Even before my first interaction, they make me feel like I’m being watched by someone who wants to find any error with something I’m doing. I’m fine with the fact that they’ve found errors, but I feel like I have to write a formal paragraph over a minor infraction to appease them.
Maybe try to reassure the people you’re bwoinking who are totally cooperative and merely had something slip their mind instead of saying what they did wrong and ending the ticket.
As a summarized example:
Them: “Hey, why’d you take a chem set as explorer? Did you read exploration SOP?”
Me: “Sorry, it’s been a while. This circumstance is in there isn’t it. What do you want me to do to fix it?”
Them: replies with SOP
Them: “Ask RD if you can keep it”
long pause as I do IC stuff with other explo like decommissioning the chem set and asking cap for permission to get wilson to stop breathing down my neck
ahelp resolved without any further comment
(Of course, apologies if I misremembered anything. This is a vague memory.)
Something about the tickets with them feel… sharp? Maybe it’s in the replies I forgot of that example (there were more), or inbetween the lines. Somewhere in there, a “No worries! It’s hard to remember everything.” or something that acknowledges that I’m a fallible human being instead of a rules (SOP) monkey would really make that ticket for me go from “please don’t note me I’ll bend to your every will if you just close the ticket and stop spectating me” to “oh oops yeah I made a small mistake let me do RP to fix this.”
Did you know you can get a note for cryoing early with a good reason with no prior history (not even unnoted) with antags off for >100 hours and “cooperative in ticket”? I’m more just impressed that’s noteworthy, I guess. Except the part where I had antags off which I said in the ticket and they acknowledged. That’s not noteworthy as it’s not mentioned in the note.
They also feel a bit abrasive with the few times I’ve spoken with them. This isn’t me, but this screenshot feels like it encapsulates them vs what I want in an admin.
This is just my personal experience with them. Maybe I’ve just gotten unlucky in my interactions, but in those limited interactions, this is the feel I’ve gotten, and, well, it’s a feedback thread. I have nothing against them as a person, but I don’t want to be around them as a mod.
I try to avoid playing when they’re on cause I feel tension knowing they’re watching. Bit of a straw that broke the camel’s back, but I think I’ll go try tg with this mentality.