So, let’s talk about the current lack of security and the genuine hatred people seem to have for security players. (Please be civilized)
How come lately almost nobody is playing an officer now? There used to be 4-5 officers during highpop, but now there’s barely any, including no HoS.
Is this because most security mains got banned? Is it because people hate security so much that they stopped playing or they discouraged others from playing it?
What is the reason for this? Why are people so dead set on hating on security for doing their job? I get there’s a lot of shitters around playing as sec, and that may very well be the reason for this. However, this won’t change if you don’t ahelp or report them.
We need more and better players to play security, and a good HoS that actually supervises them and makes sure they aren’t being shitters. I’ve been playing it more recently and the only sec I have do their job very well. I don’t care about being killed, I don’t care about being round removed, I just wish I had more officers I could rely on to keep the station safe. GOOD ones. And by good I don’t mean good at combat, fuck that. As long as you roleplay, do your best and have good morals I’ll surely give you a medal just for trying. You don’t need to be good at combat to have fun.
And to add onto this, antagonists should be given way less leeway for not roleplaying. It’s not fun to be gibbed instantly for standing still, it doesn’t make anyone’s round fun. Sec and antags not roleplaying is a pretty big issue plaguing Bee right now.
I do not think this is the case, from what i could see in recent bans.
I personally believe that the reason is how stressful playing sec can be. You can easily burn out when playing sec officer. Often you’ll get round removed for very little reason (yes dying is part of the game, but no one wants to be super stressed half the times they play the game).
The situation might be caused by antags having too much freedom to pre-emptively round-remove sec. I personally don’t like this, and I know this specifically made me stop playing HOS. It’s really lame imo.
Or, it might be because our security officers are slightly weaker when compared to other stations (like TG, or Aurora). The balance on those server is different, but i do believe they are stronger.
I think it’s a combination of this, plus the issues people who try not to be shitsec encounter from said problem players.
Also the stress can sometimes be unbearable, not just because of your mentioned target on back, but also because some of the crew just fucking hate you anyways, even if you’re good.
I understand why most non-sec players generally hate sec, sec can be absolutely terrible for you and everyone else at its worst, and middling effect on everyone at best. So sec gets stuck with the reputation of their worst, since the best rarely ever stands out compared to it.
Basically the main issue with security and why i don’t really play it is because 9/10 times you will be arresting someone who not only isn’t an antag, but are blatantly breaking the ruled and you will find yourself arresting the same people for doing the same things, while having other people jump in and try to stop you from arresting people.
There are people who legit think that the main job of security is that they are assholes and you don’t have to listen to them, and encourage others to resist arrest and attack secoffs. It’s just not fun to deal with people here to win… something… what the fuck even is there to win? Clout? If an antag goes and murders the entire station they’re not getting clout or respect, they’re getting everyone to fucking hate them.
I wouldn’t blame people for not wanting to play it, because there is also the flip side of antagonists just flat out not doing anything some rounds, which is boring as hell because you just sit there and arrest the chemist for making meth for the 50th round in a row.
But you also need to consider that non-antags can be arrested for crimes as well, no matter how petty. Hell, you can let slide some minor crimes and such, if you really want. But they can br arrested just like anybody else if they’re being a little shit and assaulting sec or others
I do consider it, the problem is i don’t want to have to arrest the same people every round for doing the same LRP gimmick. Like once and a while it’s funny but it’s like you’ve got the silent flouride stare people and the obnoxious players almost every round.
Can’t say too much on the topic since I rarely get involved in the sec-antag dynamic but I did play detective and brig phys in the past and I ended up hating security just as much as antag players when it comes to behaviour.
More than any other roles, sec and antags are by far the most 0RP on this server (with exceptions, of course), often strictly focusing on the greentext/redtext gameplay. Since round removal is the most prevalent outcome for both antag and sec in a confrontation I’m not surprised neither of them makes any effort since it’s simply safer to shoot first and ask questions later. There’s a good amount of toxicity towards both roles from bystanders or observers that are more experienced as well which doesn’t make it pleasant to actually try getting better at them.
It’s hard to remember the names of ALL the people I arrest in a round and see in the end round report that none of them were even antags to begin with.
All while actual antags exist
I recently started maining HoS and Captain. I play mostly during low pop and only get one or two rounds in per night, so you might only see me once a day depending on your time zone.
I made my character specifically for these two roles. I have a fairly well-developed backstory so far.
Security really seemed like a role that was fitting for me, but I felt that so much of what is required to play the role was lacking in my previous character.
Approaching playing HoS as a social role over all else has helped me succeed both as an officer and a role player… And it’s been a lot of fun! (I hope as much fun for the few officers and other heads of staff that I get to work with)
I find that as the HoS, focusing on mother-goosing my officers is my best trait; I direct my energy towards aiding and steering my officers so that they can maximize the amount of role playing and fun they have, and minimize their tendency to be influenced by OCC emotions.
I think security is a good role. I think that it’s something that snowballs; The more good, roleplay focused security officers play the role, the more we will see pile in to play security.
Lastly, I would like to point out two reasons for low security turnout, that may or may not be on the minds of the good people frequenting the forums already….
misconceptions about how antagonist rolls work. I think there are people who think that selecting security means you are ineligible for rolling an antagonist, even though it’s absolutely not true.
not everyone’s characters are suited to be security officers. Mofficer Milli, as wildly entertaining and delightful as she is, does not fit the role as well as say Aden Finley, who is more serious but role plays well and takes the role quite seriously. (Please don’t take this as me saying I want less Mofficer Milli, quite the opposite, more Mofficer please)
Anyways, I hope to see my friends and in the brig soon…… as soon as my RV is a habitable temperature. Cheers!
I used to play alot of sec before and sort of stopped. I didn’t remember why at the time so i decided to play a few shifts of it just the other day.
Getting called shitsec at every arrest, insults at my mom, calling me a cuck, you know the usual, only because I had the gall to brig the shithead that broke every single drink of the bartender.
Secoffs extremely rarely get appreciated for what they do. While the medbay revives the victims and gets praise, secoffs get the baddies and get berated if things go well and round removed if they don’t.
As for antag rp. Wordless antags are against the rules. If you see one quote: “breaking rule 1, you must roleplay, (rule 13, antag conduct does not apply here).”
Antags not having to follow rule 7 is dumb tho, but that’s another discussion.
I ENJOY the “shitsec” insults and OOC breaks and whatnot. The way I look at it, if someone wants to devolve the state of roleplay to that degree, it was a rightful arrest. And sure some other crew might join in the name calling and seem to side with the detainee, but they WILL miss you when you’re not around if you’re a security player that role plays, follows SoP/Spacelaw and finds the right validhunt balance.
I’ve been also playing a little bit of sec lately and yeah… i’ve noticed fewer officers around, which lead to extra stress since HoS/Warden/Single officer suddenly needs to be everywhere and do a good judgment in five issues going on at the same time.
It’s surprising how many times people quickly start calling you shitsec for a simple and fair arrest, it’s no wonder one can get stressed easily i remember earlier this week having a shift with Aden as HoS and me as a Warden and the mix of tiders+antags+the Heads breaking SoP on that round made Aden go exploration team the next round just because he needed a break.
It’s also true that being antagonist makes one a little more rude (even myself fall victim to this and i’ve reflected on that), Players who are suddenly antag gets… a lot more toxic if they get caught by sec compared to if you were to just talking normally in a regular shift, i mean some banter can be interesting but when they press the pedal and go high toxic mode it’s something to consider about the rule 7
I started playing sec about a week ago, maybe 2 now? I got off to a very bad start as sec but things started getting better… slightly. Still had rough rounds and occasionally the player who wanted to blame sec for everyones problems (ooc blame them not ic talks), had a real bad experience with that. The straw that broke my back a few days ago was when i finally got up the courage to try HoS, my first ever command attempt, it was low pop and i thought a great chance to ease into the role and learn where everything is and improve. I was wrong. I jave never had a worse experience in my entire time on beestation, had several players just being terrible to me, many breaking rules who werent antags, noone wanted to listen to anything. Sure it doesn’t help i had no sec officers and i was the only sec but still… ruined sec as a whole for me and im currently taking a break from security, not sure if i plan to return to the role
There was a time where i mained Warden & Officer, i stopped because most decent people on the sec main team at the time also stopped playing sec or even Bee alltogether.
Playing sec becoming chore when every round youre too busy screaming at the joe the shitter officer not to arrest clown for 15 minute for slipping them, or seeing balidhunter 9000 Hos ordering whole army stock of arms and ignoring spess law alltogether, etc.
Before i went into bee break, i played some sec, and only when i know the sec team players are decent people. And yea, most of the time without the proper team you gonna have a bad time playing sec.