It is netspeak
I am not allowed to say sus but catgirls can say nya, I demand justice
It is netspeak
I am not allowed to say sus but catgirls can say nya, I demand justice
Bottom text…
Yo but for real tho it is netspeak
Its also a real word used in another language.
Wait seriously what language, I didn’t know this
Last i checked we dont ban words from other languages.
Yeah yeah it doesnt mean the same thing. Who the fuck cares
There is a literal “Nya” voiced command on skyrat, another reason why that word should be added to netspeak, plus ↓
Bro that is so obscure that it doesn’t matter
Also, yeah, doesnt mean the same thing
You sure about that? Sus is a scientific name for pig, its banned for netspeak.
this injustice is so sad
how can I RP a scientist if I cant say the scientific word for pig smh
Ok and? Lol is used lots IRL and i think more so than online anymore.
How is Omg not netspeak and not filtered despite it literally being netspeak?
ok I agree with that, OMG should be added as well.
Banned words list is such a random mess holy…
I dont. I was pointing out that its inconsistent.
I dont think we should filter netspeak that is widely used IRL because then its not just netspeak. Its arbitrary and annoying. Thx should stay on the filter because its purely netspeak both there is no reason why some other things should be there.
Ok but who the fuck says OMG irl
You havent been to an American highschool or around teenage girls.
Says a lot, I don’t listen to American arguments, i win you lose bye bye.
According to rules we are english speaking server so argument about nya meaning something in other language is invalid, especially since I recall ban for polish name and i’m pretty sure there was one for talking in different language
And yeah, no one ever used it as javanese word in history of SS13, nya is as pure of a meme and netspeak as you can get
There’s literally no way to defend nya while still filtering other netspeak, especially since netspeak is more and more common, half of filtered words are used by people below 30
Either filter nya or get rid of that LRP system of word filters, let us finally role play on this server and use the language that fits our characters, that includes netspeak and slurs