the lawyer, in practice is a useless and annoying role, he has no real power, and his only real job, being in trials, can often be overruled, rendering his job obsolete, along with the fact security has no obligation to listen to him, so all he actually does is exist
I have yet to even see a trial happen.
further reinforcing why we need to remove lawyer
I’ve only participated in one “Trial” when as a doctor I got enough signatures to start a vote to ban alcohol in the courtroom. Had a defence and prosecutor and everything. There were actually two lawyers that shift but they were both busy maint wandering (probably vh) despite half the server including all command staff being there.
Its ridiculous, lawyers are just assistants with security access and a mindshield, they need to be fixed.
wait, lawyers get roundstart maint access? also they don’t have a mindshield
Lawyer is the only pure RP job remaining, since the Chaplain has their magic sword and sects, and the curator has their funny whip
This is false. Lawyer serves a purpose when admemes decide to fuck with the crew and spawn devils.
the last time I saw a devil on bee was 6 months ago, on golden, and golden is lrp, so lawyer no fit
Devils are removed, and will almost never spawn, since sec see valid aka the devil and kill the valid due to the state of security in sage
Yes. Ik. This is why i said this.
We aren’t really even allowed to spawn devils since dredging up a dead gamemode like that is more of an event and requires approval
Laywer being the last “Pure RP” job doesn’t count for much when laywers never RP. They need a rework, removal or just ignoring the lawyer’s problems (Which requires zero effort / work nor needing to feed the codermonkeys)
Honestly, even some red text on spawn saying their mandated to go to any trial reasonably with enough people, IE not in an emergency or because the clown and two assistants are in the courtroom. This would be really easy and if they dont want to deal with the responsibilities of the lawyer they can just choose the assistant job with no change in playstyle.
General question: Why do you want to remove the lawyer when the only negative thing that comes from him existing or not existing is his sunglasses on spawn?
The roles existence is quite literally neutral for LRP, somewhat positive for MRP. I can not really see an argument for removal just because they are rarely useful.
It’s like medbays therapist role. It does not harm the gameplay experience in any way.
Reworking it would be a different discussion, but removal? No way.
lawyer is useless on mrp because security rushes killing all antags without trial, and for lrp, lawyer is roleplay based, it just won’t work for lrp
Sue the janitor for slipping you.
What’s the problem of a law-gimmick assistant tho
There’s also talk of adding fax machines from oracle, and lawyer could be given one to make himself valid to adminbus, with him also maybe reporting SOP violations and circumventing terrible heads from time to time.
Might aswell call them “internal affairs agents” and be on our way - cause that what paradise’s laywer is, which’s gameplay features is word for word what you said.
It is pretty kool though.
It’s more of the NT rep as an optional thing
Check the wiki link, IIA are lawyers but they also investigate departments for SOP violations and have a fax machine in their office - their third responsibility being to fax CC. IIAs are exactly what you described, not NT Reps.