catbeast

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