Kate bishop Player Report

maybe in lrp but not mrp perma brig is only used for huge crimes crimes that aren’t bad enough to lethal injection but bad enough for perm slight human harm isnt that

Ban yourself from playing sec.

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not by miself but by any fucking sec i have met. i was permaed one time for assaulting a sec officer AS CHAP during cult “it was dynamic and i was antag tho” they didnt even know i was brainwashed until they freed me from perma to brainwash me

you sure about that? I mean chap assaulting sec during cult is pretty antagonistic

ye but would you perma the chap???

He forgot to mention that he had at this point already subverted the AI and stolen the krav maga gloves with the excuse of ‘muh cult’ (on dynamic)
Both of which are actually rule breaks

“casually forgets to read i was brainwshed and told to kill people and to protect the cmo”

sec where retard i dont even know if he knew what crav manga was, and stop triying to make a strawman of me whit shitty comebacks.

You don’t know what a strawman is

the “forgots to mention that she stole the crav manga gloves and suverted the ai” is making my argument look like i hardgriefed bee and that was a reason for the sec officers to perma me, trying to reject my argument by making me look like i broke the rules.

No, You literally admitted to doing that?

yes but sec had no idea of neither of those, soo what is your argument?

also the ai laws where lazy asimov and “only kate bishop and the cmo are humans” as per orders of my master, no one knew the ai was rogue until they killed the cmo and it went NUTS.

Those are still rule breaks

i was antag bruh what rules did i break?

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Are you saying you got brainwashed to act like le antag

yep “protect the (NAME OF THE CMO) and follow all his orders”

his orders where murder (X) and (X) and protect me then murder sec, i did just as he told me.

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First of all, both @Kate_bishop1 and @anon60218928 have gotten sidetracked here. Take that somewhere else. Second, kate, you are simply making yourself look even more incriminating by not even knowing basic rules about security. And third of all, @GameAdmin, there is nothing here that’s any more substantial to add. Please, make your decision.


Player report accepted, Kate has been banned for a month from both servers

Edit: only from MRP since it’s kind of role play failure (I am not the one who did the ban)