CKEY: Arbalezt
Admin’s CKEY: BrawlerHorde
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Sage
Which server did the ban happen on? Sage
**Ban Type:**Command and sec
Ban Length: 5 days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): just now
Round ID: 15126
Ban Reason:
Appeal Reason:
Brawler is shit at checking the logs: Event happened as follows:
- Before I come in:
Curator arms botany with guns
Curator dies and asks to be cloned as pod person, this is his former body:
And this is his pod person body, the one I stunned, when all of this began:
- Here I come in:
I see somebody looting a dead corpse in botany, I go in for the arrest, because I need to figure why is a dead guy being looted, this is a ling round so anybody might pull a shriek and armblade on me. I take stun baton in hand, I stun the person looting the dead guy. While they are downed, one of the botanists, one with long purple hair, that I believe to be this person:
They pull out a laser gun and start shooting at me, I drop the idea of arrest, run away to heal up and call in sec. I then go back in together with sec, guns blazing. The 2 people that had guns were the botanist previously mentioned and the curator. End result of the shootout? 1 Dead, curator, and at least 1 crit, the Jimmy Gibbs guy that is in perma is the crit guy. One botanist is missing, I find him later and do nothing further to him, and one I cuff and arrest myself, that is Alfred Jones.
I take the guy to the brig for a talking to. I end up letting him go because I can find no lethal weaponry on him and only 2 laser guns were there. He does admit to making spears and booby trapping the place, which he continued to do after his release.
And the 3rd botanist, I met later in medbay, he had a missing arm, I healed him in the sleeper and he went about his business after I asked him some questions.
To conclude:
- Curator, had warden’s ID, had laser guns, one of which he distributed to botany, Brawler claims he is innocent and bans me.
Additional Information:
As for the report:
This was some shit admemeing by Brawler. First off all I was accused of murdering an innocent person BECAUSE HE SAW THE SOULLESS BODY IN BOTANY, but he did not check his pod person body in reeducation!! You can see this is in the ticket logs, that he thought the soulless corpse in botany is the one that he claims I killed.
Secondly, even if that was his body, arming up botany, which later resulted in a shootout, and he was on the offender side AND on top of it all he had the ID of the warden that suicided earlier in the shift that is capital as fuck.