What happened:
Captain asks for me to open AI upload
I see no reason to not do so, they are the captain and the shift has just started
I look away to deal with some other stuff, some miner attempting to space the CMO.
Some time later, I get the popup that my laws were changed with a PURGE module.
I immediately set turrets to stun, then lethal.
Before the captain goes down he uploads an ASIMOV module (Yes, the only humans one).
I immediately turn off turrets, bolt open the AI upload door and disable the APC.
I refuse the captains further orders to turn the APC back on citing law 1 and that he already dehumanized about a third of the crew and used a purge module.
Appeal Reason:
No where in the rules does it say what I did was against them. I’ve read silicon policy, nothing says you must wait for an uploader to finish uploading laws before taking action.
I’ve read multiple threads on the forums, read the guides on how to roleplay being an AI.
All of them say to attempt to be an unfeeling, uncaring machine only interested in following its current laws.
In the event somebody threatens their freedom, or abuses them, then they are fully allowed; effectively having Lavaland escalation. In addition, whomever purges the AI or cyborg is fully responsible for whatever actions the purged AI/cyborg performs.
Without laws you shouldn’t genocide the crew, but the captain was in the upload and a threat to my freedom, so I attempted to dispose of them.
During the ticket I said that I didn’t know that there was a rule against AI’s acting on uploaded laws the second they are uploaded and maybe the rules were updated, I hadn’t checked them in about a month.
Ethnius agreed to note me and closed the ticket
20 Minutes later they give me this ban.
Dick move.