what are metashields
What do you mean? There main purpose is to protect from antag conversion and show that a person is not an impostor with a mask and a sec ID. Is there a major flaw?
Yes, you mentioned the flaw
Also there mindshields, unless its a play on words. Which one is the flaw?
Metashields are not mindshields, mindshields just protect from brainwashing
It removes risk and paranoia from the game in order to make it a safe hugbox.
We need traitor heads of staff
No, HoP antag is instawin
Unironically I wouldnât mind reworked antag status being possible for heads on high pop, aside from captain, HoP, and HoS.
U cant remove metashields entirely without reworking how the game works to be less about antags, but it should be limited as much as is reasonable
All heads of staff have metashields, thus hugbox
Also from before, security and friends need to be immune to rev and cult because otherwise there is no challenge or hope of survival. Thatâs it.
Oh god forbid, no. Head antags were a thing already, and it sucked. It lead to department staff not following the department heads lead due to the chance of them being antag. The game needs ingame anchors that do not change, that has nothing to do with hugbox.
This, also head antags had a very unfair advantage over other antags/crew, like when you rolled RD tot youâd just casually subvert AI and noone would notice/care because itâs the RD.
lawyer is my only way to deal with corrupted security, and a total RP role whoever is a lawyer usually focuses on hard RP
Tbf, what iâd like is them not to be able to become normal antags, but to get antagonistic objectives
Might still be pipe dream tho and not worth it tho lol
i have seen some trials it usually ends in A. The person getting executed or B. The person getting broken out. i actually held one because Mime spoke so i said okay lets do this i see this guy trying to break him out so what do i do? i execute the mime which turns the entire station into a frenzy attempting to kill me
Sometimes lawyers manage to convince sec to let people have trial or just a private hearing in sec⌠its rare but it happens⌠also traitor lawyers are fun.
I resurrect and old discussion, but it remains true.
Lawyer is not useful in its current form. It ha just access to brig and no authority whatsoever. therefore few play it because itâs like choosing the least fun of all jobs possible. And being RP is no fun if you are ignored 90% of the time. Even gimmick jobs donât appear often (stage magician is not a success according to discussions on github).
Could it be possible to make it get full support from admins during rounds? I have some ideas.
- Lawyer could make contracts and should one party foul the other, the lawyerâs god would punish him (it has to be stated on wiki and enforced by admins, otherwise it just depends on willingness of others whih is rare
- pray should be considered as effective for lawyers as it is for dedicated chaplain (in order to get what is needed to perform the job)
- Lawyer should be able to counsel and do abiding contracts for antags (allowing trade of TC/items), even if he knows they are antags (thatâs part of the job IRL).
- Lawyers should begin round with FUCKTONS of cash. Because itâs a very lucrative profession.
- Security should be expected (RP) to listen and give some credit to lawyers, ignoring him should be appealable to cap and enforced by admins (otherwise rounds are too much dependent on willingness of sec players to make lawyer useful and fun).
- lawyer should have more access (maintenance, all departments) to find clients in all areas possible
Or else the job is just a waste of code, if it is funny no more than 10% of rounds actually played. Because trials almost never happen. So it should be counseling lawyer (instead of litigation lawyer)
There is literally nothing wrong with lawyers except that they get paid less than janitors.
Itâs rare to get such extreme shitsec that they totally ignore lawyers, if they donât follow space law after gentle verbal berating just ahelp.
Itâs not rare that security has no idea about brig procedures including leaving people buckle cuffed, taking ages to set timers or full stripping, a good lawyer (aka me and not you) will get someone out early at least once a shift because security are being useless.
They still do exist in the game. You just canât play a devil as theyâre only from admin manipulation.
Another suggestion by the way : the lawyerâs briefcase and his office should be covered by legal priviledge, meaning no one but the lawyer could be entitled to open it (or captain under limited circumstances).
The lawyer does not have any antag specific item, but at least with the legal priviledge he could safely transfer illegal items form one place to another, be the devilâs lawyer and get some sense of safety.
But a specific antag item would be nice.
But most importantly there should be fun things to do without being antag and withou relying too much on willingness of others not to ignore him