Wirpy - ban appeal

CKEY: wirpy

Admin’s CKEY: aeder1, Prickly_tomato

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: both

Which server did the ban happen on? Sage

Ban Type: Job

Ban Length: 10 Days

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-08-16 21:16

Round ID: 19978

Ban Reason: Beating the clown and mime for fun, general shitsec behaviour, executing without cap’s auth.

Appeal Reason:

Aight so I started off as round-start Warden in Security, I was prepared for doing the warden job and just relaxing you know. Watching cameras, making sure records are kept up to date, treating prisoners fairly and so on bla bla. Typical Warden things.

At roundstart we had a lawyer admit to being a blood brother and I got a bit over-excited at the mere thought of curbstomping a Syndicate agent. So with my poor judgement and over-excitement I asked HoS a time too many if I could do such thing but I was given a no and a auto-mute by the spam system since I typed please too many times.
But apprently being excited at executing someone is wrong and I can’t grasp why, can’t one roleplay a man who utterely hates the syndicate and despises them so much they don’t even view em as worth living? Wouldn’t one be excited if they could execute a syndicate agent which might have caused em great pain before in their lives?

So fairly early into the round after previous, the AI of this round had shown hard signs of having a pretty obvious metagrudge against Security as whole and on top of that being very emotional (Not really acting as emotionless as a AI would be) which made the current HoS quit his job and promote me which I wasn’t really prepared for.
But I thought eh, I can be HoS sure, I can still try to chill as much as possible as I had prepared for.

Round goes fairly normal for a while, clown gets arrested for attacking a botanist and trying to screwdriver their eyes out. I personally searched him, and put a straight jacket and muzzle on him because It was a bit tiring hearing him say CLM (Clown Lives Matter) the whole time. Can’t remember but I might have punched him one or two times that time as well so he’d learn a lession. (This was still fairly early in the round)

I think it’s absurd that the admins involved claim that I beat the clown and mime for fun.
In the clowns case he was a bit of a goofball and lowkey shitter in my opinion but no hard feelings I think it’s funny and I didn’t want to ruin his experience on the station. He got arrested twice for assault, both with a deadly weapon. So the second time I actually beat him a little more since he was more anooying (Kraw maga neck chops and one accidentl lung since I pressed the wrong button) I just wanted to silence him to clear my mind and the screen.
Its not like I stood there and just beat him without mercy.
In my opinion there was no fun beating of the clown, both times he was guilty and it was discplinary for him to get a lil beating.

Onto the Mime, I never even touched the mime until the moment I decided that we’d execute the Mime.
One of the officers had caught the Mime, he was searched and the following from what i remember was found: Captain bowman, sec huds, full plasma tank, HoP ID, Sec Officer ID and that’s not really items a normal nanotrasen employee would get their greedy hands on. So of course it’s pretty much confirmed he’s a enemy of the corporation.

So without getting hold of the Captain and having a uncoperative whiny ass AI, I decided to take matters into my own hands and order a execution since I was HoS. I dont want to risk the lives of my officers and other personnel by letting the Mime into perma, it’s a waste of resources for this case due the stolen items. I didnt know how many AA cards the mime potentically could have made with the HoP card and I aint sure as hell letting him into perma just to have him get busted out (Security got pretty bombared at one point in the round, had armory broken into and so on.)
The station as whole is just better off by executing them which we did and It was a enjoyable bonding experience clubbing the mime down together with my officers.
So nah, I can’t agree that I beat the mime for fun since the only time I touched him was when I executed him and It wasn’t for fun. It in the stations best interestet and safety that the Mime couldn’t liv due their syndicate nature and recklessness and pile of crimes commitied.

So In rule 4 it says:
Respect space law and standard operating procedures. Committing minor crimes is justifiable through roleplay, but major crimes should typically be avoided

I’d like to point out that this rule specifies RESPECT and not that I have to obey it like as a religion?
Of course I wouldn’t just straight off execute a confirmed traitor as warden / HoS without asking permission from the Captain but when I am not given a response from the Captain within a timelimit that’s acceptable and I can’t get a certain answeer that the Captain is alive, am I supposed to endanger the station further by putting them in perma-brig or am I supposed to do what in my vision is best for the stations safety, my staff’s safety and the general protection is supposed to be done by the HoS and security department ?

I can say that all confirmed blood brothers and traitors we caught were executed since I thought It’d be the most apprioate way of dealing with them regarding the sitation aboard the station.
So Instead of piling up the 4-5 traitors or what we caught that round in perma-brig and potenitally risking them all ganging up and attempting a escape I thought’d we’d prevent more destruction and murder by just executing them as means of keeping the station safe and protected. Afterall, what’s a syndicate worth? Nothing in my eyes IC atleast.

Also I dont get this shitsec behaviour accustation? Where the fuck is that coming from, not even mentioned in messages between me and prickly in the admin messages. Pretty much the whole round I was in brig juggling constantly between the admin pms and the constant flow of IC stuff that had to be resolved. Like honestly, what did I do that counts as shitsec behaviour? I didnt go around randomly arresting people for bullshit charges, uneccesiarly beating people or just doing generally dumb shit.
I was serving the stations best interest and you’d be foolish to claim I didnt. If you are confirmed traitor, you aint worth shit in my eyes IC as previously said and I’m pretty sure they aint worth shit in Nanotrasens eyes either.

I think the admins don’t understand the situtation and what actually went on IC during this round and they’ve failed to even explain the reasons behind the verdict that has been laid upon me.
The only thing that was discussed in admin pms is the executing without captains auth which I feel that prickly didn’t give me a solid reason how I actually broke rule #4. I feel that I took apprioate roleplay measures to get the permission needed and when iIt couldnt be established through the Captain, I myself have to take the reign and steer the ship in the direction I see fit as the head of the security department ( acorrding to space law and standard operating produces of course )

TL:DR Explain yourselves please, I didn’t hear any complaints from anyone but the AI that I executed valid n confirmed traitors so what’s the big problem here really?

Why wasnt it disciplinary to just jail him?

Bro just perma if there’s no cap input

Why is it disciplinary to spank your child until they cry? It isn’t, its sadistic and sad and abusive, but when its a grown man whos job is to be funny, shutting him up via chopping his fucking adams apple to oblivion is very understandble.

Get rid of the ban imo.

By beatings i meant using krav magas to neck punch so he can’t speak since I find that justified when he wont shut up about CLM, typical clowns right?

I don’t want to put 4-6 people in perma, would you do that?

You did sort of take the mime out of the round though by executing them, which I feel is in a way ruining the game for him? Assuming mime was antag anyways. If they weren’t then we may have a case of powergaming that may want to be looked into :stuck_out_tongue:

I do think the ban is a little overkill, but at the same time I personally wouldn’t want to play with a HoS/warden like this. I find sec that are this over-zealous to secure their valids really obnoxious and they rarely try and RP. Overall I just think it’s a bad mindset and it negatively impacts everyone.

The ban was on sage, no? Have you tried playing LRP when it’s at “high pop”? I honestly think you’d fit in a bit better there. (LRP highpop is subjective, as it never really reaches actual high pop. And I’m not saying mrp is some paragon of role playing, but still.)

The cause for the execution was justified. It was however handled poorly it’d seem, mostly in regards to cap auth. But I agree that taking people of the round is kind of a dick move.

I guess the cause is understandable. And I do agree, if your goal isn’t to rp you really ought to move to Golden. :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably not perma, though remember the gulag is also a viable option to add people into. In fact it has four sets of mining tools, if that’s all you have then put four people to work on lavaland. If there’s six people put the other two in perma, and try to get the captain’s permission to execute, or to keep people in the round, to borg them.

Main issue with gulag is it’s quite easy to break out of. And given the mime’s equipment and stash of stolen goods. Along with the plasma tank (steal objective) it’s pretty safe to assume he’s a traitor. So it’s quite risky to send him to lavaland gulag. I do however agree 100% on the fact that borging was an option. I think ban should be lowered or changed to a note but not entirely removed.

As Sec, wouldn’t you strip a permabrig prisoner anyway and put their stuff in a locker? I thought that was the big key here, you don’t strip people for minor crimes. I could be wrong though I don’t really play sec anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

I always strip people when I jail them just so the don’t break away. There’s nothing wrong with stripping and putting their stuff into cell’s locker.

You didn’t even try ask to HOP (the second in command) to ask for permission to execute the mime after not hearing a response after like a minute after you asked for cap. The shitsec behavior is most likely after the bad first impression of you begging to execute someone, sec jobs love to attract people who love to powertrip so usually when someone is that eager to murder someone that the game mutes them, that’s a sign that you might be acting a little shit-sec and that’s how it can be a issue (Your suppose to act professional anyway, and their is literally more things you can do than just executing a traitor). A major issue is how much rule lawyer-ing your trying to do. I’m telling you that when it means respect, it means you have to follow it 100%. Can’t half ass the respect part because you “need to take things under your own hands” after you don’t even attempt to go down the chamber of command and ask HOP to execute the mime after you got no response from the captain.

You literally didn’t follow space law in this situation, don’t know why you feel that you can say this.

Here is a link to the Chain of Command for refrence (there are rulings that HOP is acting captain when there is no captain)

A few notes :
The clown, is suppose to have a slight bit more leeway when doing bull shittery because it comes with the job. Also to be rule, the only crime the mime did with that evidence was break into some very restrictive areas and not any real IC evidence that they are a traitor (especially if it’s the mime having them, and the fact that Captains office was blown open that round so anyone could’ve walked in and gotten some of captains items).

I’d only advocate for the job ban to be removed from LRP because this would be allowed per LRP rules.

I meant that gulag is easy to escape even IF you do strip them.

…Maybe I’m just unrobust af then because the one time I tried I failed horribly :stuck_out_tongue: Even then, I guess only one or two people at a time? Probably one, with two people one could throw the other over :confused: I think? Depending on what they did it varies probably the best spot to put them.

If the AI is nice, you can use paper and pen to escape ^^^

As AI I said no to the law two request because it may harm others so law one :stuck_out_tongue: Imho AI shouldn’t release prisoners without permission from sec or unless given a valid reason.

bruv i saw you got permabanned but how did u play if this ban didnt end yet

This was only a job ban, apprently trying to sue the captain as the clown gets you banned.

u got banned for erp