BrawlerHorde admin report for poor handling of a situation

In-game misconduct:

Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Admin Report

CKEY: Arbalezt

Your Discord: Arbalezt#3113

Offender’s CKEY: BrawlerHorde

LRP or MRP server: MRP

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):

Date (DD-MM-YYYY): 26-04-2020

Round Number:15126

Rules Broken (if relevant):

Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant):

Incident Description:

This is in reference to the events presented in this thread: Unjust ban appeal

However for this one I will focus on what Brawler himself did.

For the purposes of this thread I am also requesting that my ticket with Brawler be posted in this thread for context.

The events as they happened:

  • Get bwoinked for the entire fight in botany
  • Explain, what happened, brawler claims it’s understandable
  • Bwoinks me again shortly after, accusing me of executing somebody and leaving their corpse to rot in botany. The corpse in question was there before I even came in the question, it was the curators corpse, before he got pod person cloned. Screenshots of both bodies in the linked thread
  • Keeps accusing me of murdering innocent man
  • Beans me from command and sec

My problems with this:

  • I believe this shows poor handling of the logs, as the execution I am initially accused of never happened
  • Poor handling of the situation, the entire situation in botany was chaotic to begin with, he decided to side with a curator that passed around laser guns, and for whom his buddy in botany escalated the entire situation to lethals. Not only that but he did not push for any IC resolution to what happened, such as the revival of the curator, no middle ground, just siding with the service workers shooting lethals to the captain and to sec.
    I don’t know if IC resolutions are something you guys push for internally but if it’s not, then just the poor handling of the situation.
  • Did not bean the botanist that started this entire conflict
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Logs are shit, me and my homies hate logs.

BrawlerHorde is a trial admin, so he is new. You can’t expect from a trialmin to learn everything in one day and in this case there might just be a human mistake too. This is why we have ban appeal system where you can appeal from a ban if you believe you’ve been unjustly punished, which you did, and your appeal got accepted.

Mistakes happen, the reason I made the report isn’t because of the ban itself, but because of how the conclusion for a ban has been reached.

That is to say, communication was poor, accusing me of things I didn’t do and, this I don’t know for certain but I believe to be the case, the arguments Ruko presented in my ban appeal thread were representative of the sentiments at the time the decision was made, and those thoughts were weighted against command and against legitimate authority, by favoring the perpetrators and escalators.

If the people above Brawler decide that this incident is not really that bad, I am happy to chalk it up as a learning experience and move on.

I haven’t really looked into either the report or the ban myself. Just a quick two cents of;
Logs are terribly laid out and a pain to read
Everyone makes mistakes

Poor communication can be dealt with in most cases as I believe it’s even part of admin admittance; the ability to speak clearly.
However for actual result refer to above 2cents.

Regardless this will still get looked at by a headmin as is procedure.

I’m just gonna make a comment;

Brawler has already created four separate admin reports throughout his trialing.

And I’m confident to say that not everyone musters up enough energy to actually make an admin report throughout every admin fuck up, since some fuck ups are either small enough to just say “It’s alright, just make sure it doesn’t happen again” or the issue is all over the place and an annoyance to actually pin down and explain.

I don’t have anything against them, but the excuse of “He is a trialmin, he’s prone to making mistakes” wears off rather fast when four admin reports are made in under 30 days.

Also I’m curious to how he assumed @Arbalezt killed the Curator if he really was in Botany long before he arrived. Time stamps are hard to miss, admins usually have a bigger trouble remembering how attack logs’ color code mean one thing and the other, and trying not to mix them.


I can address part of these and if his actions are deemed to be an offense, I should share a decent bit of the blame myself.

Player panel logs on Curator showed curator being stunned, then shot with lethals three times before retaliating and being hit with an incendiary slug, and finished by a normal slug. (keep in mind there was less than a minute between stuns -> lethals)

The initial logs overview showing this made the entire situation look like extreme over-escalation on Arb’s part and this was an incorrectly skewed perspective - but this is what led to the initial bwoink.

I pulled the full log while Brawler was handling the tickets and offered insight and log quotes from there. Even with the full logs it looked to me like the Curator was incorrectly targeted with lethal lasers and slugs since they were not the one firing at the captain, and the captain was acting on minimal information with lethal force that resulted in the resurrection of the hostile botanist and the curator being left to rot (not in botany, but in sec - the actual body)

The logs still make it look like you decided to execute someone because of the actions of another player, due to how many times you shot them before they fired back and how much firepower you brought to the fight against him. The only reason we know this isn’t the case is because of talking to you, not logs. There was no log mishandling on Brawler’s part here.

This admin report shouldn’t really be directed at him (or at least him alone) since he was working hand-in-hand with me on the matter, and got opinions from admin chat as well, with input from a head admin.

One of the reports was because he didn’t give someone more ID access and the other was because he blocked someone on Discord. I get where you’re coming from but if we used invalid reports againt Admins I would have already been permabanned.

The 2 active reports are being discussed on by me, Lago and Superdork.

You mean like that locked report about brawler not knowing rules, making up his own shit, giving a false note and ban etc? Bruh moment

admins owned lol
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I stopped looking after the fourth one, my bad. That’s the one valid complaint before these two popped up. Regardless, they’ll all be brought up when the promotion vote is initiated.

Id be sent to the shadow realm. Get on my level.

Brawler’s gonna be the Quarian of Bee lol…


It really do be like that sometimes

As this was done under the supervision of other Admins it is not punishable from a conduct perspective. It still holds relevance though. Thanks for the report.