Alexanderself1 mentor app like I don’t know

I think that’s his version of giving me a plus one

I haven’t given you a + yet I’m still a

That makes it t=+3

Very gamer of you to not make it -1 tho

Pinging admemes because we’re reaching acceptable numbers and I need their votes @admins

-1 woman jk +1 good mentor material

just admit you are a femboy and move on

can’t remember if I gave you a +1 or not but have one anyway

just here to give my +1 then move on

That’s not the right ping for admins.
You pinged forum admins meaning headmins, crossed and the like.

GameAdmin is what you want.

well headmins and crossed are the ones who can choose mentors so he’s not wrong

Senior admins can also accept mentor applications.
Also it’s clear they were pinging for more input not for it to be processed instantly.

I don’t like your notes.

T= +5 so yeah the headmins and crossed can move in

you already know whats gonna happen

Shhh baby boy

Don’t jinx it

Been ten days since application, wack

uh oh looks like we are gonna go onto a mentor app #6

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Nah this one should be simple

Already solved. An, was the result of In game logs hating ruko

Yes I saw that I’m still at +0