Common Knowledge

During a ban appeal, I noticed someone saying it should be “common knowledge” not to eat all of a healing plant, so I decided to make a thread for all this “common knowledge” so new players don’t chomp a weed and melt all their organs.
This thread should be things that knowledgeable, but not worldly, players might miss. Things that aren’t on the wiki, but should still be known and make your life so much easier, especially in the not dying division.

For starters, obviously don’t eat all of a healing plant, because you’ll probably overdose and die.
Taking too much of most chemicals will fuck you up, actually.
Fire alarms can sometimes trip if they take damage, and you can shoot one to maybe drop the locks.
You can blacken windows with a spraycan to prevent seeing through them.
Hand teleporters always link to the beacons the actual, static teleporters are set to, so set it accordingly when you nab the damn thing.
Cardboard boxes stop mob aggro. If the station is overrun with nonsentient spiders, you can be a snake in the nest. Just make sure they don’t find you

This might just turn into the mentor facts thread 2, but that’s okay.


Xenomorphs can throw facehuggers to immediately attach them should the target be elligible for face hugging.


You can press the X hotkey to instantly switch which hand is active.

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Don’t eat Arnold Pizza


you can spam the button when using the heals in a normal medkit, to quickly heal all of your body. you can also switch between limbs while doing it


Eating a gondola pocket will turn you into a gondola which can’t be reversed.

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Don’t touch the Super Matter


This is just the mentor thread in disguise.

The best place to hide bodies is the Psychiatrist office.

No one ever uses it.

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remember to actually buckle patients to stasis beds


Always assume that every pill and food(or anything edible) is a “happy pill” just like in sseth video.

Only trust shit that you made


you can walk on wet tiles to avoid slipping, unless it’s space lube

I also believe holding tab temporarily changes your movement to the other option for as long as you hold it, ie. holding tab changes run to walk for however long you want


Smoking a single big cigar is enough to overdose you on nicotine and give you an addiction. Or regular 2 cigarettes back to back.

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Last i checked it was set to shift by default on Bee.


Blow up the exploration shuttle roundstart so the emergency shuttle gets called faster because “no tech”.

don’t do this.


The emergency shuttle will be automatically called in the absence of an active AI core and communications console.

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Going off-station or hiding in a locker as a head revolutionary will fail the gamemode.


This is also true.

You can even shove them in the cat surgeon bin for EXTRA hiding.

donk pockets get omnizine when cooked in a microwave

omnizine is bad for oozelings

dont give oozelings ANY meidicnes with toxin healing properties