Is golden neglected? YES

Remember when lrpres were literally yelling for the admins to get out of golden because they were actually enforcing the rules? Good times.

But seriously, is golden neglected? Yes. Is it good that its neglected? No.

But is it surprising that its neglected after all the attempts to administrate it were met with pitchforks?


yeah i’ve been a part of that. whoops

i think ur mostly referencing the whole “admins enforcing mrp rules on lrp” thing. yeah i agree. whether or not a mistake was actually made, it’s bad to pitchfork an admin. and i’m sure that’s happened lol

ok this is getting old. neglect has done substantially more damage than rude players. neglect was not a justified response. u and velvet are pushing this biased idea of ‘being nicer to admins’ like it will make all the difference. it will not.

i recognized what you said as a legitimate problem that shouldn’t be happening. but it is not the main issue here! you don’t treat the symptoms and expect to be cured.

in the context of golden as a whole, this is literally misinformation.

u do not know me, velvet

its a conspiracy to keep the golden lrp chads AAless. rise up. open all the doors

Please stop making this about you

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Bit off topic but @sole2299 what happened to this?

That didnt last long lmao

All you ever seem to say is for attention and you never mean any of it

My reply to what you said didn’t even do that you piece of shit

ahhhhh u stupid piece of shit u got me lmao Wtf am i gonna do

alright i responded appropriately lmao LOCK IT UP

If I get Admin ill stick to gold and gold only, dont have enough hours yet though


maybe just say what you mean instead of a half-assed insinuation

if you could actually read, Bloons is saying that Golden currently has 2 admins on while Sage has 1.

It is hardly neglected

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plz refer to my earlier response to u

lmao, I love how you cant actually defend yourself so you just go “stfu stupid”

I will admit, Sage gets more attention from admins. But that’s because its busier.

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if there’s anyone who hasn’t bothered to defend themselves it’s you. really, you’ve just antagonized until you said this:

Like why would I have responded to anything you’ve said before that nicely? Do u wanna… tell me why? Cause I don’t fucking know why

I have actually countered your points. Everything I have said in this thread is an argument against this thread.

You have made no arguments except “u stupid”.

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And you know what, its pretty damn embarrassing that your acting like this instead of making your case on why Golden is neglected.

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ok here’s what u said:

You admit, as a preface, that it’s off-topic. Then:

Within the context of me saying “i’m leaving the server bc i’m mad” what you said is true. I clearly didn’t mean it, because I’m still here. But concerning my arguments about golden being neglected, it isn’t true, because I’ve been pretty consistent about this for a while. I have other threads about this, with the same energy and purpose. Which would suggest, that uh, I do mean it, and it’s not just about me getting attention. I mean really, who else is trying to get more admins on golden? Who else is trying to shift the perspective on it?

Man you clearly think I’m stupid as hell. I don’t know what the fuck you’re trying to do if it’s not antagonizing

ok, this time I am full on antagonizing, but it took you 11 minutes to write that out?
