In-game misconduct:
Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Admin Report
CKEY: Maxoesss
Your Discord: Maxoess
Offender’s CKEY: BrawlerHorde
LRP or MRP server: LRP
Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 2020-04-08
Round Number: 14406 & 14407
Rules Broken (if relevant):
Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant):
Incident Description:
Additional Information:
Gave me the following note:
2020-04-08 20:22:10 | bs_golden | BrawlerHorde
Lied in ticket about reason for spacing someone on the emergency shuttle.
I latejoined in the first round mentioned as captain. Find some one with my hardsuit and other items that would fall under grand theft. I try to detain him and he shoots back at me with disabler rounds. I end up spacing him for grand theft.
Appearantly I lied for stating the exact above.
Next round I get bwoinked for lethalling the chaplain who has AA, while I’m Captain myself, which he should not have and who broke into armory. Grand trespass.
Some excerpts of the bwoink, staff can find all the logs but this is dumb.
Admin PM from-BrawlerHorde: He had all-access. That’s not breaking and entering. Also, this is “acting hostile”?##10[20:28:53] Serxule/(Henry Smith) (Armory (107, 177, 2))#“unexpected”#9[20:28:50] Serxule/(Henry Smith) (Armory (107, 177, 2))#“cap raiding the armory?”#8[20:28:47] Serxule/(Henry Smith) (Armory (107, 177, 2))#“wow”
Click on the administrator’s name to reply.
Admin PM from-BrawlerHorde: That’s why you nonlethally detain them and then strip their access. He never fired a shot at you.
Admin PM from-BrawlerHorde: 2. Validity Rules##“Heads of Command/Security cannot make players valid, only warrant their arrest.”##This man made no hostile act towards you, and you gun him down for your subordinate (the HOP) for giving them all-access.