Owen McShain Mentor App

wasnt there that time when you beat someone up because you thought you heard sleeping carp scroll reading noises coming from the room they were in

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based as FUCK

bruh bruh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 20 characters

I once beat someone into crit because I hallucinated them putting an emag into their backpack.
People make mistakes n word.

Absolutely fucking based. +2 for him for robustness, street smarts and that moffth pic

I mean bruh you are litterally permabanned from the discord AND the game

i thhhiiiinnkkkk you lost those roles, officially at least

i love you
stop betraying me
no homo

im ex staff, which makes me mentor by default. even in that case, I applied for mentor even before staff. I can still probably dig it up


demoting people from roles like mentor, when they can still give knawledge on the forums and/or alternative media is a dumb idea and you should feel dumb for doing it

You cannot possibly give anyone anything useful on the discord or server, nor have you given anything useful to the forums. Sorry but I dont think you qualify

I was a mentor before you even discovered byond, yet alone beestation, with a permaban already under my belt.

I was one of the only mentors that did their job back in le epic times before the banhammer, and im talking like 5-6 months ago along with both managing 102 players to me (during my trialmin period) for sometimes yknow, hours at a time.

I dont think you are a great judge of character, considering you “thought” you were up to being a staff member, but quit because “you couldnt handle it” less than a day later.

Begone you literal brainlet


Do not judge a person based on their notes or bans, unless it pertains to the thing they are doing. If they have been noted for abusing the mentor system, maybe its not a good idea to make them a mentor so they can abuse it further.

Its the same as anything else - most “shitters” in the eyes of admins, and normalfags like you are quite good at the game, and most of us become shitters because we either get bored, or can no longer put up with your


like what is up with people citing “his notes say he is a shitter, albietly an experienced shitter so we shouldnt make him a mentor”

Literal brainlet trialmin, didnt even pass a full day

triple posting on a ban appeal that doesn’t involve you

its not a ban appeal

read the thread title

toxic how the fuck are you not forum banned yet what

also i endorse this mentor app if I can be a mentor so can owen. if dimas can be a mentor, so can this nerd.

Im not forum banned because i raise valid complaints, valid points and i dab on sharksie at every point I get.

You would need to be able to lift your arms far enough to dab for that

shark’sie get’s BTFO’d so much he can only attempt to insult toxic bruh!!

It might not be special. It might not be powerful. But my -1 is mine and no one elses! You’ll never take away my power to vote /s