Owen McShain Mentor App

-1 from what I’ve seen hes a shitter. Harassing people in a nuke ops round is not cool and I dont want someone like that, after all these hours of experience, telling other people that behavior is okay

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+1 Robust and better than the mentors who keep crying about being robusted

i ERP when i get robusted

also he’s kinda mean to me some times

+1 based, dare i say redp- wait fuck i forgot i retired

+1 i still count as a mentor and contributor. If i still have my ingame rank, its a +2 from me. //coderbus

@Shark-sie Dont link bait player reports, where the “offender” was baited into performing an action for the sheer express purpose of reporting him.

No one baited him into welderbombing the bar. You’re also not a mentor

all ex-staff are mentors

+1 he very good, sometimes he kills you other times he lets you off very knowledgeable

Also I agree player report has no basis for mentor app, mentors have no power only knowledge, being a shitter doesn’t make his knowledge invalid

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Exactly this, I made mentor with 2 active player reports, 4-5 PAGES of notes and multiple other offences.and then staff after that. A players behaviour is NOT what they know. I highly discourage denying “shitters” mentor rights just because they play a certain way as it just encourages them to play that way more -because you are REINFORCING that idea. Stop trying to be a fecken retard and just going “oh he has many notes, better ban/stop him from being mentor/stop him from playing X roles”. Wait for him to abuse the position instead, if he doesnt, hes fine, if he does, slap him.

also @Piterskiy you deleted some things that were contextual from the player report. please go and review.

+2 based individual. 20 characters limit.

wasnt there that time when you beat someone up because you thought you heard sleeping carp scroll reading noises coming from the room they were in

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based as FUCK

bruh bruh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 20 characters

I once beat someone into crit because I hallucinated them putting an emag into their backpack.
People make mistakes n word.

Absolutely fucking based. +2 for him for robustness, street smarts and that moffth pic

I mean bruh you are litterally permabanned from the discord AND the game

i thhhiiiinnkkkk you lost those roles, officially at least

i love you
stop betraying me
no homo

im ex staff, which makes me mentor by default. even in that case, I applied for mentor even before staff. I can still probably dig it up


demoting people from roles like mentor, when they can still give knawledge on the forums and/or alternative media is a dumb idea and you should feel dumb for doing it