Is golden neglected? YES

maybe just say what you mean instead of a half-assed insinuation

if you could actually read, Bloons is saying that Golden currently has 2 admins on while Sage has 1.

It is hardly neglected

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plz refer to my earlier response to u

lmao, I love how you cant actually defend yourself so you just go “stfu stupid”

I will admit, Sage gets more attention from admins. But that’s because its busier.

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if there’s anyone who hasn’t bothered to defend themselves it’s you. really, you’ve just antagonized until you said this:

Like why would I have responded to anything you’ve said before that nicely? Do u wanna… tell me why? Cause I don’t fucking know why

I have actually countered your points. Everything I have said in this thread is an argument against this thread.

You have made no arguments except “u stupid”.

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And you know what, its pretty damn embarrassing that your acting like this instead of making your case on why Golden is neglected.

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ok here’s what u said:

You admit, as a preface, that it’s off-topic. Then:

Within the context of me saying “i’m leaving the server bc i’m mad” what you said is true. I clearly didn’t mean it, because I’m still here. But concerning my arguments about golden being neglected, it isn’t true, because I’ve been pretty consistent about this for a while. I have other threads about this, with the same energy and purpose. Which would suggest, that uh, I do mean it, and it’s not just about me getting attention. I mean really, who else is trying to get more admins on golden? Who else is trying to shift the perspective on it?

Man you clearly think I’m stupid as hell. I don’t know what the fuck you’re trying to do if it’s not antagonizing

ok, this time I am full on antagonizing, but it took you 11 minutes to write that out?


You don’t want to hear me make my case on it. So let go of that idea. But honestly you’re not wrong, it is kind of embarrassing

that’s all you’ve been doing

When did that happen?

Well, its HAPPENING really but if now its just a couple very vocal idiots at the start of this summer, i believe, was when a big chunk of the lrp community was booing out the admins.

Honestly lrp is just a dumpsterfire on default

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mrp user detected, appears to be using a pair of vocal cords located in the lower bowel, over

I am playing lrp exclusively for the last three months. It doesnt change the fact that its a dumpsterfire by default, maggot.

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4:23pm on one particular day hardly establishes a trend or provides useful historical data. Now, if you used a quick script to retrieve that information in a private channel every hour, 24 hours, for a week, you would have 168 values per sever that could be graphed for an easy, unbiased, factual comparison.

You know, forget all the rhetoric and opinion in this thread - just do the above. It would be a valuable tool for the administration team, give the headmins insightful and actionable analytics, and prove your insinuation correct if it is. Nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sure beats the back and forth of people arguing opinions without data to back it up.

“yo set up a database its not that hard”
We keep yelling at eachother because we like yelling at eachother, noone here is fixing anything, just chill man

a big amount of admins have the same reason why they dont want to admin on lrp(im one of them), and its not because we’re getting screamed at, noone cares about getting screamed on(monstly). though i dont think im allowed to post that kind of information without approval from headmins, and im too lazy to ask