Antag v Sec combat is too busted

Finally, someone has realized the skill issue at work here!

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I took this as a joke thread but the following happened

be valid
see seccie in maints with shotgun
shove seccie and take shotgun
seccie pulls out a SECOND SHOTGUN
me ded

This is like a whole new level


Lmfao yeah i’ve seen some seccies rush medbay to cut their shotty in half so they can use it on suit/ belt slot

It’s not thaat frequent but it happens

When you have a bag full of pipe shotties all loaded and ready


my arguments are so stupid an integer overflow happens and they become the smartest

george orwell’s hershey theory or somrthing idk


How the fuck do you miss with the shotgun. Playing with 900 ping and I could still hit almost every shotgun blast.


Hmm today I will claim that it is antagonists fault they died since they didnt spend literally all of their TC/time getting an OP weapon to counter a strong spammable weapon and instead tried to do a gimmick and make the round fun.

Very sad people, try to make the game fun. That means don’t powergame the shit outta it.


Security players are the biggest powergamers on the server and biggest babies when it comes to losing.


abit late but, Hell the only thing about shotguns that probably brings about the “can’t miss” stereotype is “ha ha funny shell shoot in cone” I’m looking to hard at and trying to delve into the nuance while you obviously already knew what I was talking about.

Meanwhile this thread has turned into “Lol bitter shotgun seethe”

Maybe we should open up the playing field and let tators buy loaded bulldogs with an empty spare mag for 12 TC, then watch the station burn and fall out of orbit.

Going to the basis of the thread, I’d be down for an EMP proofing of stun batong, adding perhaps something like glass/ceramic bolas made to act as a short term slow that’d break after afew steps.

Additionally something I don’t see used perhaps NEARLY enough is the SEC grenade launcher, as far as I’m aware there are various aspects of the In game arsenal that are entirely usable by SEC.

Here’s afew things;

  • maybe include a small stash of 3 by 3 Pax smoke nades with a low dosage.
  • remember that you can ALWAYS ask brig phys to “gitchu sum” dental implants, 15 units of quadruple sec on instant tap can go damn far.

On that Traitor side though, a well planned scheme given the time to mature and a dumb Sec too slow to catch it kinda deserves the W. but “Well planned” should not be along the lines of “emp the entire station” or “ENGAGE THE CREW WITH MAXIMUM PREDJUDICE”, those two are more along the Nukie side of things, we don’t get enough dumb nukie shenanigans, maybe that’s something that needs a rework.

As a final addition, perhaps we should consider a sort of disabler rifle al-la L6 SAW style in it’s handling, a meaner bolt with a detachable energy cell that is a bitch to reload, Maybe burst fire too?


deserved L + massive skill issue for not spending every single tc you had on an instakill weapon, fucking loser.
Now go cope and seethe while real sec mains enjoy a perfectly balanced and normal weapon for them to be handed out and used at every single opportunity just because “wah wah dont want to risk dying even slightly wah wah”


Clearly the answer here is to replace your disabler with a rubber-loaded WT-550 as soon as possible

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Most ppl here have ignored my talk and went to talk about shotguns being strong when traitors get OP 3sk revolvers and pistols :confused:

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For a covert agent, the average Tator’s ability to go loud is rather high.
Once you’ve invested in a combat loadout the viability to quickly kill all of sec usually outweighs the drawbacks of lacking ANY stealth options.

The most interesting Traitor plans, usually involve chilling out in maint for a while actually building the means to throw sec out of orbit.

Not equivalent in the slightest. Traitors are one man against a dedicated valid hunting department, of course they should get more powerful weapons to negate the numbers advantage. Not to mention that in getting said powerful weapons, they severely hamper their ability to do anything non-combat related.

What does security have to give up in order to use a shotgun? Nothing, they get it for free from the armory the second blue alert is declared. They can chop it off to fit it in their bag, fit in on a suit slot, or use their backpack for riot shotty. They can also equip bandoliers that grant effectively unlimited ammo since it stores a shit ton and you can just spam shift E and click on the shotty as fast as you can.


the best traitor plan is to just shoot someone infront of everyone in the fucking face and act casual about it

best sec plan is to make 5 morbillion beepskies and set everyone to arrest


Not to mention the fact that security has bulletproof armor in the armory that is a hard counter to any traitor with ballistics while traitors get no such counter to security using a shotgun or any weapon for that matter.



You can still do a lot of things. If you REALLY NEED non combat items you can just like go contractor for tc lol

This is just like saying you have infinite ammo for having two stechkin ammo boxes.

armor piercing bullets

You can still do a lot of things. If you REALLY NEED non combat items you can just like go contractor for tc lol

Going contractor is not easy at all with how valid hunty the playerbase is what are you smoking.

This is just like saying you have infinite ammo for having two stechkin ammo boxes.

Juggling stetchkin boxes and packing mags is a lot harder than just using a bandolier and spamming Shift + E

armor piercing bullets

Great, you are using EVEN more TC for kill one person, good job.

Small size pocket stunbaton that knockdowns on hit, radio jammer so radio calling validhunters isn’t possible, full chamaleon to hide your identity, EMP’s.

What point are you trying to make?

Other idea is to aim somewhere that the vest doesn’t cover, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯