WilsonPH Staff Feedback Thread

he is a bit aggressive during tickets and doesn’t like to take in character issues as ic issues


I wouldn’t call your general lack of RP during certain moments, ‘getting a chainsaw arm attached as an RD for no reason’ and ‘going full unga bunga brain and rushing into the shuttle cockpit to wordlessly stab the hijacker to death as non sec/command’ IC issues, man.

Isn’t a shuttle hijack one of the few reasons anyone can go murder an antag? Seeing how time is of the essence and if you fail everyone is subjected to torture on that shuttle?

It may be, but it’s not an excuse to drop RP alltogether in favour of clicking on people untill horizontal.

9/10 Would break a rule again

Nothing literally nothing makes a person instantly valid on Beestation to the best of my knowledge.

This is what the rules say in regards to someone who is obviously a hostile entity toward the station. Take note of the second half of it.

  • Hostile - Station crew should view this entity as inherently hostile on sight and act accordingly. Again this doesn’t mean whack the valid if you aren’t in a combat-oriented role.

I would argue hijacking the shuttle isn’t something where anyone necessarily knows IC what is going on either, but that’s definitely more iffy and I don’t have anything solid to refer to on that, but regardless the proper response for non-combatants is to be frightented rather than switching into unga mode.

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Alright, I’ve been promoted to an Admin recently, and I did some adminbusses here and there. Processed some old forum reports too. Would appreciate to know if any of you have anything to say.


Whatever anyone think about Wilson, he gave what a lot of us wanted. He actually processed a shit ton of reports and is quite active as far as I’m aware

From what I’ve seen really good and active getting reports done on forums which is always a good thing, getting answers is nice and your judgement seems fair and balanced. Even on some reports you have admitted to being harsh and taken the blame for it which is really good. So from a purely forums stand point very good.

Congrats on promotion


You know what your doing and are pretty chill like most of the admemes I interacted with so far. Congratulations on finally getting promoted to GameMin after Milly congratulated you that one round!

The only admin i know who still plays most days. If nothing else that is respectable as is makes you very grounded as a player and admin. Also Great PRs Thank you for the skirts


unstoppable ban appeal and player report responding machine. Extremely based


Too based for anyone to handle, even themself. Doing an amazing job with all the forum business but I fear they’ll suffer from burnout soon.


you did a huge amount of work on player reports which was impressive and i’ve had nothing but fun and fair experiences with you as an admin in-game. Be sure to take breaks and drink lots of water


At first i thought he was a poopy unfun admeme for his fairly formal way of handling bans, also because he was handling a shit ton of them not letting people break the rules :frowning:
But well after reading a lot of his post he looked pretty chill but i still get this feeling of unease.
It’s probably because of the PP that reminds me too much of weird sonic/bendy’s ink machine OC s and how not very fantastic this comunity is.

Ah, I believe that PFP is of a character from Samurai Jack: Prince Astor and Princess Verbina | Samurai Jack Wiki | Fandom


Very coolmin. Processed my report in 6 minutes :+1:

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what did you do to my liver

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I might or might not have been abusing the ‘play sound’ verbs as of lately.

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Respawned nukies because server said “there was not enough volunteers”(Bullshit). Helpful to the point that he’s checking code or running a local debug server to confirm things on the run. He also does that for ticket investigations: made me aware that my funny clown name wasn’t autogenerated but written by my drunk ass long time ago by checking ALL TG and bee dictionaries on git.

Great addition to bee staff.