Glowstation feedback and bugreport thread

Does the multiz-rendering also affects lighting?, like when you’re near the edges where you can see the level below if someone passes by with a light on they kinda project a flickering light on the floor you’re in for a couple of seconds

(Though i saw that directional lighting got reverted i need to check on another Glow round if this is still present or if it was issues with directional lighting)

that is multi-z issues as well

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i have 0 control or ability over any visual or technical bugs regarding multi-z itself. ive seen pigeon and kat toss some pr’s around regarding those so you’ll have better odds notifying them

the AI teleporter is fucked up



no airlock controler plus a diagonal wall

no airlock controllers for ANY airlock BY DESIGN… they dont work well in terrestrial enviroment

these maint room sizes need to have doors in the middle of the wall otherwise stuff like this happens

(don’t ask where this room is becouse even i don’t know)

Why the hell dont atmosians have access to these doors?

Cant even enter the front door of my own damn department.


cargo interior window is outside


I can’t climb over a railing


sleepers heading to north isn’t visually nice.

(removed code related ones lol)

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the coder side is for kat to be yelled at. im just a mapper


That’s just how railings are.

HoP line is a bit wrong. there should be a vendor in waiting line at the entry, not in the end.

yeah, but I think it’s not correctly applied there.

You can only vault one side of the railings, to fix that they’d have to place them on the empty space and that’s not really viable.

Windoor in chemistry desk that’s open to the public doesn’t have public access.

there’s no seed to start gardening in the public garden

On the science camera console, the “AI teleroom” shows you a room with a bunch of spare stuff, and the “AI maintenance” shows you a room with a teleporter. Methinks you got these switched up along the way.

this windoor can be only opened by a chemist

Chaplain can’t enter his own maints