Antag v Sec combat is too busted

why did this turn into a shotgun argument

Because its the go to weapon for sec in 90% of combat:
_best dmgs
_solid ammo cap
_cant be EMPed.
Some players that i dont need to name developped an hatred over it recently and will salt about it

we already had the shotgun argument in that thread, near the end. I’ll send one screen from said thread.

2 shotgun blasts vs 3 sword hits is far from being able to crit. Seeking to win at all costs by taking the insta win weapon and trying really hard to find reasons to say “akshually i’m not tryharding sweaty because there’s a few weaknesses hard to fight against”


Ah yes of course because the entire station is 1 tile wide hallways. Sorry I forgot.

damn it’s almost like you should not charge a person that has a shotgun with a sword

You’re right. We should give the whole station guns as a means to fight back those DASTARDLY antags.
Vote for gun cargo TODAY!

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Its almost as if cult was designed over having having tools to supplement their Swords that Can close the gap

ignoring the actual argument in favor of dissing an obvious exaggeration funny hyperbole as if it was a real argument, epic

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What was your argument? You made none. Your argument was literally hyperbole. I say shotgun has no special property that makes it not incapable of missing. You say this:

Which implies this is the only possible situation.

this is really not an argument in the hand of anyone capable to target a sprite slightly, it’s a weapon that deal insane damage and 2-hits anyone

even a newbie seccie will hit one or two disabler beams out of five, and that’s more than enough if the disabler is actually a shotgun.

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I propose that we replace stun batons with powered hammers.


That is not an argument. That is anecdotal evidence in some made up fight you pulled out your ass. Along with the “even a newbie seccie will hit one or two disabler beams out of five” which is also something you pulled out your ass. It’s not like you have any real empirical evidence to the accuracy of “newbie” seccies.

My statement is simple and clear: “shotgun can miss”.

Can the shotgun miss? Can a person move to the side or behind cover or be too far? Can there be situations where the shotgun can miss and be hard to hit with?

The answer to all of these is yes, therefore the shotgun can miss.

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shotgun man bad, must cry about it


Yes the shotgun can miss but it tends to hit quite often and is easier to shoot someone with. Also around 2 shots with it (if using buckshot) is enough to crit someone when you are a few tiles away. The shotgun cant miss argument is about its efficency at medium to close range (aka the most important [and used] attack distances) and how most sec use it as a crutch.


I think its time to lock lethal ammo behind exploration disk research


i thibk that we shiudl removve security. Easy solutiton


I mean of course the seccie will win if they have the best gear for dealing with that particular damage type against a cultist, a team antagonist who shouldnt be able to easily take out a seccie with their best gear available on their own, there are only 2 sets of riot gear roundstart.

i like the sound the shotgun makes

Ah yes.

The argument which uses shove-proof armor to argue that shotguns are too strong now without shoves to disarm them.

I know that’s not what is being done now, this is a shitpost. I’m staying out of serious discussion on this topic for the time being.

wait now that i think about it
cant you just steal the shotguns
or buy some for yourself
and print buckshot