The only SOP they’ll probably bother themselves with is heads
im a lifelong para player i dont need to read the wiki lol
The only SOP they’ll probably bother themselves with is heads
im a lifelong para player i dont need to read the wiki lol
Nobody cares what lawyer says so why should he give a shit and put more effort into it.
The only time I had fun on MRP as lawyer was when HOS listened to me and let me bring prisoner on deathrow last meal with chap to read him his last rites. But then again I got shot by warden in the back of the head that round for “tresspassing” into perma.
So yeah playing lawyer is pointless when sec treats you like anyone else the whole time.
Lawyers don’t have much room to argue anyways
The sentence will be up before they make a valid argument, trying to get an EoC out (Good luck, and you’re cringe if you try this) or self antag because they didn’t get this their way.
This is the very core of the problem.
We can’t expect people to do something if literally everyone else is ignoring their actions
Two months ago I was actually proposing some changes which would make a quick trials where both lawyers debate and agree on sentence a thing. Sentence would be binding for security and they would be obligated to set punishment to exactly that
Sadly it didn’t catch on and judging by sentiment a lot of posts on this very forum and discord share we will be moving back to more LRP state of things so if anything was to change it would probably be a removal of lawyer as this thread suggest instead of making them actually useful
The Lawyer exists to stop sec from getting carried away. Most normal brig sentences will be over before a court case can even be arranged.
Wrong. Lawyer exists to persuade warden into making gladiatorial fighting pits in the brig, and force prisoners to fight to their deaths for a chance of going free.
Of course and there’s nothing wrong about it
What I had in mind and described in linked thread was more of a system that allows you to override the sentence made by lower instance
First instance is as you said sec officer (to be specific in my vision it should be a warden, sec officers would just be putting arrested people in temporary holding cell for warden to process them). Warden sets the sentence and that’s where most cases would end, prisoners would wait their sentence out or do the gulag and then would be let go as usual.
Second instance would only happen if both the arrested person and one of the lawyers would disagree with Wardens sentence.
As you said, any proceedings would take longer than average sentence, so arrested players wouldn’t want to be bothered by it, only if sentence is longer or there was something wrong with a case there would be enough incentive for them to seek justice through legal means, that’s when they ask lawyer to represent them. If lawyer agrees with their arguments they debate with other lawyer (or if there’s none a warden or sec officer delegated to that). If both lawyers reach an agreement to shorten or extend the sentence that would be binding for sec and they would need to change prisoner timer accordingly.
If lawyers can’t reach an agreement that’s when third instance takes place if its about crimes other than capital it would just mean finding a 3rd person who would just talk with 2 lawyers who present their argument and makes a judgement. No fancy setup, just 3 people talking it out, one of them an arbiter that settles it for good.
Only for capital crimes and when lawyers couldn’t reach the agreement we would have a trail you have in mind with either heads or jury made of crew members would make a proper court and make a final sentence
Heres a wierd idea. Give the lawyer access to more departments than just Sec, give them access to medbay and engineering too and then give them a lawyer SOP that says their job includes not only law but ensuring that departments adhere to SOP.
If you give a basic job with no real responsibilities more access and items, then you make it very desirable for greytiders to pick.
Lawyers exist to create a metagang of lawyer mains and metacomm with janitors in order to organize trials so all of command is in one place to be bombed.
So were basically just admitting then that lawyer is nothing more than an assistant with brig access?
I hardly EVER see lawyers doing anything other than tiding or acting as a bootleg sec officer with possible antag status.
They happen every now and then but 90% of the time they get bombed.
thats why nobody does them and wants to melon bowl all antags to make it a greenshift
We need to give mindshields and remove antag from Lawyers and Brig Physicians. They both have sec access, radio and the presumption they’re always innocent. Other servers have everyone with security access up to the HoP mindshielded, as it should be.
the reason why they nerfed brig physician and made them role antag was to make sure that security has to accept they will be betrayed from within, its more fun being betrayed by somebody you thought was your friend but a changeling
But that is not what happens. In literally every case of brig phys I have ever seen they act like sec officer/doctor hybrids. And honestly? I like it more than having a constant trust issue for the sake of having a trust issue.
Even if they can be antags, they will always be treated like security because… they are security. The way they play is security, their stationed department is security, almost all of them listen to HoS…
Do you know the saying “If it barks like a dog, looks like a dog and acts like a dog, it may as well be a dog”?
what about lawyer? He is not an esseintial role, he is a civillian that does a job to assist security, security can live happily without a lawyer, but a brig physican? They can be a gimped a bit without a brig physican, but lawyer? He is useless as fuck, this is why im advocating for removing lawyer
metashields are fucking horrible design and should be limited as much as possible