Reasoning avoidance

with 20 damage you can down someone quick enough that sending a message is difficult, especially if two guys are beating you down . yes

20 damage is a fine dagger damage.

even if he isn’t native english speaker, he has some ideas, pointing it out is not helpful for the discussion

While I don’t support his ideas please stop yourselves from ad personam arguments, let him speak and give arguments against, if you feel this is proper.

Edit: Before you account me as his ‘follower’, I’m just for civilised discusion.

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Better Ingredients, Better Pizza, Papa Johns

pineapple an Canadian bacon

shit tier pizza
fuck 20 character requirement

im calling my italian friend

If you don’t delete that shit soon you could get killed by the mob.

its good pizza.

dagger damage . the number 20 here is a concept not an item . you cant stop that

I mentioned that I did hear one good reason to worry about how much damage things do . I still think this is good, but the concern can help smooth things out. and bats . bats are a thing . what’s the concern, gimme a guess

Why do you keep talking about dagger damage, no one else has brought that up once yet you keep mentioning the dagger damage in your posts.

because no matter how much damage something does, reality is what exists. the 20 damage thing is a concept. enough to kill a man but not enough to beat a man. I could go on but no one has time for that.

Did you drink gasoline before typing this? I think Joe Biden could make a more coherent sentence while having a stroke.

ngl I think they’re slowly going insane


bruh im just reading this shit that says “20 dagger” “15 Dildo” and I’m like who gives a fuck I just play it to slip sec with lube.

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if it really comes down to letting you all rot in your own poop, yea I cant do anything about that. *jazz hands

Now you’re just repeating yourself. Did you suffer a head injury recently?

guys I dont think these are jazz hands, I think he’s having a seziure

still better than just constantly insulting a person that wants a fix

Edit: Just sip that coom and shut it, if you don’t have anything constructive to say, it doesn’t help

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as things stand none of you can think of a reason to not buff bashing damage to a respectable level. so yea, most of you sound retarded.

false, someone actually put a lot of time and effort into explaining why doing what you want to do is a bad idea.

Stop acting like an enlightened thinker.