How do you want to see MRP enforced?

i wouldnt ahelp a broken window but the point is that person should use the tools available to him to get out. the ai, PDA messages, Common chat.

but commonly people just unga smash the delivery’s window without a word and there is no chance to talk or even ask why because then i have a security issue because the next assistant can just smash the next window then they are right into cargo

and on B&E at roundstart.
hacking should be a harder process or at least have different wiresets for different door types.
command, public,cargo ect

I believe all acts of violence need to make rational sense. A traitor, for example, should never purposefully reveal their status. So mass violence which is very likely to do so is foolish. We need to keep in mind that SS13 takes place in the future and we see transmissions going in and out. It does not make sense for a traitor to blow their spy-like cover and put their lives at risk should their identity as such be leaked. We live in a time where live stream feed exists for the average internet user today so it would be foolish to assume that security footage and radio transmissions isn’t uploaded constantly to a distant and secure offsite facility. There is a strong RP reason for many antag jobs to not murderbone.

Even roles like Changelings should always try to keep their very existence a secret. In my mind it’s a complete failure for them should their existence even be known. Because let’s say a changeling is known to be among the crew. He escapes on the shuttle presumably with others. Did they really win? Sure they may have completed their objectives but you’d have to assume that all crew would be quarantined and tested. Even if all the changelings did in-fact die the normal crew would be quarantined and tested. So if anything the MRP server should be harder on these types of antags not easier.

As for silent and anti-social characters, I disagree with you. That is a personality type and one would think that some people even more so in a tense place to work such as a space station could easily contribute to this behavior. They should be crew that is unhappy with their post and have resentment to the station and crew for not wanting to be there.

there’s silent and antisocial and then there’s mute.
its the mute ones i have an issue with.
mime lives matter

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As for silent and anti-social characters, I disagree with you. That is a personality type and one would think that some people even more so in a tense place to work such as a space station could easily contribute to this behavior. They should be crew that is unhappy with their post and have resentment to the station and crew for not wanting to be there.

You’re right, it is a personality type, and one that’s well suited to several jobs on the station that tend to be sealed away by themselves especially. It’s not a personality type characterized by kleptomania and seeking people to wordlessly start unprovoked fights with others or seeking other people at all for that matter.

It’s not characterized by someone who doesn’t want to RP at all either, and we have traits to mark yourself as this type of character too.

As you said before, the problem is a mindset one, not a rules one. When we were only 20 people strong, even the antags didnt greytide despite a non-existent security force. Every player who was on MRP was there because they CHOSE to be on the MRP server and play an MRP round. No amount of rules will change the mindset of an LRP player because they are just that. An LRP player who’s on the wrong server.
If we want to fix the problem from its very root, we should actively try to get people to stay on the LRP server, then anyone who actually wants to MRP will have to take the extra step of hopping into another server. With higher population and maybe a whitelist on MRP, LRP will become the default server for anyone who’s not actively into MRP.

Anyway, as for the original question of this thread, I would say that trespassing is the biggest offender. This is especially true for science, medbay and the kitchen. Most people will simply break into science for that sweet BoH or into medbay storage for a health analyzer and a surgical saw. I dont know what others think about this, but I would ask to make these offenses ahelpable. At least dont break into the kitchen to make a pizza just because the chef was busy grabbing a corpse and you were too impatient to wait.


and maybe a whitelist on MRP

Council shot this one down I’m afraid. I expected and wanted it to happen, but they either don’t believe it will help or it can’t be implemented in a meaningful way.

if i wanna play street fighter on mrp why wont you allow me to? I do not wish to reform like @anon60218928
increase chance for wiz round
make blood miner 1ass drake 1colo and bbcom be a 100%spawn >:(((

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MRP is no rp.
If you try to rp you get shot like a dog. Actually nevermind RPing, right now you get tased and harmbatoned for having a flash and/or being in the brig as a detective. Couple rounds ago some retard jumped the kitchen counter, took a knife and started slashing me while i was cooking for no reason, turns out he wasn’t even an antag.
People actually think 1.5hour round on mrp is too long so average one lasts from 20 to 50 minutes.

So can we please kill MRP for a week, or at least switch the servers.

there are brief flashes of what it used to be and that is sad

Okay. If the whitelist idea is dismissed by the council, why not just remove MRP from the server browser? The main problem is that MRP always has the critical mass of players to stay above LRP on the list.
All these morons that just tide everywhere doing dumb shit are people that see the list as: “Para… CM… Goon… Oh! Beestation! Hop in!”
The majority of players simply DO NOT READ ANYTHING IN THE NAME OF THE SERVER BESIDES “Beestation”!!!
Any other solution I see here will eventually revert to the current state. You just cannot keep these people out with writing stuff!
Think of it as of the in-game problem. They won’t be stopped by a note “Authorised personnel only” then why would they be stopped by a little line in the server browser?


why not just remove MRP from the server browser?

Also a nope from the council

Edit: This doesn’t mean nothing is ever going to be done, but ever since the filter fiasco, if the council says no to anything, it means absolutely no. And I don’t think anything that affects both servers is ever getting implemented without asking them again.

well with that in mind i suppose just keep liberally applying the hammer untill it seeps through their thick skulls.

some people may get caught in the crossfire but its a risk im willing to take

Well then, can we hear out council’s argumentation on why not?

You’ll have to try asking them yourself; the only two answers I got when I asked were along the lines of ‘because remove from hub wasn’t an option in the final vote.’

I don’t see why the council isn’t doing anything about the situation. It’s clearly not fine, but they’re treating it as such. The LRP-player dominated council is one of the reasons I attribute to this, as because Bee is an LRP-majority server, MRP tends to get less representation. I liked being on the council while I was, as I could at least try to represent MRP, but as of now, there’s no real council member that has the interests of MRP in mind, or, at least that’s what I think.


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you gotta overrule these guys mydude

Honestly I’m a big advocate for the whitelist idea, and really if we had implemented it sooner MRP wouldn’t have been like this, as in it would have still had the tide but not as bad as it is
Also Flakky the reason a lot of people got mad was they bypasses the council and said it wasnt right so it’d turn into a “don’t bypass the council because democracy, except when we want you to”
I guess I’m a little bit biased since I was there for the low pop MRP days, but I at least want roleplay rules enforced if anything else, if the whitelist/panic bunker is off the table

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Bee Station MRP has three main problems.

Antagonist Conduct
I brought this up in a post I made, “[MRP] Murderbone, Hunting, and General Antagonist Behaviour]” I’ve changed my opinion since then but it mostly represents what I believe. Antagonists should be allowed to be enemies of the station.

Let me list of some of my favourite antagonist rules from differing servers:
“True “friendly” antagonists are not allowed. You’re an enemy of the station, do your objectives. This doesn’t mean you can’t act friendly or even cooperate with the crew when the need or opportunity of the arises, but in the end you are still the antagonist and should act as such.”
“Murderboning is a form of bad sportsmanship. You will not be directly punished with bans for doing it, but admins can and will incentivize you to refrain from doing it. They may call the shuttle early, or send an ERT team to stop you. They may give certain advantages to the crew, or take away certain advantages from you – if admins notice that you repeatedly murderbone every round, or even a majority of rounds, they reserve the right to ban you from antag roles anyway.”

Thse two antagonist conduct rules are my two favourite. Antagonists must act like, well, antagonists. And the murderbone rule is to safeguard those who go on an axe rampage.

No other server has a problem with greytide like Bee Station. Look everywhere and you won’t find them. That’s because of,
“Murder, attempted murder, mutiny, rioting, theft of a restricted weapon, breaking and entering, sabotage, and grand theft are all considered to be self-antagging.”
this. This ruling. Of course exceptions can be made, like breaking into genetics to clone someone. But breaking into cargo just to accept an order you made? Or, breaking into anywhere else just because you want to? That’s kinda antaggy.

MRP is filled with silent Gordon Freemans all running around the space station contributing nothing. After playing mime for awhile you notice that no one wants to talk and usually people wonder the halls aimlessly rather than being social. This isn’t, “Muhhh role-play muhh character anti-social,” it’s honestly anti-social people being scared to type a response.

Don’t know how we can fix the crippling autism people have. I’m sure the council will think of something – we all know them to be a social bunch that love conversation and treat their role very, very seriously.

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