Alexanderself1 mentor app like I don’t know

I’m listening.


Pics delivered, cute dog +1

My irresistible ass earns me mentor

I tried sending you my cat too but forums couldn’t handle my giant pussy so now it’s in wholesome posting on discord


Supercooled trit, 3 layer space pipes so it’s cooled all the way, fully upgraded freezers

And for safety, you have anti breach shielding projectors

admins stop ignoring thread pls

I know certain admins that have selected to avoid my mentor apps because they know I’d be an good mentor but my bans make them have to -1

they don’t have to do anything

god why is beestation full of so much pretense lately

Crossed will deny me no matter what score I’m at if I have recent bans

crossed is barely even cognizant half the time I’m almost convinced he isn’t even real

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Thats cause he isnt, he is just a figment of all our imaginatons

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Our collective imagination seems to dislike me sometimes

Smh doesn’t vote


Sometimes that’s just how it be

I hate to break it to you but I don’t think you’re getting mentor

I’m sure I will ngl


I am a mentor in forum title only and im not even sure if im aloud to +1 but i havent been told i cant by anyone so fuck you ive been bribed with dog picture and cat picture ill +1 if its possible

T=+4 boys

Also a gain in simps

Kinda unbased tho boom

It’s still T:+4