Remove lawyer

I know that some servers replaced Lawyers with Internal Affaris Agents, who are like an in-game enforcer of SoP with contact to Central Command.

seems to be an interesting possibility

What I notice is most lawyers just dick around the station and don’t even bother with sec related issues

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I just read wiki on Internal Affairs agent on Paradise. Seems quite interesting : more access than lawyer, can report ultimately to central command and his jobs is not only fixated on sec but procedures of all departments. It’s richer in terms of interactions. But this job is mindshielded, which limits its interest

And it’s Not like BEING an internal affairs agent can STOP you from being a lawyer in court, hell the other character most suited to that role is the Curator, given they can speak a large selection of languages.

Personally having what is effectivly HoP’s direct underling/possie sounds kinda like fun.
I can already hear HoP ordering an Internal affairs agent like an intern to get coffee

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I enjoy playing as lawyer for my WANK radio bit (I renamed the dude to WINK on an admins request). I need access to a security camera console as between sec radio, the camera console, and common I’m generally pretty informed as to what’s going on. I never even go near the brig most shifts.

I have some bits I haven’t done yet because they need traitor stuff. Like being a sleezy used shuttle salesman. The lawyer could be changed to be like a merchant or businessman or something like that but removing it would be dumb.

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I tried to audit departments in behalf of CentCim, yet admin did not give me any response, nor official approval through public message. Got slamed by QM despite having dine paperwork for him because I did not have CentCom stamp. I got borged …
It’s too dependent in willingness of others as lawyer has no perk
If admins don’t even care to give a small help then we can’t even innovate

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You’d think being Mind shielded AT round start and basicly guaranteed to not be a traitor role would instill some trust in people.

Necro bad.