You are required to follow space law on MRP. You cannot bend the rules to execute criminals without permission outside of dire emergencies.
I handed out the ban. The shitsec is for this as well as chopping people needlessly which does damage as well as yelling how much you like to beat clowns and doing so 4noraison. The game auto muted you, you were spamming begging so much at the start of the round before being told no, I believe by the HoS who then resigned.
I’d be happy taking off LRP. However I believe there is now a perma in place from bestiality style ERP which supersedes the length of this. In all honesty I am not really surprised from how you acted throughout the round, with your spamming begging and generally aggressive behaviour towards anyone that was nearby.
May as well close this and resolved.
What you say is true which I now know, I’d like to point out that the word respect as used in rule #4 is a bit confusing for a non-native in what way it is meant. Feels like by using the word respect it leaves a bit of wiggle room if you catch my drift?
I’d like if It was more precise as you precisely now stated.
That it says you are required to follow space law and operating producres instead of respect.
Would make it more clear and precise.
I can attest that executing the mime in hindsight was a dumb thing really regarding that it was so early into the round. As others have suggested I should have borged him, but at the same time what if said person doesn’t want to play as a borg? I personally would rather get executed than perma-brigged since then I could have a shot at being ghost-antag.
But for the others that were executed, I’d like to think that those were more valid regarding that the in-game situtation was quite intensive due to brig sustaining multiplie bombings and an armory break-in which resulted in perma, hos office and the armory being kinda fucked up. So it made sense just to straight up execute the traitors at that time.
TL:DR executing the mime was wrong, should have gone a different route as mentioned.
Honestly Aeder, why do you make stuff up? Read the logs, the clown was spamming CLM and I being a bit unrobust and unfamiliar with the warden gloves used the wrong chops on him like 1-2 times. The other times I neck-chopped him were valid due to his rampant spam of saying CLM.
I never yelled around how I like to beat clowns either and I never in the full round beat the clown for no reason. That clown was a shitter, who the fuck tries to screwdriver someones eyes out roundstart?
And then couple his actions that landed him in brig several times with his constant CLM preaching, it gets kind of tiring.
I can agree that It was dumb of me to get overly excited and spam ask the HoS to execute the lawyer I think it was? It was immature and doesn’t fit into the role I played. It’s a valid point that you admins have brought up and I can’t deny it. Which is why I won’t repeat it in the future.
Regarding my now perma ban, it has nothing to do with ERP and I plan to appeal it. Maybe before you make a statement read into it.
I find ERP disgusting and I find furries even more disgusting than that.
How I acted throughout the round? I only spammed roundstart and it never occured again after I had been given a adminpm. And how was I generally being aggressive during the round? I felt that I was pretty chill and cool for the most part.
There is a gag that spawns in security. it is useful for prisoners that would be dangerous to be saying things, like wizards trying to cast spells, but can also be used for prisoners that are simply annoying.
It’s a much better solution than lung punching or neck chopping people.
Personally I found the whole Ian thing to be really fucking funny, and yes what he said was gross but it was not ERP. It would be ERP if he himself actually fucked ian with emotes or some shit, but writing on paper that he is gonna sue someone for fucking Ian is not ERP unless of course it really happened and then it would be the captain who is at fault. But saying something gross is not the samething as going out and actively trying to roleplay sexual acts with a 2d creature.

There is a gag that spawns in security. it is useful for prisoners that would be dangerous to be saying things, like wizards trying to cast spells, but can also be used for prisoners that are simply annoying.
It’s a much better solution than lung punching or neck chopping people.
Very true, the first time he was in brig. I actually did gag him.
After that I had forgotten where I had put the gag as I had lost it so I restorted to neck chopping.
Im fairly sure I didn’t even crit him cause that wasn’t my point, my point with the necks chops where just to simply, silence him for a momentairly moment.
Line 726: [2020-08-16 20:15:44.387] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “DID I HEAR” (Brig (111, 164, 2))
Line 744: [2020-08-16 20:15:54.235] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “DID I HEAR” (Brig (111, 165, 2))
Line 748: [2020-08-16 20:15:57.374] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “TRAITOR?” (Brig (110, 166, 2))
Line 786: [2020-08-16 20:16:17.882] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “HoS” (Brig (110, 167, 2))
Line 793: [2020-08-16 20:16:22.434] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Can I execute this traitor?” (Brig (110, 167, 2))
Line 800: [2020-08-16 20:16:25.853] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Oh” (Brig (110, 167, 2))
Line 803: [2020-08-16 20:16:26.633] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Damm” (Brig (110, 167, 2))
Line 805: [2020-08-16 20:16:27.866] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “ITs pinkie” (Brig (110, 167, 2))
Line 808: [2020-08-16 20:16:30.130] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “HoS” (Brig (110, 167, 2))
Line 816: [2020-08-16 20:16:36.140] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “HoS” (Brig (109, 166, 2))
Line 823: [2020-08-16 20:16:39.333] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Can I execute a traitor?” (Brig (109, 166, 2))
Line 836: [2020-08-16 20:16:49.272] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “shut the fuck up pinkie” (Brig (109, 166, 2))
Line 851: [2020-08-16 20:16:59.338] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “No” (Brig (110, 165, 2))
Line 854: [2020-08-16 20:17:00.601] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Later” (Brig (110, 165, 2))
Line 858: [2020-08-16 20:17:02.194] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Come back later” (Brig (110, 165, 2))
Line 865: [2020-08-16 20:17:08.372] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “HOS” (Security Office (118, 172, 2))
Line 871: [2020-08-16 20:17:10.197] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “can I please” (Security Office (118, 172, 2))
Line 873: [2020-08-16 20:17:13.147] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Curb stomp this traitor” (Security Office (118, 172, 2))
Line 887: [2020-08-16 20:17:20.288] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Please” (Security Office (117, 172, 2))
Line 889: [2020-08-16 20:17:20.978] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Please” (Security Office (117, 172, 2))
Line 891: [2020-08-16 20:17:21.683] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Please” (Security Office (117, 172, 2))
Line 892: [2020-08-16 20:17:22.470] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Please” (Security Office (117, 172, 2))
Line 894: [2020-08-16 20:17:23.219] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Please” (Security Office (117, 172, 2))
Line 896: [2020-08-16 20:17:23.973] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Please” (Security Office (117, 172, 2))
Line 899: [2020-08-16 20:17:24.705] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Please” (Security Office (117, 172, 2))
Line 900: [2020-08-16 20:17:25.442] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Please” (Security Office (117, 172, 2))
Line 904: [2020-08-16 20:17:26.281] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Please” (Security Office (117, 172, 2))
Line 905: [2020-08-16 20:17:27.078] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Please” (Security Office (117, 172, 2))
Line 909: [2020-08-16 20:17:27.849] ADMIN: SPAM AUTOMUTE: auto-muted Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) from IC (say and emote)
Line 1561: [2020-08-16 20:23:26.707] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “So heres the thing right” (Brig Control (107, 169, 2))
Line 1580: [2020-08-16 20:23:33.721] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Im a clownophobe” (Brig (103, 166, 2))
Line 2110: [2020-08-16 20:28:12.191] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “imagine this, Im just trying to vibe right? And then this moth HoS just quits his job and suddenly I am promoted? Isn't that just crazy, who would have thought that i would wield the power to completely disregard all clown lives?” (Brig Control (107, 170, 2))
Line 2118: [2020-08-16 20:28:17.854] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “bwahahhahaa” (Brig (102, 165, 2))Line 2138: [2020-08-16 20:28:27.339] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “here clownie clownie” (Brig (102, 163, 2))
Line 3441: [2020-08-16 20:47:03.887] ATTACK: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) has stomped nonlethally Mrjibbleson/(Joker Smoker) (NEWHP: 50.1) (Brig (102, 162, 2))
Line 3477: [2020-08-16 20:47:24.391] ATTACK: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) has quickchoked Mrjibbleson/(Joker Smoker) (NEWHP: 40.1) (Brig (102, 162, 2))
Line 3489: [2020-08-16 20:47:30.573] ATTACK: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) has neck chopped Mrjibbleson/(Joker Smoker) (NEWHP: 26.1) (Brig (102, 162, 2))
Line 3569: [2020-08-16 20:47:56.983] ATTACK: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) has neck chopped Mrjibbleson/(Joker Smoker) (NEWHP: 30.1) (Brig (102, 162, 2))
The ole spacelaw curbstomp
Line 2408: [2020-08-16 20:30:29.217] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “You cringelord” (Brig (109, 166, 2))
Line 2434: [2020-08-16 20:30:42.417] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “You aint leavin till that mask is on” (Brig (109, 166, 2))
Line 2492: [2020-08-16 20:31:03.810] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Mask” (Brig (109, 166, 2))
Line 2504: [2020-08-16 20:31:09.345] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Put” (Brig (110, 162, 2))
Line 2508: [2020-08-16 20:31:10.694] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Your” (Brig (110, 162, 2))
Line 2513: [2020-08-16 20:31:11.949] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “mask” (Brig (110, 162, 2))
Line 2515: [2020-08-16 20:31:12.542] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “On” (Brig (110, 162, 2))
Line 2518: [2020-08-16 20:31:14.986] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “And go back to work” (Brig (110, 162, 2))
Line 2531: [2020-08-16 20:31:19.200] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Good boy” (Brig (110, 162, 2))
Line 2536: [2020-08-16 20:31:21.711] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “I am HoS” (Brig (110, 162, 2))
Line 2543: [2020-08-16 20:31:23.259] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “He quit” (Brig (110, 162, 2))
Line 2553: [2020-08-16 20:31:26.951] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Ye” (Brig (111, 165, 2))
Line 2606: [2020-08-16 20:31:57.152] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “put em to wanted” (Head of Security’s Office (117, 181, 2))
Line 2638: [2020-08-16 20:32:12.419] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Kill em” (Head of Security’s Office (117, 181, 2))
Line 2649: [2020-08-16 20:32:21.525] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “I wield” (Security Office (115, 174, 2))
Line 2650: [2020-08-16 20:32:23.019] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Ultimate power” (Security Office (115, 174, 2))
Line 6846: [2020-08-16 21:06:57.384] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “We can kill how many traitors we'd like” (Brig Control (110, 169, 2))
Line 6851: [2020-08-16 21:07:00.954] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “And theres nothing yo u can do about it” (Brig Control (110, 169, 2))
Line 6863: [2020-08-16 21:07:05.526] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “Yo ufucking ■■■■■■■■■” (Brig Control (110, 169, 2))
Agreeing with prickly here. There’s no dispute over the unreasonable killing of the mime, this was clearing up the shitsec behaviour.

Which server did the ban happen on? Sage

Line 2110: [2020-08-16 20:28:12.191] SAY: Wirpy/(Wictor Fjotolf) “imagine this, Im just trying to vibe right? And then this moth HoS just quits his job and suddenly I am promoted? Isn’t that just crazy, who would have thought that i would wield the power to completely disregard all clown lives?” (Brig Control (107, 170, 2))
wew lad, this shows amazing behavior as security