swapping the hard drive of a contractor tablet to normal tablet allows for incognito contracting.
Plasmacigs? How do you make those?
inject plasma in a cig
give it to someone
watch them light what’s effectively plasma soaked tube.
and as blue said hacked service borg can make quilte some
Weldercigs are funnier
boom in distance
Apparently you can rig die in microwaves (can’t do this with the die of fate)
Former Mentor Fact(May be a dupe but never hurts to remind people):
Warm donk pockets heal very well. Good substitute if you are injured and without medical supplies(Exploration, for example).
Fun non-mentor fact: you can slap people with your gloves to challenge them to a duel or contest.
You can get gaseous decomposition plant trait via splashing 2u of unstable mutagen. You have to do it a lot on the plant and it might take a while due to RNG. I recommend using grass due it’s fast maturation speed.
this is literally the 1st post
Former mentor fun fact: You can put the nuke disk inside vending machine restockers.
Suggestion: Make a room full of vending machines with the nuke disk at the center.
Former Mentor Fact: This is an excellent demonstration of the Infinite Monkey Theorem in action.
Bonus fact, when typing up a post or comment: If you have a link in your clipboard, highlighting text and hitting CTRL+V will automagically turn the highlighted text into a hyperlink to the url in your clipboard.
Former Mentor Fact:
I’m free.
you cannot make kentucky fried chicken
Are you?
Is sad.
Former mentor fact: Xeno meat burgers are the best way to end up on the entire crew’s hitlist.
Spider meat burgers are a close second.
(Just remember that if Abby Cadaver is ever the chemist your food can be very spicy. )
daily mentor fact:
I have been fired, my facts are no longer officially endorsed. Long live beestation
Bartenders can make good healing drinks if they get some of the ingredients from other departments. They can make quite strong healing cocktail and it pairs well with the alcohol quirk traits.
- Bastion Bourbon
- Quadruple Sec (For security)
- Doctor’s Delight
- Brave Bull (Increases health)
- Hearty Punch (Used for those in crit)
- Banana Honk (For clowns and monkeys)
- Manly Dorf (For dwarfs)
- Silencer (For mimes and mutes)
- Barefoot (For brute damage healing remove shoes)
- Sarsaparillian Sunset (Rapidly heals burn damage)
- Bee’s Knees (Good healing drink for Apids)
And the list goes on. You can make good rejuvenating cocktails but know that livers have their limits and some people run light drinker trait and it might get them killed instead help them.
Necro time.
Former Mentor Tip: Flashes are for nerds. Use highpower laser pointers. Stun people (And borgs.) at range for a stupid amount of time or possibly give them eye damage.
Use a screw driver on a laser point to eject the micro laser and insert a more powerful kind. You dont need anything higher than a high-power micro lasers but use Quad Ultra high-power lasers for the most fun.
(Bonus tip: You can always use it to attract felinids and have them phase through windoors or other non-full tile objects at an angle because the attraction is a straight teleport not a movement apparently. Yes you can free people from prison with it. Dont ask how i know. Assumed to work on Moffs as well.)
Non-Mentor fact: Command and some sec personnel can censor or interdict newsfeeds on the newscasters, as well as issue wanted notices for criminals. Also, newsfeeds exist, read them.
you can use a pen on bodybag to label it