Original Title: The new “No Tolerance For Dirty Jokes” policy is ridiculous when you consider that you can literally print off an actual real life nude photo of someone’s naked ass by scanning your ass on the in-game printer
Don’t forget the medbot named “inspector johnson” which is a reference to “Dick Inspection”, that’s way too lewd for our under 18 server
Also you can choose to go commando and take off your jumpsuit for literal nudity, and show off your tiny, 16-bit spessmans micropenis, gotta remove that from the game
Like I get wanting to ban ERP as well as cringey roleplay behavior like what victor and Velvet did, but permabanning for one single foulup, no matter how small is rediculous. Hell, griefers get second chances here. Why not people who do OOC rule breaks instead of in-game rule breaks?
Edit: Apparently crossed changed the title to something inaccurate. Fixing
Edit 2:
I made this coming off of the appearance ban for my character named “Dick Finger” who everyone, myself included, knew was a meme, and thus was removed. You can check out my now closed (which I asked for) ban appeal for the guy, but as for this whole “no tolerance for dirty jokes policy” thing, well it doesn’t appear to actually be a thing.
Did I get a perma for calling myself “Dick Finger”? No. Did Kev get a perma for his far worse dirty joke? No. I got a one hour kick and a 3 day ban from using “Dick Finger”, and he no longer has his position at the top. I think we both got fair punishments here. In my post above I said, “even griefers get second chances”. We both got a second chance. The only instance I’ve seen with something like this being perma for first offense after many years of good actions is with the victorpride thing, and you can check my thread on that to see how I feel about it.