New Xeno race idea - Grod

Update: Grods are now in development, this thread is for initial design reference purposes only, for current progress, balance and abilities click here

Appearance and description:

Grod is entirely new and unique alien race. their existance is divided into two. Host and body.

Their appearance ressembles huge caterpillars with outgrowth on their head (the outgrowth is where the host is stored) .
Their bodies is soft, squishy, springy, and can be covered with plates, spikes, hair, leafs or slimey substance. They have many pairs of limbs.


  • -Grods can’t wear suits, external wear and shoes.
  • Grods get departamental top hats instead of uniforms
  • +Grods get additional cold and heat resistance (they are not completely protected) as well as more base hp
  • -Grods need 2 pair of gloves.
  • +Grods have extra pair of hands.
  • -Grods head is more fragile for damage.
  • +Grods body is more resistant to damage
  • -Grods can’t be defibbed or clonned. (they don’t have heart and brain)
  • +Grods Host can be extracted and planted on new body (humanized monkey) and slowly Host will adapt and convert the body to Grod. Additionaly Host can be planted in Botany pod to grow new Grod.
  • -Grods are vegetarians
  • +Grods grow with time additional leafs that cover their bodies. They can be trimmed with knife, and consumed to restore hunger.

additional balance possiblities

  • Grods can use their second pair of hands only when on walking mode.
  • Grods are slower/faster than humans
  • Grods get hungry faster/slower
  • Grods can spend x seconds and deduce x% of their permament health to weave protective cocoon and fall into regenerative sleep. Cacoon would be heat/cold resistant, but they are extremely vulnerable in this state and unable to interact with enviroment
  • Grods Host can drop Grod body and as exremely vulnerable, slow, small creture, look for new one.
  • Grods don’t take normal organ damage.

Sketch concept


Too overpowered imo. There are not enough negative species traits to balance out it’s advantages.
I currently count:
7 positive traits
4 negative traits
without considering the additional balance possibilities.

How far along are you in coding it?

Negative traits:

  • -Grods can’t wear suits, external wear and shoes.
  • -Grods need 2 pair of gloves.
  • -Grods head is more fragile for damage.
  • -Grods can’t be defibbed or clonned. (they don’t have heart and brain)
  • -Grods are vegetarians

Neutral traits:

  • Grods get departamental top hats instead of uniforms (variations of departamental suits, so you can tell apart who is doing which job)

Positive traits:

  • +Grods get additional cold and heat resistance (they are not completely protected) as well as more base hp
  • +Grods have extra pair of hands.
  • +Grods body is more resistant to damage
  • +Grods Host can be extracted and planted on new body (humanized monkey) and slowly Host will adapt and convert the body to Grod. Additionaly Host can be planted in Botany pod to grow new Grod.
  • +Grods grow with time additional leafs that cover their bodies. They can be trimmed with knife, and consumed to restore hunger. (they provide no protection)

Traits under “additional balance possibilities” are just additional ideas i had when thinking about the race, and they are not to be considered the main set.

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It’s just an idea, I don’t know coding.

I will admit I would like to see a xeno race that’s got four hands. It seems like a very cute concept, balancing seems OK. I wonder what the sprite would look like.

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Discount General Grievous time if we can augment them. Dies in EMP.

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that sketch is adorable


give it like 1.75 burn damage and keeo the heat damage mult, that way they die stupidly fast to heat and maybe have em not be able to wear gloves at all

Whats interesting about them though? They are a naked four arm human with a unique revival method at base, i think that they need to have the ability to pop off the host be made the centerpiece.

Having 4 arms and being unable to wear suits, hardsuits (so not being able to protect themselves from heat or pressure) is not unique enough ? Also they have entirely different body, which would make them first playable non-humanoid race on bee.

Also, the ability to change host is already listed above in “additional balance possibilities”

What about to debuff making them colour blind? Also they won’t be able to tell the colour by examining objects.

Its listed in additional so im worried its going to get brushed off to the side.

More arms is kinda… Ok and them being non humanoid is great but due to the fact that they dont have clothes fashn is right out so the looks are gonna get stale real quick. They sound like a good “challenge” race but if they are just going to be the “no clothes” mode i think they wouldnt be nearly as cool.

Lack of customization in game sounds like a serious problem, but i would compensate it with a lot of options in character creator.

Possibilities are countless (host color, body color, body type, face type, host shape, body pattern, body garnish -hair,plates,plain, slime, leafs,)

Additionally, their main accessory that would replace suits would be hats and neck accessories.
(capes, top hats, necklaces, scarfs) and they would most likely get their unique accessories.

If this race would ever get coded, i would make sure there is plenty to choose from.

Last thing i want is to create second apids.

BeeStation custom anthro races and more!
(the path to hell is paved with good intentions)


Kinda funny how you cant implement this despite it being able to provide so much positives, just because everyone knows that its gonna get ruined by the users, innit?

Sounds really cool, but I’d make them slower than the other races and take more damage from pest sprays and such


I swear the head on that green picture is from bomberman.

There’s to my knowledge no UI system in place to allow for 2 pairs of gloves.

its actually a caterpillar type unnamed

Grods need 2 pair of gloves.

cant wait to powergame by wearing both krav maga gloves and insuls

BeeStation custom anthro races and more!
(the path to hell is paved with good intentions)

cant believe im agreeing with velvet