Antag v Sec combat is too busted

I mean, what’s the point of non-lethal weapons if it gets countered easily? Have the players known that Antags are too strong and can solo kill security given enough time for it?

I think stunbatons and Bolas shouldn’t be affected by EMPs, it’s quite dumb to make the game any harder. EMP disabling anything else is fine. An officer should be able to deal with known station threats, it’s pretty LRP otherwise. :confused:

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I think sec should have the non-powered police batons by default instead of stun baton. Have stun batons as an option in vendor or some such.

  • 50 stamina on chest strike
  • Disarm +stamcrit limb if striking an arm
  • Trip if striking a leg

This is what the head telebaton was based on (before I removed the stamina damage from it)

That aside, antags are supposed to be able to fight sec off - sec usually has power in numbers over individual antagonists. If antagonists are known to be using EMPs, sec should arm up with ballistic weapons from armory or ordered from cargo to take them down.

I think sec should be very weak to EMPs, but I also think both antags and sec need to stop wordlessly engaging each other.

I’d agree with you if only shotguns weren’t so busted, there really needs to be a nerf pr

right now, a single seccie can practically take on any antag except for the obviously too strong ones, because a shotgun just don’t miss and deals serious damage in one tap

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what if disablers were buffed? or disabler shotgun introduced? (along with nerfing the shotgun)

howluin stfu about shotguns challange(impossible difficulty)


What if I said there is a non-zero chance the armory and sec in general is losing ballistic weapons so security has to order them in response to EMPs instead of having immediate access to them just for suspected blue alert.

(Same with autorifles on corg)

Already exists, and it would need to be somewhat tuned down a bit but I was hoping to replace said shotguns with one of these.

What is the narrative that shotguns don’t miss? Yes they fucking do. You have to aim them and click them and hit the target. They are not a hit scan weapon.

do ?shotgun on discord, then edit your comment adressing the superiority

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That is literally what I am talking about. When I was new to sec that copypasta mislead me to believe that the “shotgun doesn’t miss”. I would find a bad man and just shoot because “it can’t miss” only to miss every shot and run out of ammo.

It absolutely can miss like any other weapon. It dose not have any magical property that makes it “not miss”.

unless you’re using shells with ungoddly levels of spreading buck shot, then well, you’re not so much missing but rather just out of effective range.

I can’t believe you just said that. Yeah. No shit the shotgun doesn’t miss if I am standing next to the target. No weapon misses then.

Just because the shotgun has a high change usually to land at least SOME damage doesn’t mean it “can’t miss”.

Shotguns shines in mid range combat when you Can spray in the target direction(3-5 pellets out of 7 is p.much guaranteed to hit at 3-4 tiles and WILL do enough damages to slow most of the time).
Given Seven shots in a riot shottie, you re a huge threat, especially if you Can use it in close range(2 tiles is the sweet spot for me) and Land the Seven pellets of doom (bang bang).

Tldr, use it at mid range as an AOE, close the gap to kill once they re slowed.
PS never use slugs.
Missing will cuck you hard, and them having neg’ Pen, any kind of armors will make your leadthrower into a nerf gun.

git gud habibi.

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Why are you explaining the shotgun to me? I’m just saying that the shotgun can miss like every weapon.

… something you clearly agree with.

Because you re dissing sec Holy weapon, fool.
Ten harmbatongs to the head and armory privileges Taken out for THREE shifts.

And missing Can happen with every weapon, but missing 49 pellets ?

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we should introduce a baton automatic shotgun

Make a pneumatic cannon
Order loads of stunbaton crates.
Become unreasonnable

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me when i’m in a 1 tile hallway in maints against a shotgun sec with white bullets
“ahah i win because he has too much chance of missing”

this is really not an argument in the hand of anyone capable to target a sprite slightly, it’s a weapon that deal insane damage and 2-hits anyone

even a newbie seccie will hit one or two disabler beams out of five, and that’s more than enough if the disabler is actually a shotgun

All antags have options to deal with the shotgun in maints :
_lings? Tentacle. You cant miss their shotgun!
_tots/pirates/nukies: outgun/outrun/outattrition
_cults: teleport away/throw your hardstun Shield
Yeah okay, you ll likely loose an 1v1 in maints.
_all baddies Can also use maints design (long straigth Line are really rare) to break the field of fire and bait shots/hide from seccies. You cant? Bumrush the sec. Odds are unless he is already aiming at you, you ll get a few hits in.

Seriously, shotgun is strong, yeah.
But antag shit + mild robustness + some planning > shotgun 99% of the time.

PS: slugs have negative AP, any kind of Armor will HEAVILY reduce dmgs. Thats why sec who knows what they re doing use buckie 90% of the time

Lol. 1515151515