Alexanderself1 mentor app like I don’t know

Your CKEY: Alexanderself1

Your Discord: Alexius Gaius Ceasar#9180

How long have you been playing ss13?: like a year or two or maybe 3 now

**Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:**I don’t know like ruko maybe

Game Experience (More Detailed):

I get it all, I know it all, I hate atmos but I understand it that’s why I have so little time in it

:rage: :triumph: :rage: take that back


I have to log on to get my tracked playtime and that might take a bit so for now enjoy this meme

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I vouch for knowledge and will give a +1 when I get my mentor

Wasnt accepted uwu

show playtime nerd

I have 375 hours I’ll get my tracked later

you made a mentor app like a week ago and it was denied seems like a lost cause I have +1’d like 2 apps of your now lol

Last one got denied because I got banned

My scores are always high and above 2, it’s the admin teams or my own personal life that end up preventing me


bit of a stretch

2019 was 2 years ago…

Smh you’ve lost a grasp on space and time

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year and a half isnt 2 years smh

Me waiting patiently for questions votes :slightly_smiling_face:

how do you plasma flood the entire station instantly (without distro)

Simple answer- High pressure in pipes fillled with plasma set up to the distro

the instant way not the distro way

Then I lowkey have no idea let’s start with the -1’s

disable all fire alarms w multitool and bolt/emag all the doors in eng open and straight pipe passive vent the plasma into atmos if the air alarms are disabled/broke should spread throughout the entire station almost instantly and the fire alarms wont go off to stop the fire from spreading everywhere

That doesn’t seem instant ngl