Stealing HoS gun [roleplay]

This is now a virology hate thread.

Virology sucks, 99% of the symptoms only exist to be neutered or used by an antag. Imagine all the problems of nanites and xenobio but 99% of the content exists to be neutered or used by an antag. The beneficial symptoms are mediocre on their own.

Negative viruses will never be fun to have affect you. It will always boil down to the following:
Infection starts showing:

  • So mild it doesn’t bother
  • Severe enough to warrant treatment

Treatment goes:

  • Go to medbay
  • le gasp, you are infected, drink this concoction(or die waiting for it)
  • cured very quickly, no long term effects

The benefit to the station is very very limited. Most beneficial symptoms have mediocre effect. Only way to truly get mileage out of the beneficial is stacking the diseases, vastly complicating distribution. In effect? Viro enjoys peak power and can’t distribute. At least with xenobio, you can in theory distribute(not that anyone does), and nanites not only make distribution easy, but require it.

It’s antag/griff bait more than anything.


Sane people having a sane discussion [gone sane!].

Not that simple considering how a minor misstep means round removal and loss of a rare roll while the worst an officer can get is… A slap on the wrist by the hos? I suppose it is easier to make security try your gimmick if you are a regular/staff.

Also not you specifically but 90% of the time Hos won’t trade his gun for a hostage, hell I had a hos destroy his gun because he knew I needed it.

Recent bans would beg to differ.

Greentext does nothing for you as a player, and this is a potentially* valid answer by the HoS, more or less a refusal to cooperate and declaration of war. Murder your hostages, and in this case even prime murder is completely acceptable imo. He ensured you can never complete your mission, ensure that the crew who’s lives he chose to sacrifice cannot be recovered in retribution - that’s just following through on your hostage threat. Being permanently removed sucks, but sometimes that’s the cards you get dealt and it’s the correct way for a scene to turn out.

*Intentionally blocking greentext is usually bad, and this can easily be one of those cases too. Depends on too many factors

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Considering those tend to happen most rounds and all you get is a job ban, it still is just a slap. Pretty much only the worst offenders get punished, while malicious ones that do not go overboard tend to stay unpunished (like that French hos/captain)

If Aden Finlay / Pauline Dubois (played by the same person, @Tamus) fit your definition of malicious shitsec, I’m not sure what to say except that I strongly disagree. They’re pretty much a model player as far as blending RP with their duty to protect the station goes in my experience. (I haven’t seen a lot of them as Dubois yet though, to be fair)

They have a feedback thread for both Dubois and Finlay and are worth engaging with if you disagree with how they’re playing as well. Give it a shot and let them know what’s upsetting you.


aden too robust ruined my antag round he is therefore shitsec

No it’s more about him always being toxic in dchat and refusal to rp with anyone outside his group but… I believe you are just baiting and I fell for it so well done

An instance where my avatar and forum title betray me.

But no, I’m being serious - The player your talking about is server staff - you can see this plainly if you check their profile:
The accusations you’re tossing have serious implications for staff if you’d take the steps to properly report them instead of passively posting about it in a General thread, and that carries over to toxicity in dchat if it’s occurring.

Give them feedback and let them prove they’re not what you’re thinking, or make a staff report if you continue seeing what you’re claiming.

I will only say that if you choose to reproduce shitty behaviour after suffering from it, then you do not help, at all.


We need a “Stealing HoS Reactive Armour” thread too for the recent game where a Mime killed all of Sec and Command with an Esword. 42758 lol

“HURR DURR! I was just gettng the reactive teleport armour. Starting from outside medbay by killing almost everyine!”

They didn’t actually say that but I think they did complain about valid hunter. lmao

Hello, ruko.
Twenty chars

But yes. If you have issues, feedback threads are open, if you feel it’s worth investigation, open a player report or talk to staff.
Talking about it here is not really productive

Hi, babe. Bomb suits make fire ball do basically nothing and secway bypasses the slowdown.

Go kill those stinky meta wizards and be the hero the station needs :pray:

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That’s a terrible solution for dealing with meta wizards. The true counter to meta wizards is to just roll wizard instead of them.



Maxcap solves all issues, even unruly wizards.


Maxcaps are too big. Clearly the answer is a dufflebag full of potassium-water grenades.

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Pathetic. Why not meth? Real meth too! Not that weak stuff.

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Meth takes time and a chem heater. Potas/water doesn’t.

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Regular meth explosion doesn’t as all reagents are always at 300K, the temperature needed to blow up the Diethylamine meth explosion.

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